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I recd. yesterday your favour of the 17th. That of the 4[th?] copied into it never came to hand. The rent you have ready for me (with the exception of $63 to be forward[ed by m]ail) may be placed to my Credit in the Branch Bank of the U.S. in Washington; on which be so good as to send [m]e 2 or 3 blank Checks if there be printed ones. With cordial regards & good wishes. RC (NjP : Crane...
I inclose an extract of a letter from Mr. John Randolph on the subject of a Mr. Richardson, and a letter from the latter. You will observe the request of Mr. Randolph that the object of Mr. Richardson might be eventually communicated for the University at N. York. I have made the communication to William & Mary; and as it is quite uncertain whether it will be of avail there, it is proper that...
Some years ago, I had the pleasure to send you my "search of truth upon the science of the human mind", & afterwards some smaller tracts, with wh you were kind enough to express your satisfaction, as far as your time allowed you to peruse them. I afterwards, on my way to the Springs in your State, had the satisfaction of a few moments conversation with you in your own house. I mention these...
I thank you, my dear Sir, for the Gazette kindly put under cover to me. It derives particular interest from the Columns subscribed "Temple." I had seen the preceding publication, bearing that fictitious name, with a ready inference of the real one. The general character of the Whig party in England is as eloquently painted as the position & perplexity of its leaders now in power, are...
I recd. in due time the copy of your Report on a State’s Bank: for which I offer my acknowledgments, with the apology for the delay furnished by the unsettled State of my health. The Report certainly does justice to the plan which it espouses. But I am not yet weaned from the opinion long entertained, that the only adequate guarantee for the uniform and stable value of a paper Currency is its...
I send by Alleck who left here this morning 1 half ton Plaister 1 doz. Claret [ ] Bees Wax 20. lb Green Coffee 4 Loaves lump sugar 2 Stew Pans. 1 Bar. Philad. Porter 10 [ ]. Tallow 1 doz Lemons 2 half [ ]. Bottles Mustard 2 Britania Met. Teapots Which I am in hopes will reach you safely. I shall endeavour to do the best with your Flour as directed. Flour has become dull & the price somewhat...
By the advice of some friends in Washington, the enclosed papers were sent to Mr. Venable of the Va. Legislature at Richmond, before I left the District. I expected Mr. V. would, after perusal, enclose the subscription to you, in the letter to your address, which was left unsealed for the purpose. They were however, returned to me by yesterday’s mail, in a letter from Mr. V. expressing his...
I inclose to you a letter to my worthy friend Mrs. M. It will give you both all the occurrences of my family & friends in this quarter. I think about this time you have arrived at your four score years. I congratulate you that from appearances when I had the pleasure of seeing you, your strength of body & mind, you may live Many years to enjoy life, be a comfort to your family & friends, and a...
My Waggon will probably be in Fredg. on monday next, and I request the favor of you to send by its return the articles named in the margin. I just hear that flour has taken another rise. I still leave it with your discretion to seize the most eligible time of selling mine as suggested by a comparison of the actual state with the estimated prospect of the market. With friendly respects FC (DLC) .
I have recd. your note conveying an invitation from the Committee of Arrangement to a public dinner in commemoration of the public services of our Countyman James Barbour. I regret that the State of my health does not permit me to join the friends & neighbours whom I so much respect, in the tribute they are about to offer, to a fellow Citizen & Countyman who distinguished by the varied &...