9881Abigail Adams to John Adams, 23 April 1797 (Adams Papers)
I think through all the most trying conflicts of my life, I have been called to pass through them separated from the personal condolence and support of my bosom friend, I have been taught to look for support and aid from superior power than man: there is a state of mind, when affliction dries up the source of tears, and almost bids the swollen heart burst. I have left one of those distressing...
9882To John Adams from Richard Cranch Norton, 5 March 1812 (Adams Papers)
When I called upon you, the evening before I left Quincy for this place, you did me the honor to request that I would, on my arrival, write to you & inform you what reception I met with from the gentleman to whom you had the goodness to give me letters of introduction; & whether there was a probability that my brother Edward would obtain the commission for which, under your patronage, he has...
9883To John Adams from the Comte de Vergennes, with a Contemporary Translation, 13 February 1779 (Adams Papers)
J’ai recû Monsieur, la lettre que vous m’avés fait l’honneur de m’Ecrire Le 11. de Ce mois, et Conformement a vos desirs je n’ai point appellé le Secours d’un traducteur pour prendre Connoissance de Son Contenû. Je ne suis pas moins peiné que vous Monsieur, de l’appel au peuple d’amerique que M. Silas Deane a Publié. Il ne m’apartient pas de qualifiér Cette demarche; C’est a vos souvrains...
9884To John Adams from the Board of Treasury, 31 October 1786 (Adams Papers)
In your Letter of the 19 th May last, you were pleased to inform us that you had already accepted Bills which had been drawn on you to a considerable amount by M r. Barclay and Lamb, in consequence of the appropriation which had been made by Congress for forming Treaties with the Barbary Powers; but as we have no advice from you since that date, we are at a loss to know whether the whole or...
9885To John Adams from William Temple Franklin, 22 November 1781 (Adams Papers)
Since the Letter I had the honour of writing to your Excellency on the 19th Inst, the Duke de Lauzan is arrived at Versailles from Virginia, with the glorious News of the combined Force of America and France having forced General Cornwallis to capitulate. The English Garrison marched out of York Town on the 19th of Octr. with the honours of War, and laid down their Arms: the Troops consisted...
9886To John Adams from John Quincy Adams, 19 July 1820 (Adams Papers)
Your Subscription for the National Intelligencer is stopped, and the enclosed receipt is in full to this day $29..12.1/2 I wrote to Mr Cruft on the 24th. of last month requesting him to pay you on my account 250 dollars the first of this Month and quarterly afterwards. I wrote also at the same time to you, to give you notice of that arrangement. Not having heard from him or you on the subject,...
9887To John Adams from Joseph Hawley, 25 July 1774 (Adams Papers)
I never recd. nor heard of your letter of the 27th June last, Wrote at Ipswich until the 22d instant. Immediately on the receipt of it I set myself to consider of an answer to it. What I first remark is your great distrust of your Abilities for the service assigned you. Hereon I say that I immagine that I have Some knowledge of your Abilities, and I assure you Sir I gave My Vote for you Most...
9888To John Adams from George Washington, 3 March 1799 (Adams Papers)
I have been duly honoured with your favour of the 19th Ulto. mentioning the nomination of Mr. Murray to be Minister Plenipotentiary to the French Republic.— With the writer of the letter, which I did myself the honour to enclose in my last to you, I truly observed that I had never held any correspondence;—and I only knew him in his public mission from this Country to the Barbary States, the...
9889To John Adams from William Bingham, 22 June 1798 (Adams Papers)
On the receipt of the Address of the Inhabitants of the Borough & County of Bedford, to the President Senate & House of Representatives, I presented in compliance with your request, one Copy thereof to the President & another to the Senate of the United States— The Sentiments conveyed therein made a very favorable Impression, & I have the Honor of inclosing to you the Reply, on the Part of the...
9890To John Adams from James Malcom, 21 March 1797 (Adams Papers)
Received the following papers and letters which were left in the Office of the late President of the United States for the use of the present President, vizt. Original Communications between the President of the United States & both Houses of Congress from the commencement of the present Government to the 3d day of March 1797 inclusive— Original Communications between the President of the...
9891To John Adams from C. W. F. Dumas, 24 June 1783 (Adams Papers)
L’Echange des Ratifications se fit hier entre Mr. le Greffier & votre serviteur; & il en fait aujourd’hui son rapport en conséquence à Leurs H. P. Il m’a chargé de ses complimens pour V. Exc e. Je garde sous la Clef les deux Actes, écrits sur parchemin, munis du grand Sceau de la Rep. dans deux boetes d’argent, pour vous les remettre selon vos ordres, & suis avec grand respect / De Votre...
9892To John Adams from Joseph Ward, 6 – 12 September 1776 (Adams Papers)
I have the honour of your Letter of the 20th of August. Agreeable to your desire have inclosed a Return of the Continental armed Vessels fitted out in this State. If the two grateful Brothers should pay us a visit, I will omit nothing in my power to give them a reception suitable to their gratitude. And if they should not bring too much Company with them I should be glad to wait on them. I...
9893To John Adams from David Olyphant, 13 August 1798 (Adams Papers)
I presume to Address your Excellency, & request the favor of your Attention to John A. Hazard, who offers himself a Candidate as Purser to the Ship now building at Warren, to be Commanded by Capt. Perry.— He is a young Gentleman of irreproachable Character, of good Abilities, & has received a regular Education for the Profession of the Law, & lately entered as an Attorney in the Courts: his...
9894To John Adams from the Baron von Thulemeier, 5 August 1785 (Adams Papers)
Les deux lettres dont Vous m’avez honoré, Monsieur, en date du 16 & 24 Juillet, m’ont été successivement très bien rendues. J’écris aujourd’hui à Berlin pour obtenir les éclaircissemens que Vous me demandez, sur la consommation du tabac de Virginie, de l’indigo, & de l’huile de Spermaceti dans les Etats du Roi, & je m’empresserai à Vous les faire parvenir, dès que je serai suffisamment...
9895C. W. F. Dumas to John Adams: A Translation, 30 March 1781 (Adams Papers)
Copy of my letter to our friend “According to your wishes, sir, I will give you an account of what just passed. I was received very politely and everything proceeded in the same manner. They kindly asked me to provide the service of making the notification. I expressed my great regret of not being qualified in this case to execute such a commission, a commission that would hardly be any...
9896To John Adams from Rufus King, 4 December 1785 (Adams Papers)
I had the honor to write to you under date of the second of November, at which time the congress of the last year was at the point of seperation to make way for their successors— states sufficient to form a new Congress did not assemble until the 23 d. ult, when they proceeded to the choice of a President, and M r. Hancock, although absent, was elected— whether he will accept the Appointment...
9897To John Adams from James Chambers, 1797 to 1801 (Adams Papers)
At a Crisses so Alarming as the present—when our Independance is threatened by a haughty foreign power—I think it a duty I ow my Native Country to offer Your Excelency my Services—And I now take the liberty to inform you Sir —that I had the honour to Command the first Company in the first Regiment Ever raised by Congress in the Year 1775—Commanded by Colonel William Thompson—and was at the...
9898To John Adams from Pseudonym: "Verax", 4 October 1800 (Adams Papers)
Wth: pain Sir, I transmitt the Inclosure, & my certain , & Fix’d opinion, That The Jacobin Town of Baltimore will do Honor to its Creed , be perfectly Consistent , & Return Genl. Sam: Smith, to Congress, this Night—By a Majority of Some Hundred votes—!!! To morrow you may hear further from me—But at present, I have not more to add, than That His Triumphall Car is Already Gone up to The...
9899To John Adams from John Trumbull, 2 November 1798 (Adams Papers)
There being a probability that Your Excellency will soon have occasion to nominate a Collector for the Port of New Haven in this State, in the room of Mr Austin, the present holder, I take the Liberty of naming to you Mr Nathan Beers of this City, as a Man well calculated to fill that Office when vacant.—He was an Officer in the American Army during the War—& conducted himself well—He is a Man...
9900To John Adams from Thomas Jefferson, 17 May 1818 (Adams Papers)
I was so unfortunate as not to recieve from mr Holly’s own hand your favor of Jan. 28. being then at my other home. he dined only with my family, & left them with an impression which has filled me with regret that I did not partake of the pleasure his visit gave them. I am glad he is gone to Kentucky. rational Christianity will thrive more rapidly there than here. they are freer from...
9901To John Adams from Lewis Nicola, 12 May 1798 (Adams Papers)
The Memorial of Lewis Nicolas Brig. Genl. by Brevet in the service of the United States Respectfully Sheweth; That your Memorialist, educated from early youth for the military profession, served in the brittish Army during the two wars of George the 2d, and likewise in that which procured independence to this his adopted Country; from its commencement to the conclusion thereof, when dismissed...
9902To John Adams from Timothy Bloodworth, 13 February 1801 (Adams Papers)
The Act pass’d this sessions, for the revisal of the Judicial sistem, will require the appointment of a Judge for the State of No Carolina, permit me, with resepectfull submission, to recommend Mr Samuel Johnston, as a Gentleman suitably quallified to fill that Station. his Charrecter is so wel established as a Lawyer, that any observations on that subject, would be superfluouse. I beg leave...
9903To John Adams from Francis Dana, 25 February 1783 (Adams Papers)
I received by the last post Copies of several Resolutions of Congress, from M r: Thaxter. None of them seem to be of any present importance since the peace, except that of the 14 th: of Sept r. last, relative to our Loans in Europe. This must not occasion any change in the Credit you & the D r: have engaged to me. I shall still rely upon it. There can be no doubt but that Congress will approve...
9904To John Adams from Cotton Tufts, 26 June 1783 (Adams Papers)
If ever Wisdom Fortitude Patience & Perseverance were necessary, they were peculiarly so in the late Negociations in which You have been engaged. I thank Heaven for the large Display of these Virtues You have given and for the Success with which Your Labours have been crowned— I had long feared the Machinations of ——— fortunately for America her Negociators knew her Interest and they have...
9905To John Adams from Aaron Putnam, 28 April 1800 (Adams Papers)
I am informed the Secy of the Navy and Mr. Humphrys have reported in favour of the establishment of a Navy yard at Charlestown, and to purchase for that purpose only about 21 Acres of Land which 21 Acres will Amo. to abt. 20,000 Dols, the ground that has been proposed, and thot: sufficient for the Dock and Navy Yards and marked out by a pencil on the plan, from Charlestown, Contains about 45...
9906To John Adams from Jonathan Dickinson Sergeant, 14 September 1776 (Adams Papers)
I forbore asking You any Questions on your Return from Staten Island, as there were a Number of People about us; but would beg Leave to suggest the good Policy of making that Transaction publick, for the Sake of such People as yet long for Reconciliation. I fear we have too strong a Proof of those People’s Prevalence in our State, from the Manner in which the great Offices have been disposed...
9907To John Adams from J. Brazer Davis, 26 June 1825 (Adams Papers)
The Washington Society, desirous to evince their respect for one of the Fathers of American Liberty, have directed me to request you, in their behalf, to accept the enclosed Ticket to the Dinner, prepared by the Society on the ensuing anniversary of American Independence. With the highest respect, / I have the Honor to be, / Your most obedient servant MHi : Adams Papers.
9908To John Adams from William Tudor, Jr., 22 September 1816 (Adams Papers)
My Father has done me the favour to Communicate to me, the letters he has received from you on the subject of Grimm’s story of the Abbè de Mably. In the journal I conduct, my principal object is American literature & history past & contemporary. Anything relating to any portion of either is particularly agreable to me; and I need not say therefore how much gratified I should be, in being...
9909Abigail Adams to John Adams, 25 April 1796 (Adams Papers)
And why should I feel so anxious, so heavy at My Heart, and So depressed in My spirits? I cannot help it, aya, theres the Rub. if I could help the matter, seeing the subject in the light in which I view it, I would instantly comply, and vote the necessary measures for preserving the Plighted Faith, the honour reputation and the Peace of My Country. these were my Sleepless reflections, as I lay...
9910To John Adams from the Duc de La Vauguyon, 9 April 1782 (Adams Papers)
Je me Suis empressé Monsieur de transmettre a Monsieur Le Comte de Vergennes Les temoignages de franchise et de loyauté que vous m’avez donné. Ce ministre me repond qu’ils confirment de plus en plus sa confiance dans votre attachement invariable aux principes de l’alliance et il me charge de vous Communiquer des Détails tres interessants dont j’aurai L’honneur de vous faire part incessamment...
9911To John Adams from Timothy Pickering, 2 November 1797 (Adams Papers)
In observance of your directions, I do myself the honor to present to your view such matters as seemed to me proper to be communicated to Congress, at the opening of the approaching session. Some few others may perhaps be added: but in this case they will be prepared in such manner as to require little time to introduce them. If your address should be lengthy, even some of these may be...
9912To John Adams from François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 7 December 1812 (Adams Papers)
Although I know not, if I Shall be able to finish this Letter—being not free from head-ache—I dare not longer delaÿ the answer of your favour of 28 oct. Tho no visitants steal mÿ moments—devoted to labour or leasure, the avocations in a Similar Situation of mine are So various, that I often must Sacrifice to these, what I intended for correspondence or mÿ own amusement. Now I have again been...
9913To John Adams from Wilhem & Jan Willink, Nicolaas & Jacob van Staphorst, and De la Lande & Fynje, 23 December 1783 (Adams Papers)
We do ourselves the honour in answer to your Excellency’s esteemed favour of 14 dec̃:, to hand you inclosed Copy of the Letters both of Doctor Franklin Esq r and m r. Grand, by wh ch. you’ll be pleased to observe that the Contents are by no means favourable to our purpose. By the Washington Packet, we have again been favoured with His Excellency’s M r. Robt. Morris Eq r. ’s letters, with...
9914To John Adams from Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 26 July 1800 (Adams Papers)
I have the honour to enclose a copy of a Letter from John Couper Esquire, who was lately appointed Collector of the Customs for the District of Brunswick in Georgia, and Inspector of the Revenue for said Port, from which it appears that he declines a permanent appointment. The information which I possess of Mr. Coupers character, induces me to believe that his recommendation of Mr. Claud...
9915Thomas Boylston Adams to John Adams, 26 September 1799 (Adams Papers)
Your very kind favor of the 14 th: inst t: has a claim upon my gratitude, not only for the obliging wish it conveys, that I should become one of your family, on your return to Philadelphia, but also for the flattering opinion, you are pleased to express, on the subject of my letters & classical taste. I shall make no scruple to accept the invitation to dwell under the same roof with my...
9916To John Adams from Elbridge Gerry, 8 July 1799 (Adams Papers)
In your letter of december 15th, referring to General Marshall’s journal, You are pleased to observe, “that my seperate , & secret conferences with Talleyrand, & my advocating a stipulation for a loan, to be paid after the war, will do no good to me or to the public,” & that “Pinckney & Martial will attest to the correctness of this journal, & will be beleived .” My conferences with Mr....
9917To John Adams from Benjamin Stoddert, 15 October 1798 (Adams Papers)
In my letter of to Day on the subject of appointments—I omitted to mention Mr Benjamin Strother, (Who was an Officer in the Army & resigned on accot of pecuniary embarrassments, under circumstances honorable to himself)—as a Lieutenant of Marines. I now beg leave to mention him for that appointment—He is recommended by the Secy at War, & is spoken of by the officers with whom he served as a...
9918To John Adams from François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 29 November 1817 (Adams Papers)
As I returned home in safety in the course of this week, the first moments of leisure, after having informed my children and mr Busti of this happy event, shall be devoted, to acknowledge the favour of your’s of the first of Oct. In my former from Philadelphia I mentioned—how I was bruised—wounded—healed—and restored to perfect health—now I can only mention, and this, I am assured is a far...
9919From the Boston Board of Selectmen to John Adams, 1 July 1793 (Adams Papers)
The Selectmen present their most respectful Compliments to the Vice President of the United States and ask the honor of his Company at the Visitation of the public Schools on Monday the 8 h. of July Ins t — The Company proceed from the Selectmens Chamber at 8–o’-Clock in the Morning, and dine at Faneuil Hall at 2. o’-Clock— RC ( Adams Papers ). JQA accompanied JA on his formal visit to the...
9920To John Adams from William Wallones, 26 October 1799 (Adams Papers)
Mr John Lasher, the Surveyor of this District, has intimated an intention to resign that Office some time next Spring, he has communicated his design without reserve, and have reason to believe, he does not make a secret of it, particularly as I have been informed, that applications have already been addressed to your Excellency for the Office, on the presumption, that it will become vacant at...
9921To John Adams from Jean Luzac, 7 September 1780 (Adams Papers)
J’ai bien reçu successivement la Constitution de Massachusett’s, les trois Feuilles Américaines, et la Brochure manuscrite, que vous avez eu la bonté de m’envoyer. Je suis très-sensible à l’attention et à la confiance, que vous me témoignez itérativement, et je m’honore de l’approbation, que vous donnez à mon travail. L’Edition originale de la Constitution, dont vous m’avez gratifié, m’a été...
9922To John Adams from John Taylor, 24 April 1814 (Adams Papers)
Lest any letter of December the 24th. last, in answer to yours of the 12th. of the same month, may not have come to hand, I mention it, in acknowledging the receipt of yours of the 9th. inst. with the discourses on Davila, you are so good as to present me. Truth having been the object of the enquiry you mention, it is a publick misfortune and a matter of regret to me; as it is hard to find and...
9923Abigail Adams to John Adams, 9 February 1793 (Adams Papers)
I received your kind favour of the 24 th of Jan’ ry together with the News papers. the writings of the American Mirabeau, if he is an American & those under the Signature of Cincinnatus are insolent indeed, and are in unison with a Number of papers Published in the Boston Chronical calld the crisis, Supposed to be written in Philadelphia and sent here for publication as I was told in Boston...
9924To John Adams from William Tudor, Sr., 13 February 1801 (Adams Papers)
When I sported the Idea of an Ambassadorship I meant Nothing more than that it must be a most desirable Thing to the People of the United States to have their forign Affairs Again committed to the Charge of the ablest Minister they ever had in Europe; And that too under Circumstances more dignified & singular than any other Nation ever exhibited. As Farmer of Stonyfield You certainly can unite...
9925From John Quincy Adams to John Adams, 17 April 1796 (Adams Papers)
M r: Robert Bird, the bearer of this letter, is a respectable merchant of this place, a brother of the Gentleman with whom you had the pleasure of an acquaintance some years since, at New-York. He proposes making a tour in the United States, during the ensuing Season, and I am happy to have this opportunity of introducing him to your acquaintance, and recommending him to your attentions. I am,...
9926To John Adams from William Bentley, 22 July 1819 (Adams Papers)
I have received your kind letter, informing me of the doubts respecting the M ecklenburg . Resolutions. I am persuaded you hold me innocent. I saw the document as represented. I made no use of it, because I know nothing of its authority. At the bottom it was announced to be of known as well as high authority. I have requested my Printer to write to NC on the subject & whatever we hear we will...
9927To John Adams from Anonymous, 11 March 1800 (Adams Papers)
As people are often last to hear & know, what it concerns them most to know, I take the liberty of enclosing you an article from the Aurora relative to a business which has too much foundation in truth. The love I bear my country induces me to make this communication to you. There are many very powerful reasons why I should not address you, at present , under my legitimate Signature, but the...
9928To John Adams from François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 7 May 1815 (Adams Papers)
It Shall be a part of my Sundays devotion to give you my Sincerest thanks for your kindnesses which I received in your Letters of the 3d and 8th of April I feel Sensibly I cannot be grateful enough for these as theÿ contribute always So efficaciously to dispell the gloom, which hovers ov er me now and cheer up my depressed Spirits, and why then Should I not apply to this remedy whose Salutary...
9929To John Adams from William P. Sprague, 26 June 1797 (Adams Papers)
Relaying on your kind Attention Paid me on a former Application; That if any station offer’d you would be pleasd to consider me in the Appointment; concerning the Frigates & Ships of War, will speedilly be Under your Comand & having serv’d in the capassity of Purser on board the South Carolina with fidellity & Approbation of the State, & my superiour Officer Comder: Henry: Gillon decd: as...
9930To John Adams from Benjamin Rush, 26 December 1811 (Adams Papers)
During the time Cobbett was abusing me in his newspaper to the great joy of a number of our tory Citizens, I met Hamilton Roan in a family in which I was called to see a patient. We had met before at Major Butlers table. He took me by the hand in the most cordial manner. “Our situation said I Mr Roan is a good deal alike in Philada—We are both in an enemy’s country.” “no Sir ” (said he)—“I am...