1From Thomas Jefferson to John Harvie, 14 January 1760 (Jefferson Papers)
...as here, and likewise learn something of the Mathematics. I shall be glad of your opinion and...
2Memorandum Books, 1773 (Jefferson Papers)
...was at this time a professor of natural philosophy and mathematics at the college.
3Thomas Jefferson to John Minor, 30 August 1814, including Thomas Jefferson to Bernard Moore, [ca. 1773?] (Jefferson Papers)
Mathematics and Natural philosophy are so useful in the most familiar...Mathematics.
4VI. Notes on Locke and Shaftesbury, 11 October–9 December 1776 (Jefferson Papers)
...we should [have] as bad logic, mathematics & philosophy as we have divinity in...
5Memorandum Books, 1778 (Jefferson Papers)
...as professor of moral philosophy, taking over the chair of mathematics in 1784. He represented
6From Thomas Jefferson to Peter Carr, 19 August 1785 (Jefferson Papers)
...you the following from hence. Bezout’s mathematics. De la Lande’s astronomy. Muschenbroek’...
7From Thomas Jefferson to John Banister, Jr., 15 October 1785 (Jefferson Papers)
...chiefly French, Spanish, and Italian; Mathematics; Natural philosophy; Natural History; Civil...
8From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Elder, 25 November 1785 (Jefferson Papers)
...natural history, natural philosophy, astronomy and mathematics. Ethics, law and other branches...
9From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Mann Randolph, Jr., 27 August 1786 (Jefferson Papers)
...which you have laid in languages and mathematics are proper for every superstructure....
10From Thomas Jefferson to Christian Frederick Michaelis and Others, 4 February 1787 (Jefferson Papers)
2. Forbern Bergman. Prof. Math. Stockholm [1773]