From Thomas Jefferson to the County Lieutenant of Berkeley, 21 October 1780 [document added in digital edition]
To the County Lieutenant of Berkeley
In Council Octr. 21 1780
As various circumstances have delayed the march of Colo. Crocketts battalion so much longer than had been hoped, we think it proper to countermand the march of the militia from your County westward at this late Season of the year. it is1 probable that the ensuing Season must be opened by considerable aids of men to the westward.—
I am with great respect Sir. Your most obedt Servant
Th: Jefferson
RC (Profiles in History, Beverly Hills, California, 2011); in a clerk’s hand, signed by TJ; at foot of text: “The County Leiutenant of <Hampshire> Berkeley.”
Colo. Crocketts battalion: in September, TJ ordered Joseph Crockett’s battalion of the Illinois Regiment to support George Rogers Clark on Virginia’s western frontier (Vol. 3:667-8; Vol. 32:592).
your County: Josiah Swearingen was the county lieutenant for Berkeley (Vol. 4:451, 575n; Vol. 15:588).
1. MS: “its is.”