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1[April 1748] (Washington Papers)
...a line east from Winchester. It was later known as Snickers’ Gap.
2[Diary entry: 12 April 1748] (Washington Papers)
...a line east from Winchester. It was later known as Snickers’ Gap.
...Russell of Culpeper County. Williams’s, or Snickers’s, Gap through the Blue Ridge...
Edward Snickers (d. 1791) of Frederick County had on occasion...
. Snickers sent this letter “by favor of Mr Allen.”...Snickers lived near Buck Marsh Run in...
GW wrote “Snickers.” also this Week, I have Wrote to Mr Snickers abt the Mares, his answer is that the...
...references to the black mare that GW bought from Edward Snickers, see especially
9Cash Accounts, December 1759 (Washington Papers)
Edward Snickers to GW, 19 July 1758
10Cash Accounts, 1761 (Washington Papers)
Edwd Snickers 34/Edd Snickers
11Cash Accounts, September 1763 (Washington Papers)
By Edward Snickers to pay for 4 Bushls SpeltsBy Exps. at Snickers
12Cash Accounts, December 1767 (Washington Papers)
By my Exps. at Snickers a line drawn from near Williams’s (Snickers’) Gap, running northwestward 7 miles north...
Dinner &ca at Snickers...Washington’s new house near Edward Snickers’s ordinary from 1 through 4...
15[August 1769] (Washington Papers)
Set out from Chs. Wests. Dined at Snickers and got to Mr. W[arne]r Washington’s......Snickers (d...
16[Diary entry: 1 August 1769] (Washington Papers)
Set out from Chs. Wests. Dined at Snickers and got to Mr. W[arne]r Washington’s......Snickers (d...
17[Diary entry: 4 August 1769] (Washington Papers)
...Frederick (now Clarke) County, located between Snickers’ Gap and Warner Washington’s home,...
Receivd from Edwd. Snickers the Millstones he was to get for [me] which......Snickers £20 for...
19[Diary entry: 22 September 1770] (Washington Papers)
Receivd from Edwd. Snickers the Millstones he was to get for [me] which......Snickers £20 for...
This is Edward Snickers’s ordinary near Buck Marsh Run in Frederick County.
21[October 1770] (Washington Papers)
...329). Codley’s was located at Williams’ (later Snickers’) Gap in the Blue Ridge. It was near...
Exps. at Rinker’s & SnickersBy Cash pd Edwd Snickers on Acct of MillStones
23[Diary entry: 6 October 1770] (Washington Papers)
...329). Codley’s was located at Williams’ (later Snickers’) Gap in the Blue Ridge. It was near...
24Remark & Occurs. in Novr. [1770] (Washington Papers)
...having Business by Winchester went that way to meet at Snickers tomorrow by 10 Oclock.
25[Diary entry: 29 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
...having Business by Winchester went that way to meet at Snickers tomorrow by 10 Oclock.
26[Diary entry: 30 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
...Appointment the Doctr. and I met & after Breakfasting at Snickers proceeded on to Wests
27[March 1771] (Washington Papers)
Left Mr. Washingtons, & crossing at Snickers’s (where I eat an early Dinner) reach’d...
28Cash Accounts, March 1771 (Washington Papers)
By Servants 2/—Exps. at Snickers 4/6
29[Diary entry: 12 March 1771] (Washington Papers)
Left Mr. Washingtons, & crossing at Snickers’s (where I eat an early Dinner) reach’d...
30Cash Accounts, October 1771 (Washington Papers)
...entered at the end: £20, “Cash pd Edwd Snickers on Acct of MillStones.” “Mr Ross” is either...
31[May 1772] (Washington Papers)
...among my Tenants under the Ridge. Dined at Snickers’s and lodged at Mr. Warnr....
32Cash Accounts, May 1772 (Washington Papers)
By Ditto at Snickers
33[Diary entry: 30 May 1772] (Washington Papers)
...among my Tenants under the Ridge. Dined at Snickers’s and lodged at Mr. Warnr....
...letter was sent enclosed in a missing letter to Edward Snickers. See
...1st Instt I receivd a Letter from Mr Snickers informing me that Isaac Larew had Enterd the...
to Edward Snickers, 15 Dec. 1773. On 2 Feb. 1774 Snickers wrote GW
. Edward Snickers (d. 1791) of Frederick County, an old acquaintance...Snickers to GW, 6 April 1775
38[March 1774] (Washington Papers)
Dined at Snickers’s & lodgd at Fairfield.
39[Diary entry: 9 March 1774] (Washington Papers)
Dined at Snickers’s & lodgd at Fairfield. frind on Earth as I no of onley Mr Snickers. Coll Bird has Sent me a Sertifecat by Capt....
GW to Snickers, 16 June
...was nearby. Dunmore borrowed money from Edward Snickers to finance the purchase and...
Snickers to GW, 2 Feb.Snickers to GW, 6 April 1775
44[November 1774] (Washington Papers)
...Valley in the late 1760s and married Sarah Snickers (b. 1756). As she was a... ...Snickers,...
45Cash Accounts, November 1774 (Washington Papers)
By Cash paid Mr Edwd Snickers on acct of the Waggonage of Colo. Mercers’ Wheat...
46[Diary entry: 23 November 1774] (Washington Papers)
...Valley in the late 1760s and married Sarah Snickers (b. 1756). As she was a... ...Snickers,...
47[Diary entry: 25 November 1774] (Washington Papers) seems to have been held at Dawson’s. Edward Snickers had a home where the road from Snickers
48[Diary entry: 29 November 1774] (Washington Papers)
...when he was later told by Edward Snickers that Dawson had been selling off timber...
49Cash Accounts, December 1774 (Washington Papers)
...the Shenandoah Valley a few years earlier and married Sarah Snickers, daughter of Edward Snickers
...upon your guard at a settlement with him. Mr Snickers told me, the day I parted with you (...