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Results 9881-9890 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Captain Harrod, by whom you sent your very kind favour of 16. March, has only come as far as Königsberg in Prussia—From that place he has forwarded to me, by a vessel of Mr: Gray’s, the letters with which he had been charged, and a box which had been put up by Mrs: T. B. Adams for my wife—They have thus all been received, and with the box one copy of my printed Lectures, of which a set had...
I rely upon your candour to forgive my taking your time and your patience, while I thank you for the many and great advantages which I have derived from your letters to this city. I find Mr Vaughan one of the most active beings that I have ever met with, full of good sense, intelligence and enlivening anecdote, and ready and disposed to minister in every possible way to my ease and...
I Am honoured with the Receipt of your Excellencys Letter of the last Post. The Letter of which I gave your Excellency an Extract about a fortnight Ago made me very Uneasy, as it shewed me there was a misunderstanding somewhere—I could wish your Excellency would clear it up by a Letter to our Friend at Nantes. I fancy He imagines that His name is joined with yours in the Different Commissions,...
I have ever been led to believe that the Group , written in the early stage of the American revolution, was composed at your suggestion; & the manuscript copy in the hand writing of Mrs: M. Warren my mother, is one evidence of the fact: and some letters of yours to her on that subject are fully confirmatory of the authorship.—But having lately seen in print & in Ms: credit to have been given...
Agreable to my Faith I have obtain’d a Promise of Money sufficient to pay the Bills you have accepted, and shall accordingly accept those you draw on me for that purpose. I request only that you would send me immediately a List of the Bills, and of the Times of their becoming due, that I may be always provided, and that as the Money will come gradually into my hands, you would not draw upon me...
I received your letter by the Post and Express almost at the same time. Your things went away last Night at Eleven o’Clock, and Inclosed I send you an Account of them. It shou’d have gone by the Express but it was Very late before the affair was finish’d, and he will shew you a Duplicate of it— I Packed your Two Trunks Myself, and if they do not meet with any Interuption at the Barriers they...
We Have left School for a day because John was not quite well. we go to Ealing School kept by Doctor Nicholas of Wadham College, Oxford. There are 275 boys of which I know a 140 I learn Latin, Greek, Drawing, Dancing, French, Music, English, Arithmetic, Writing, and Fencing. Papa has bought a Curricle, and a Landau. It is the fashion at Ealing, for Ladies to ride on Donkeys, which is the...
En réponse à l’honorée vôtre du 1 er. de ce mois, J’ai reçu & fait parvenir les Lettres que V.E. a eu la bonté d’écrire au Président, à Mr. Fagel, & à MM. Willink & Staphorst à ma priere. Je n’en ai pas de réponse encore, non plus qu’à 2 notes qui ont précédé de ma part, à Mr. Fagel, & dont voici copie. Je suppose néanmoins foiblement, que le tout a fait l’effet d’avoir été épargnés jusqu’ici,...
Agreeably to your request, I send you the names of those gentlemen who visited you last saturday. An advertisement has been inserted in our daily paper, expressing a want of certain political essays signed Massachusettensis , and the answer by the Honble John Adams. As I know you do not take the Daily Advertiser, I have mentioned it for your information. They were written in 1774—Very...
The Memorial of the Subscribers in behalf of themselves, and certain other Inhabitants, of Powells Valley, Citizens of the State and County aforesaid, humbly represent to His Excellency John Adams, President of the United States of America. That your Memorialists are like to receive considerable injury by the extension of the Boundary Line, between the United States, and the Cherokee Nation of...