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    • Jefferson, Thomas


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1Memorandum Books, 1791 (Jefferson Papers)
travelling exp. pd. by him’s travelling companion on the journey to
..., we concluded to cross over thro’ Vermont to Connecticut river and go down that......Vermont...
...and the laws of the state not permitting us to travel on the Sunday Vermont had only recently...
..., we concluded to cross over thro’ Vermont to Connecticut river and go down that......Vermont...
...doubts are still expressed as to the validity of the Vermont election. ...the Vermont...
senator for Vermont of Vermont by a small majority against the
...the President signed by several thousand persons in Vermont, praying a remitment of Lyon’s...
.... Hampsh. & Connect. of R.I. & Vermont I can say nothing. there are the strongest...
I inclose you a petition from Aaron Goff of Vermont praying the release of his son under age. the...
Vermont....except provns to Detroit. half tents & travelling carriages for artillery to...