Results 991-1020 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1754–1755 (Philadelphia, 1755), p. 87. Scaroyady, the Oneida chief who represented the Six Nations in their dealings with the Ohio Indians, after reporting to Governor Morris at Philadelphia on March 31, complained bitterly that the English were niggardly in making presents, compared with the French, who gave the Indians fine...
MS not found; reprinted from Medical Observations and Inquiries (London), I (1757), 75–80. I will give you as exact a description of my sister’s case as I can. First she complained of a slow fever, and then of sudden stitches in her side; which she would compare to the prick of a pin; and would slap her side with her hand, which never failed giving her relief for some time. She then began to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We got well over here last Night about 8 aClock. I believe I shall not return the same Road with the Company, but go round by Winchester, and so to Carlisle, in order to settle the Posts, which the Assembly agreed to Support for a Year between the Camp and Philadelphia. My Love to all. I have receiv’d sundry Pacquets of Newspapers here from England, which I...
I was am sorry it was not in my power to wait upon you at Westover last Christmas—I had enjoy’d much real satisfaction even in the thought of doing it when an unexpected accident put it intirely out of my power to comply either with my promise, or Inclination; both of which equally urg’d prompted me to make th e
From the goodness kindness of your offer last Assembly, I flatter myself you will be kind enough so obliging as to acquaint the Gentlemen of the Committee (at th is eir next meeting) with the loss I sustaind during my Appointment as Paymaster to the Virginia Forces (either by Robery, or neglect of charging) and so far favour my Pretensions as to sollicit them in my behalf, which I am convinced...
I little expected when I wrote you last that I shoud so soon engage in another Campaigne; but in this I hope doing it I may be allowd to claim some small share of some merit; if it is consider’d that the sole motive wch envites me to the Field, is, the laudable desire of servg my Country; and & not for the gratification of any ambitious or
AD : American Philosophical Society Much of Franklin’s thought and energy in the spring and summer of 1755 went into military affairs. His part in Braddock’s expedition is a familiar story, for he related its principal features in his memoirs. Setting out from Alexandria, Va., Braddock reached Frederick, Md., on April 21, on his way to the army’s rendezvous at Fort Cumberland on Wills Creek....
I cannot think of quitting Fairfax without embracing this last oppertunity of bidding you farewell. I shall this day set out for Wills Creek, where I expect to meet the Genl, and to stay—I fear too long, as our March must be regulated by the slow movements of the Train, which I am sorry to say, I think, will be tedious in advancing —very tedeous indeed—a nswerable to the expectation s I have...
Broadside: American Philosophical Society; also Boston Public Library Whereas 150 Waggons, with 4 Horses to each Waggon, and 1500 Saddle or Pack-Horses are wanted for the Service of his Majesty’s Forces now about to rendezvous at Wills’s Creek; and his Excellency General Braddock hath been pleased to impower me to contract for the Hire of the same; I hereby give Notice, that I shall attend for...
ALS : Collection of the late Frank J. Mather., Jr., Princeton, N.J. (1955); also transcript: John L. W. Mifflin, Middlebush, N.J. (1955) I thought from the first, that your Proposal of calling the several Townships together, was very judicious. I was only at a Loss how to get them call’d by some Appearance of Authority. On the Road from your House hither, I considered that at the Court of Oyer...
LS : Huntington Library Mr. Franklin is from home, and can not have by this Conveyance an Opportunity of answering your Favours by the last Ships. I have forwarded your Letters to Mr. Elliot, Mr. Bartram, Mr. Barton and Mr. Franklin. My Husband is now in the Back Counties, contracting for some Waggons and Horses for the Army, which tho’ so much out of his Way, he was obliged to undertake, for...
In order to engage your corrispondance, I think it expedient, just is incumbent on me to deserve it; which I shall endeavour to do, by embracing the earliest, and every oppertunity, of writing to you. It will be needless to expatiate dwell on the pleasures that a communication corrispondence of this kind will would afford me, as it shall
Printed form with MS insertions in blanks: Yale University Library I   Harbanus Ashebriner  of  Parradice Township .  in the County of York and Province of Pennsylvania, do hereby agree and promise that I will, on the Terms hereunder mentioned, provide   one  good Waggon with four able Horses and a Driver, to be at Wills’s Creek in Virginia, with as much Oats, Indian Corn, or other Forage as I...
I overtook the General at Frederick Town in Maryld and from thence we proceeded to this place, where we shall remain till the arrival of the 2d Division of the Train, (which we hear left Alexandria on Tuesday last); after that, we shall continue our March to Wills Creek, from whence it is imagined we shall not stir till the latter end of this Month for want of Waggons, and other conveniences...
Broadside: Yale University Library Notice is hereby given to all who have contracted to send Waggons and Teams, or single Horses from York County to the Army at Wills’s Creek, that David M’Conaughy and Michael Schwoope of the said County, Gentlemen, will attend on my Behalf at York Town on Friday next, and at Philip Forney’s on Saturday, to value or appraise all such Waggons, Teams and Horses,...
I have had the misfortune to loose 3 of my Horses since I left home; and not bringing money enough to buy other’s, and to answer all contingent the contingent expences that may arise in the course of the Campaigne, I have made bold to sollicit your Lordships assistance; the granting of which, will infinitely oblige me. About 40 or 50£ will supply my wants, and for which this sum I sh w ou’d...
A very fatiegueing Ride; and long round about brought me to the General (the day I parted with you) at Frederick Town; —This is a small Village 15 Miles below the blew Ridge i o n the Maryland — side of Potomac from thence we proceeded to this place, where we have halted since Saturday last, and shall depart for Wills Creek to morrow. I find there is no probality of Marching the Army from...
I came to this place last Saturday, and shall set out to morrow with the General for Wills Creek; where I fear we shall wait some time for a sufficient number of Waggons to transport us our Provns Baggage &ca over the Mountains. I am very happy in the Generals Family, as I am being treated with a complaisant Freedom which is quite agreeable; so that I to me & have no reason to doubt the...
MS not found; extract printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1754–1755 (Philadelphia, 1755), p. 175. May 10, 1755 A sentence from this unlocated letter is printed in the Pennsylvania Assembly’s reply, Sept. 29, 1755, to Governor Morris’ charge, September 24, that the Assembly had done little to support Braddock’s expedition (below, p. 207). William Shirley, Jr....
MS not found; extract printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1754–1755 (Philadelphia, 1755), p. 175. May 13, 1755 A sentence from this unlocated letter is printed in the Pennsylvania Assembly’s reply, Sept. 29, 1755, to Governor Morris’ charge, September 24, that the Assembly had done little to support Braddock’s expedition (below, p. 208). Thomas Dunbar (d. 1767),...
Your dissinterested friendship for the Young Man I venturd to Recomend to your notice on a former Occasion, Encourages me to apply to you once more in his behalf. As I see every day almost, produces new Councills & new Regulations, I know not what may be his Fate, as he is without an Aquaintance, or Friend, & as You will now have Opptys of making Observations on his Conduct, I fondly flatter...
Additional Charter of the College, Academy, and Charity-School of Philadelphia, in Pennsylvania . Philadelphia: Printed by B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1755. (Historical Society of Pennsylvania) The first charter of the Academy of Philadelphia was granted on July. 13, 1753. A few months later Provost William Smith and Vice-provost Francis Alison suggested that the trustees get an amendment...
MS not found; extract printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1754–1755 (Philadelphia, 1755), p. 175. May 14, 1755 Two sentences from this unlocated letter are printed in the Pennsylvania Assembly’s reply, Sept. 29, 1755, to Governor Morris’ charge, September 24, that the Assembly had done little to support Braddock’s expedition (see below, p. 207). On the same day...
I left home the 24th of last Month, and overtook the General at Frederick Town in Maryland: from whence we proceeded by slow Marches to this place; where, I fear, we shall remain some-time for want of Horses and Carriages to convey our Baggage &ca over the Mountains; but more especially for want of Forage; as it cannot be imagin’d that so many Horses as we require, will be subsisted without a...
I Overtook the General at Frederick Town in Maryld and proceeded with him by way of Winchester to this place; which gave him a good oppertunity to see the absurdity of the Rout, and of Damning it very heartily. Colo. Dunbars Regiment was also oblig’d to re cross over at Connogogee and come down within 6 Miles of Winchester to take the new Road up, which gave me infinite satisfaction to Wills...
As I have no higher expectation in view gratification than an intimate corrispondance with my Friends, I hope, in that, I shall not be disappointed; especially by you and Mrs Fairfax, who was were pleasd (tho’ seldom) to honour me with yours letters last time year . We arrived here the 10th, and for ought I know may Halt till the 10th of next Month, before we receive Waggon’s &ca to transport...
As wearing Boots is quite the Mode, and mine are in a declining State; I must beg the favour of you to procure me a pair that is good, and neat, and send them to Major Carlyle, who I hope will contrive them as quick as my necessity requires. I see no prospect of moving from this place soon ; as we have neither Horses nor Waggons enough, and no forage for them to subsist upon but except what is...
I have, at last, with great pains and difficulty, discover’d the Reason why Mrs Wardrope is a greater favourite of with Genl Braddock’ s than Mrs Fairfax; and met with more respect at the late review, in Alexandria. The cause I shall communicate, after rallying you for neglecting the means that introduced her to his favour which, to say truth was, in part means which produced the effect—and...
1019Memorandum, 15–30 May 1755 (Washington Papers)
The 15th of May I was sent to Colo. Hunter for a Suppely of Money of 4,000£ Sterling, and arrivd as far as Winchester on my way thither the day following, from whence I dispatch’d an express to him ⟨ erasure ⟩ (fearing he might be out), to provide that sum, and to meet me with it at Williamsburg with it, and p P roceeded myself thro Fairfax, where I was detaind a Day in getting Horses. At...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1754–1755 (Philadelphia, 1755), pp. 91–2. Conditions on the ships bringing German immigrants to Pennsylvania were often nothing short of frightful. Eager to come to America, lured by baseless promises of mercenary “soul-sellers,” the redemptioners poured down the Rhine Valley into Rotterdam, where profit-hungry captains packed...