1Silence Dogood, No. 12, 10 September 1722 (Franklin Papers)
...Liquor, and a well plac’d and well regulated Anger, often produce this same Effect; and...
2A Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, 1725 (Franklin Papers)
...heavenly Bodies, the Stars and Planets, are regulated with the utmost Wisdom! And can we...
3Plan of Conduct, 1726 (Franklin Papers)
...found in it which I formed at Sea, for regulating my future Conduct in Life.” The plan does...
4The Busy-Body, No. 4, 25 February 1729 (Franklin Papers)
...I believe, a nice thing and very difficult, to regulate our
5Petition to the Pennsylvania Assembly regarding Fairs, 1731 (Franklin Papers)
...that, the said Fairs may either be thoroughly regulated in such Manner as to the Wisdom of...
6On Protection of Towns from Fire, 4 February 1735 (Franklin Papers)
...if, to the Act for preventing Fires, by regulating Bakehouses and Coopers Shops, a Clause were...
7Extracts from the Gazette, 1742 (Franklin Papers)
time for the better Regulating the Affairs of the Company, it will be propos’......regulating the...
8A Proposal for Promoting Useful Knowledge, 14 May 1743 (Franklin Papers)
...Philadelphia, such Rules be formed for Regulating their Meetings and Transactions for the...
9Presentment of the Philadelphia Grand Jury, 3 January 1745 (Franklin Papers)
...following Persons for having Coopers Shops not regulated according to Law, and dangerous to...
10From Benjamin Franklin to Jared Eliot, 16 July 1747 (Franklin Papers)
...’s law of May 1747 “for the Regulating and Encouragement of Trade in this Colony,” levied...