1From Thomas Jefferson to Levi Lincoln, 5 March 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
...nomination by President Madison to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1812, he spent his final years...
2From Thomas Jefferson to Gabriel Duvall, 13 March 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
...Madison appointed him to the U.S. Supreme Court, where he served as an associate...
3II. Memorandum on Justices of the Peace for the District of Columbia, [on or before 16 March 1801] (Jefferson Papers)
Reports of Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States, 1801–1815
4Notes on John Hunter’s Recommendations, [ca. 1 May 1801] (Jefferson Papers)
...TJ appointed him an associate justice to the U.S. Supreme Court (
5From Thomas Jefferson to James Monroe, 26 May 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
The Documentary History of the Supreme Court of the United States 1789–1800
6From Thomas Jefferson to Levi Lincoln, 28 August 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
...$30,000. Despite two appeals to the Supreme Court, Bingham was unable to have the judgment...
7From Thomas Jefferson to Peter Lyons, 26 November 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
...1803 he became the second president of the Supreme Court of Appeals in Virginia, serving in...
8I. Draft Bill, [before 7 December 1801] (Jefferson Papers)
judge or judges of the supreme courtjudge or judges of the supreme court
9From Thomas Jefferson to Levi Lincoln, 20 December 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
that was before the Supreme Court.
10From Thomas Jefferson to James Cheetham, 17 January 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
...the Senate “That to permit Judges of the Supreme Court to hold at the same time any other...