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...and of sensible Conversation.” He recommended John Bartram to Peter Collinson as “a very...
BF, Joseph Breintnall, John Bartram, and their friends at this time experimented with making...
(1958), 614–24; Thomas Bond to John Bartram, Feb. 20, 1739, Darlington,
4Poor Richard, 1741 (Franklin Papers)
John Bartram (1699–1777); see below, p. 378 n.
...of the Subscription Paper, for the Encouragement of Mr. John Bartram, promised in our last.
The botanist John Bartram seems to have been the first in Philadelphia to propose...John Bartram...
...of science and philosopher. His correspondence with Peter Collinson, John Bartram, and
Mr. John Bartram as Botanist
John Bartram, who, like other botanists of the time, was...
as a clerk. He accompanied John Bartram and Conrad Weiser to Onondaga, 1743; lectured on natural...