1From Thomas Jefferson to William Fleming, [ca. October 1763] (Jefferson Papers)
...and get a pole chair and a pair of keen horses, practise the law in the same courts, and drive...
2From Thomas Jefferson to John Page, 23 January 1764 (Jefferson Papers)
...I think as I always did. I have sent my horses up the country, so that it is out of...
3From Thomas Jefferson to John Page, 9 April 1764 (Jefferson Papers)
...door at my house to see him alight from his horse. He stepped up to me and desired the favor...
4From Thomas Jefferson to John Page, 25 May 1766 (Jefferson Papers)
...three days of my travelling. Twice did my horse run away with me and greatly endanger the...
5From Thomas Jefferson to Francis Willis, 23 July 1766 (Jefferson Papers)
...wrote up the country a few days ago for my horses, which I shall expect from the 29’th of...
6Memorandum Books, 1767 (Jefferson Papers)
.... Matthew Jordan high sher. of Albemarle for taking his horse for his Tobacco dues....horses...
7Memorandum Books, 1768 (Jefferson Papers)
...v. Henry Smith (Bedford). Hayes sold Smith a horse for which Smith was to give 8£, and Smith...
8Memorandum Books, 1769 (Jefferson Papers)
...Mclanahan commissaries for the crown have 3 horses appraised to £13–15 by sworn......a horse...
9Advertisement for a Runaway Slave, 7 September 1769 (Jefferson Papers)
...coarse carpenters work, and is something of a horse jockey; he is greatly addicted to drink,...
10Memorandum Books, 1770 (Jefferson Papers)
Sent Mrs. Balyal for hire of a horse 5/Pd. Mrs. Balyal for hire of horse 6/.