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Results 991-1040 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
991 Madison, James Cutts, Richard James Madison to Richard Cutts, 19 March 1831 1831-03-19 I recd. yesterday your favour of the 17th. That of the 4[th?] copied into it never came to hand....
992 Madison, James Gallatin, Albert James Madison to Albert Gallatin, 18 March 1831 1831-03-18 I inclose an extract of a letter from Mr. John Randolph on the subject of a Mr. Richardson, and a...
993 Beasley, Frederick Madison, James Frederick Beasley to James Madison, 17 March 1831 1831-03-17 Some years ago, I had the pleasure to send you my "search of truth upon the science of the human...
994 Madison, James Rush, Richard James Madison to Richard Rush, 15 March 1831 1831-03-15 I thank you, my dear Sir, for the Gazette kindly put under cover to me. It derives particular...
995 Madison, James Teackle, Littleton Dennis James Madison to Littleton Dennis Teackle, 15 March … 1831-03-15 I recd. in due time the copy of your Report on a State’s Bank: for which I offer my...
996 Allen, William Madison, James William Allen to James Madison, 15 March 1831 1831-03-15 I send by Alleck who left here this morning 1 half ton Plaister 1 doz. Claret [ ] Bees Wax 20. lb...
997 Condict, Lewis Madison, James Lewis Condict to James Madison, 15 March 1831 1831-03-15 By the advice of some friends in Washington, the enclosed papers were sent to Mr. Venable of the...
998 Taylor, James Madison, James James Taylor to James Madison, 13 March 1831 1831-03-13 I inclose to you a letter to my worthy friend Mrs. M. It will give you both all the occurrences...
999 Madison, James Allen, William James Madison to William Allen, 11 March 1831 1831-03-11 My Waggon will probably be in Fredg. on monday next, and I request the favor of you to send by...
1000 Madison, James Robinson, W. R. James Madison to W. R. Robinson, 10 March 1831 1831-03-10 I have recd. your note conveying an invitation from the Committee of Arrangement to a public...
1001 Patton, John M. Madison, James John M. Patton to James Madison, 9 March 1831 1831-03-09 The inclosed letter was handed to me by Mr. Verplanck Member of Congress from the City of New...
1002 Robertson, James Jr. Madison, James James Robertson, Jr. to James Madison, 8 March 1831 1831-03-08 Your acknowledged patriotism and known willingness to give all useful information to your fellow...
1003 Paulding, James Kirke Madison, James James K. Paulding to James Madison, 6 March 1831 1831-03-06 The kindness with which you have always treated me, encourages me to consult you on the subject...
1004 Cabell, Joseph C. Madison, James Joseph C. Cabell to James Madison, 3 March 1831 1831-03-03 Your favor of the 9th ult. was received in Richmond where I went about the middle of the month...
1005 Condict, Lewis Madison, James Lewis Condict to James Madison, 3 March 1831 1831-03-03 My little epistle will be an unexpected one to you, but as it is intended to invite your...
1006 Page, John Madison, James John Page to James Madison, 2 March 1831 1831-03-02 Your letter to Mr Cabell enclosing an extract of a letter from Mr Randolph of Roanoke with a...
1007 Verplanck, Gulian C. Madison, James Gulian C. Verplanck to James Madison, 2 March 1831 1831-03-02 Mr Verplanck presents his respects to Mr Madison and requests his acceptance on behalf of the...
1008 Madison, James Haynes, Charles Eaton James Madison to Charles E. Haynes, 25 February 1831 1831-02-25 I have recd. the Copy of Judge Clayton’s Review of the "Report of the Committee of Ways & Means"...
1009 Madison, James Calhoun, John C. James Madison to John C. Calhoun, 23 February 1831 1831-02-23 The Correspondence in itself deeply interesting; as an appeal to the Nation is doubly so. Such an...
1010 Madison, James Walsh, Robert James Madison to Robert Walsh, 15 February 1831 1831-02-15 I have duly recd. yours of the 10th. inst.   The posture of Mr. Jefferson in 1801, was singularly...
1011 Walsh, Robert Madison, James Robert Walsh to James Madison, 14 February 1831 1831-02-14 I beg leave to make known to you, Wm. Keating Esqr, a gentleman of this city, who holds an...
1012 Madison, James Sedgwick, Theodore Jr. James Madison to Theodore Sedgwick, Jr., 12 February … 1831-02-12 I have recd. your letter of Jany 27. which was retarded a few days by going in the first instance...
1013 Madison, James Van Buren, Martin James Madison to Martin Van Buren, 10 February 1831 1831-02-10 I recd. lately thro’ the Dept of State a letter from Mr. Randolph our Envoy to Russia. I ask the...
1014 Maury, James Madison, James James Maury to James Madison, 10 February 1831 1831-02-10 Indeed I rather considered an apology due from me to you than the reverse. Your kind letter of...
1015 Walsh, Robert Madison, James Robert Walsh to James Madison, 10 February 1831 1831-02-10 The letter in which you directed an alteration of the text of your defence of Mr. Jefferson, did...
1016 Madison, James Cabell, Joseph C. James Madison to Joseph C. Cabell, 9 February 1831 1831-02-09 Inclosed are an extract of a letter from Mr. John Randolph, and a letter to which that refers,...
1017 Madison, James Stevenson, Andrew James Madison to Andrew Stevenson, 8 February 1831 1831-02-08 Adverting casually to the draft of my letter to you on "Common Defence & Genl. Welfare" I...
1018 Madison, James Sprague, William Buell James Madison to William B. Sprague, 6 February 1831 1831-02-06 I am at length enabled to enclose you the requested notice of the families to which by birth I...
1019 Madison, James Ingersoll, Charles Jared James Madison to Charles J. Ingersoll, 2 February 1831 1831-02-02 I have recd. your letter of Jany. 21 asking 1. Is there any State power to make Banks? 2. Is the...
1020 Madison, James Walsh, Robert James Madison to Robert Walsh, 31 January 1831 1831-01-31 Confidential I just discover that in the paper inclosed this morning, for the National Gazette, a...
1021 Sedgwick, Theodore Jr. Madison, James Theodore Sedgwick, Jr. to James Madison, 27 January … 1831-01-27 In collecting materials which may be hereafter used as the ground work of a Memoir of the late...
1022 Madison, James Walsh, Robert James Madison to Robert Walsh, 25 January 1831 1831-01-25 The National Gazette of Jany. 2 contained a publication, edited since in a pamphlet form; from...
1023 Madison, James Walsh, Robert James Madison to Robert Walsh, 25 January 1831 1831-01-25 Confidential The publication which gave rise to the inclosed observations, having first appeared...
1024 Ingersoll, Charles Jared Madison, James Charles J. Ingersoll to James Madison, 21 January 1831 1831-01-21 Serving as a Member of the Legislature here my attention is much called to the subject of banks...
1025 Allen, William Madison, James William Allen to James Madison, 19 January 1831 1831-01-19 As requested in yours of the 14th. I shall exercise the best judgment in my power in the sale of...
1026 Madison, James Alexander, J. Addison James Madison to J. Addison Alexander and Others, 16 … 1831-01-16 I have received, my young friends, your letter inviting me, in behalf of the Whig Society of...
1027 Coles, Edward Madison, James Edward Coles to James Madison, 16 January 1831 1831-01-16 Your letter of the 8th of Nov: was recd. in due time, and should have been sooner answered, but...
1028 Madison, James Allen, William James Madison to William Allen, 14 January 1831 1831-01-14 I did not receive yours of the 11th. in time to answer it by the last Mail. From the general...
1029 Emmons, William Madison, James William Emmons to James Madison, 9 January 1831 1831-01-09 Having learned it is not your pleasure to have the 2d Edition of the Fredoniad—I have sold to...
1030 Madison, James Chapman, Reynolds James Madison to Reynolds Chapman, 6 January 1831 1831-01-06 I have recd. yours of inclosing the manuscript of J. M. Patton on the subjects of which it is...
1031 Madison, James McKenney, Thomas L. James Madison to Thomas L. McKenney, 3 January 1831 1831-01-03 Mrs. Madison has just handed me her answer to your letter. I find it leaves me nothing to add....
1032 Alexander, J. Addison Madison, James J. Addison Alexander and Others to James Madison, 3 … 1831-01-03 We beg leave to address you, in behalf of an institution which, though, now regarded, as an...
1033 Madison, James Lee, John H. James Madison to John H. Lee, 1 January 1831 1831-01-01 Your favor of Novr. 12. was duly recd. and has laid Mrs. Willis and myself under still further...
1034 Chapman, Reynolds Madison, James Indenture. Release of land to James Madison, December … 1830-12-01 This Indenture, made this day of one thousand eight hundred and thirty between Charles P. Howard...
1035 Madison, James Carr, Frank James Madison to Frank Carr, December 1830 1830-12-01 Your draft of the Rept. of the Visitors for the Genl. Assembly, was duly recd. & I thank you for...
1036 Madison, James Everett, Edward James Madison to Edward Everett, December 1830 1830-12-01 It occurs that the notions prevailing here agst. any subordination in the highest Judicial Authy...
1037 James Madison: Notes on nullification and Thomas … 1830-12-01 All Govts. hitherto bad: either tending to despotism, or to anarchy & thro’ that to despotism....
1038 Madison, James James Madison: Autobiography, December 1830 1830-12-01 J. M. was born on the 5th of Mar. (O. 5) 1751. His parents J. M. & N. (Conway) Madison, resided...
1039 Madison, James James Madison: Notes from State Papers, December 1830 1830-12-01 Vol. 4. p. 324--"to encourage Agriculture"--How 332--Agricult. manufs. Come. & navy may be...
1040 Trist, Nicholas P. Madison, James Nicholas P. Trist to James Madison, December 1830 1830-12-01 Under this cover is the speech of Genl. H. which you will oblige me by returning when you have...