1To Thomas Jefferson from James Madison, 10 January 1796 (Jefferson Papers)
Letter from T. Paine: Thomas Paine to Madison, 24 Sep. 1795, which closed...
2Thomas Jefferson to William Lambert, 10 September 1809 (Jefferson Papers)
Paine, Thomas; TJ quotes [index entry]
3Jonathan Brunt to Thomas Jefferson, 24 September 1811 (Jefferson Papers)
Paine, Thomas; Agrarian Justice, opposed to Agrarian Law, and to...
4John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 28 June 1812 (Jefferson Papers)
Paine, Thomas; J. Adams on [index entry]
5John Melish to Thomas Jefferson, 11 February 1813 (Jefferson Papers)
Paine, Thomas; J. Melish quotes [index entry]
6Margaret B. Bonneville to Thomas Jefferson, 13 March 1813 (Jefferson Papers)
Paine, Thomas; TJ’s letters to [index entry]
7Thomas Jefferson to Margaret B. Bonneville, 3 April 1813 (Jefferson Papers)
Paine, Thomas; TJ’s letters to [index entry]
8John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 30 June 1813 (Jefferson Papers)
Paine, Thomas; mentioned [index entry]
9John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 15 July 1813, with Postscript from Abigail Adams to Thomas Jefferson, [ca. 15 July 1813] (Jefferson Papers)
Paine, Thomas; J. Adams on [index entry] Paine, Thomas; mentioned [index entry]
10John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 16 July 1814 (Jefferson Papers)
Paine, Thomas; J. Adams on [index entry]