1Notes of a Tour through Holland and the Rhine Valley, 3 March–23 April 1788 (Jefferson Papers)
...information he had assembled on Rhenish viticulture; he later deleted and rearranged these...
2From Thomas Jefferson to Peter Legaux, 24 March 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
...s sponsor—its “protecteur spécial”—so that viticulture and the production of wine, brandy,...
3Thomas Jefferson to John Adlum, 7 October 1809 (Jefferson Papers)
viticulture; in U.S. [index entry]
4Thomas Jefferson to John Adlum, 20 April 1810 (Jefferson Papers)
Monticello (TJ’s estate); viticulture at [index entry]
5Thomas Jefferson to John Dortic, 1 October 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
Dortic, John; and viticulture [index entry] James River; and viticulture [index entry]
6Thomas Jefferson to Jean Baptiste Say, 2 March 1815 (Jefferson Papers)
viticulture; in Va. [index entry]
7Thomas Jefferson to Jean David, 25 December 1815 (Jefferson Papers)
Monticello (TJ’s estate); viticulture at [index entry]
8Thomas Jefferson to Louis H. Girardin, 25 December 1815 (Jefferson Papers)
Girardin, Louis Hue; and viticulture [index entry] ...(TJ’s estate); viticulture at [index entry...
9Thomas Jefferson to John Adlum, 13 January 1816 (Jefferson Papers)
TJ hoped would aid him in renewed efforts at viticulture (
10Thomas Jefferson to Jean David, 13 January 1816 (Jefferson Papers)
Cocke, John Hartwell; and viticulture [index entry] Monroe, James; and viticulture [index entry]