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Results 991-1000 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
J’ai l’honneur de vous adresser un éxemplaire des nouveaux congés maritimes décrétés pour nos batiments de commerce par une loi de la Convention nationale en date du 22. Janvier dernier et dont Je Joins également ici un éxemplaire. Le Conseil m’a fait passer avec le modele de ces Congés des modeles de lettres de marque absolument conformes M. à ceux dont J’ai déja eu l’honneur de vous donner...
I recd. a few days ago your favor communicatg the resolution of the Agricultural Society of the Valley, placing my name on the list of its honorary members. I feel much indebted to the Society for this flattering mark of their attention, for which I beg that my acknowledgts. may be presented. I wish there were not necessarily mingled with them, a regret that no returns of more value are likely...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library L’eloignement et une multitude d’affaires, m’ont empêché d’aller vous temoigner moi même, la part que j’ai prise à votre maladie et à votre retablissement— Je n’ai pû envoyer chez vous que mon domestique— Je vous supplie de ne pas douter du vif interêt que je prens à votre conservation et prosperité. Je vous prie aussi de presenter mes civilitez à...
By Order of a very numerous and respectable Meeting of the Inhabitants of Jefferson County, I have the honor of transmitting to your Excellency the enclosed Address— Most respectfully I am Sir your Excellencies Humbl. Servt. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
My Health has lasted much longer, than I expected but at last it fails. The Increasing Heat of the Weather added to incessant application to Business, without any Intermissions of Exercise, has relaxed me, to such a degree that a few Weeks more would totally incapacitate me for any Thing. I must therefore return home. There will be no difficulty, in finding Men Suitable to send here. For my...
New York, 28 Aug. 1790 . Requests two copies of “An Act making provision for the debt of the United States” and of “An Act making provision for the reduction of the public debt,” together with two copies of his commission as secretary of the treasury, all “certified and exemplified under the Great Seal.” A vessel is expected to sail for Amsterdam in the evening by which he wishes to send some...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bourges, January 2, 1779, in French: I want to warn you against a certain Leralle who has just gone bankrupt for more than 60,000 francs and has sneaked off to Paris to implore your protection. He is a perfect scoundrel who owes money to everybody here and especially to me. He has debauched a young man of good family, baron de Bussiere, whom he is now...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, June 13, 1794. “In consequence of an application from Mr. Tench Francis I have the honor to request that a warrant may issue in his favor for twenty five thousand dollars.…” LC , RG 75, Letters of Tench Coxe, Commissioner of the Revenue, Relating to the Procurement of Military, Naval, and Indian Supplies, National Archives. See Coxe to H, April 16 , May 6 ,...
I request from you in the course of the day an estimate of the number of boards requisite for covering the Roofs of hutts sufficient for a Regiment of Infantry & for making bunks and benches and of their cost. likewise the quantity & price of Nails for the same purpose. With considratn I am Sir Yr Obed Ser Ebenezer Stevens Eq ( ALS , New-York Historical Society, New York City).
1000[Diary entry: 17 December 1770] (Washington Papers)
17. Very pleasant Morning, but Cloudy & blustering afterwards.