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Results 991-1020 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Through the finest Fields of Wheat Rye, Barley Oats and Clover, but very indifferent Roads We...
After long Expecting that Pleasure I was Gratifyed about four days since by the Receipt of a very...
I am commissioned by my truly distress’d Mother to say for her, that she cannot acquire...
I have rec d yours of the 10 th and a Cordial it was, for I began to be fearful for your health....
I last Week receiv’d your Letter date 15 th. of March in which you mention writing me three weeks...
I have just now rec d your favour of the 12 th. The Mail from the Eastward has been unusually...
Your favour of the 4 th. arrived by Yesterdays post. The Votes on the important day you mention,...
That you have reciev’d but one Letter from me my dear Sister is not because I have not written I...
Capt Folger is slipt a way without one line from me. I did not design it should have been so, but...
It was my intention when I left Boston to have written to you as soon as my spirits were in some...
This Morning for the first Time, was delivered me the Resolution of Congress of the first of May,...
Yes I will try it. To one of the most sensible, virtuous and consequently most lovely of the...
M r Beale called upon me, a few Days ago and left your Letter of Dec r. 23 d. — Last Evening I...
I give you Joy of Boston and Charlestown, once more the Habitations of Americans. Am waiting with...
I have just taken your letter from the Office and, as Briesler has not according to expectation...
Though it is but a few days since I had the pleasure of writing you, I cannot omit a direct...
It is now a Year within a Day or two of my Departure from home. It is in vain for me to think of...
The long looked for, the modest, the manly, the well accomplished Youth, is come at last. And had...
The new Orders I have received from your side the Water, have determined me to stay here untill...
Day after day, Week after Week, Month after Month, roll away and bring Us no News. I am So weary...
By mr̃ Cutting I have an opportunity of acknoleging the receipt of your favor of Sep. 10 th....
I received your favor of the 16 th: on the 23 d: inst t: . My time has been so much taken up,...
Your Proposal of coming to Europe, has long and tenderly affected me. The Dangers and...
We have a confused Account, from the Northward, of Something Unlucky, at Ticonderoga, but cannot...
By Capt. Folger who arrived here last Saturday, I recd. Your obliging Letter of the 10th. of...
Suppose every proper Epithet to occupy these two upper Lines. Under them all I most cordially...
I have sent one Letter on Board callahan, but hope he has not yet sail’d, as I have much to say...
Though I am very unwell scarce able to set up long Enough to write, yet I must let my dear Friend...
It is with much pleasure my dear Madam that I hear of your safe arrival in London and that you...
I yesterday received a Letter of 26 April from Brother Cranch, for which I thank him and will...