1The Colonial Agents: Card to Christopher D’Oyley, 2 May 1765 (Franklin Papers)
...a part of their liberties, which they call on the bill of rights to defend....Bill of Rights...
...as repealing in effect the bill of rights, when the Lords and Commons asserted and vindicated...
3Marginalia in Protests of the Lords against Repeal of the Stamp Act, [March 1766] (Franklin Papers)
...that great Palladium of our Liberties, the Bill of Rights;* [which declares the suspending of...
4To Benjamin Franklin from William Franklin, [13 July 1766] (Franklin Papers)
...he understands they are disposed to pass a Bill of Rights, and act otherwise in such a...
5To Benjamin Franklin from [William Franklin], [December 1766] (Franklin Papers)
...remonstrate against it, and to pass a Bill of Rights in Opposition to that of Parliament....
6Observations upon [Thomas Pownall], State of the Constitution of the Colonies, [1769?] (Franklin Papers)
...Chamber, the Habeas Corpus Act, the Bill of Rights, etc., extend to the colonists of...
7Andrew Oliver to ——, 12 August 1769 (Franklin Papers)
...as that for establishing a post-office. The Bill of Rights and the Habeas Corpus Acts...
8Marginalia in [Matthew Wheelock], Reflections Moral and Political, [1770?] (Franklin Papers)
...Laws? Probably Magna Charta, the Bill of Rights, Petition of Right, &c. This Author...
9The Colonist’s Advocate: V, 25 January 1770 (Franklin Papers)
...to the fifth and fourth provisions, respectively, of the Bill of Rights of 1689.
10The Colonist’s Advocate: VI, 29 January 1770 (Franklin Papers)
...of this Kingdom, and is expressly provided against in the Bill of Rights, &c.