Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from John M. Pintard, 4 July 1793

From John M. Pintard1

Madeira 4th July 1793

The Honble
Alexander Hamilton.

Dear Sir

Thinking that your Stocks of Madeira might be nearly exausted I have Shiped on Board the Brig Molly Capt E Morris one pipe of choice old wine Marked CM & consigned it to my Friends Messrs. Woodrop & Joseph Sims2 of Philadelphia with directions to deliver it to you provided you choose to take it. Should you Conclude on taking it they will furnish you with the cost of it together with the charges thereon which you will be pleased to Settle with them.

Mrs. Pintard joins me in Respectfull Compliments to you and Mrs Hamilton and Beleive me to be with great Respect3

Dear Sir   Your most obedient   and very Humble Sert

John M Pintard

ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.

1Pintard, a former resident of New York City, was United States consul in Madeira.

2Wooddrop Sims and Joseph Sims were partners in a Philadelphia mercantile firm.

3On the cover of this letter H wrote: “Aug. 21. Wrote him with thanks informing of my declining the Wine.” H’s letter to Pintard has not been found.

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