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Results 98761-98790 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
The defenceless condition of this State & the imminent & increasing danger of hostile attack induced the General Assembly at their late Session in this month to direct me again to press these subjects upon your consideration, conformably to their request the Council of War have appointed Col. Nathaniel Searle Junr (whom I beg leave to introduce to your notice) a special messenger to present to...
Annexed I send for your approval, my check on the President & Directors of the Literary Fund, for Five thousand dollars; you will recollect, that in the letter I sent you some time ago, from Mr. Pendleton the Proctor, he suggested the necessity of drawing the above sum, so as to meet the quarter salaries to the Professors on the first of next month, and that the Va. Auditor has authorised the...
The only Subject which engages the public attention Since the date of my last letter is the Death of Pichegru who as you will find by the enclosed papers contrived to Strangle himself in prison, & the flight of Drake & Smith from their respective missions at Munich & Stuttgard, together with further discoveries of their intrigues as these are minutely detailed in the papers I enclose, it will...
The promptitude & success of our subscription paper, now amounting to upwards of 20,000. D. with a prospect much beyond that renders the decision immediately necessary of some important questions which I had thought might have laid over to our periodical meeting the last of September. Having an opportunity of writing to Genl. Cocke, I invited him to join me in a visit to you on Friday the...
27 December 1802, Gibraltar. No. 109. Refers to his no. 108 of 23 Dec. and encloses a “Copy of a Letter received from Consul Eaton of Tunis 9th: Ulto.,” copies of which he has forwarded to Captains Campbell and Murray. “A french Squadron of five large french Ships of War & a Brig whent past this day from the Westward Supposed to be from St: Domingo.” RC and enclosures ( DNA : RG 59, CD ,...
It was with the greatest regret that I learned by a letter from Mr. Ennalls & now by yours enclosd to him that a draft had been presented to him & return’d for the 350$ which I had desired you to draw on him for. Having given myself 15. days, & having allmost daily communication with this place, I conceiv’d it impossible that a draft coud arrive & that term expire previous to my hearing of it...
I embrace with pleasure the present opportunity of renewing an intercourse which has ever been a source of high gratification to me. The opportunity is the more acceptable as I am enabled to serve two much valued friends by bringing them acquainted with you—Dr Robert M Patterson one of the Vice Presidents & Mr J R Kane one of the Secretaries, of the American Philos Socy—Who meant to pay a...
Please to allow me the privilage to beseech your clemency in my present unfortunate situatio⟨n.⟩ On the first day of June 1812, I arrived in New york, from Ireland, on the 8th: of Augt: following I enlisted under capt. Crane on that station, as a Sargeant & took the oath pr[e]scribed by law to serve five Years. Accordingly I Reced. no bounty. When three or four days in the Service I took sick...
Before this you are fix’d at the seat of goverment and I hope in a manner agreeable to yourself and to Mrs. Madison, to whom I pray you to present me with much esteem. I have just seald a letter directed to the Secretary of state. This is intended for yourself, and our friend Mr Jefferson. A strange and mysterious delay has taken place relative to the ratification to the causes of which I am...
§ From George W. Erving. 9 August 1806, Madrid. No. 10. “I had the honor to address you last on the 25th. of July. In that letter I mentioned that no complaints had reached me from the Ports, but what related to Quarantine; but it was scarcely dispatched when I was informed through Mr. Young of these recent captures & Condemnations at Algeciras. These are: “The Felicity, Wm. Boyd, Master “The...
26 March 1805, New Orleans . “Your private Letter of the 14th. of January with its enclosure was duly received. I have not yet attempted to select any additional Members for the Council, inasmuch as few persons here would accept until the issue of the memorial to Congress was ascertained. “Eugene Dorciere, James Mather and George Pollocks Commissions bear Date the 30th of August, and William...
I received your several communications, addressed to me in Richmond—and together with our Colleagues there Mr. Johnson & Mr. Cabell, deliberated upon them. In relation to Doctor Jones, it was finally agreed to suspend further proceedings until July—and I accordingly wrote him the accompanying letter. Mr. Loyall had previously assented to the suspension of this appointment in a letter to Mr....
4 February 1804, Georgetown, South Carolina. “Observing by the papers that the Convention between the United States and the Court of Spain, has been duly Ratified by the Senate; I beg leave to remind you of my former application for the apointment of one of the Commissioners under that treaty and to request your concurrence with my wishes on this Subject, assuring you that I shall retain a...
Mrs Dunglison and myself have been for some time anxious to avail ourselves of the kind invitation of Mrs Madison and yourself to visit Montpellier; but we have been prevented by the Baby having received, about a month ago, the Contagion of Hooping Cough. She is now, however, so much recovered that we are anxious, if perfectly convenient to you, to pay our visit in the Course of a week or...
Some months ago, I was requested, to ask of you the favour, to transmit a brief letter of introduction to the Friends of the American Colonization in England & France, in behalf of the Rev Chas Brooks of Hingham Massachusetts, now on a tour through Europe, & who expressed a great desire to promote as far as possible the Interests of our Institution. Mr Brooks is a highly respectable Clergyman...
I have lately recieved a letter from Genl Smith covering one from Mr John A Morton, who was formerly of this County, but who now resides at Bordeaux, who has been some time since anxious for an appointment from the Government of the United States, as Commercial agent, at Bordeaux, Havre, or Antwerp. He informs me that the Consul of the United States at Bordea[u]x has lately failed in business,...
10 August 1802, New Orleans. Has written to JM “from Diffrent quarters of The world” offering his services to the U.S. “I presume it has been my peculiar Situation of being tosd. from one Country to another that has prevented me from receiveing any answer. I am now in this Country for a few months. Should my Request have been rejected by the President and the French get possession of this...
I have the honour to enclose a bank note of fifty dollars for Dividend of S. Boat Stock N. 4 declared in Jany. last and for Dividend N. 5 declared this month (5 ds a share at each time) for which I hope to receive your acknowledgement. I have the honour to be most respectfully your obed servt RC ( DLC ). Docketed by JM. Phineas Bradley (1769–1845), born in Litchfield, Connecticut, was a...
I hope the cause and subject of this letter may excuse my intrusion on your retirement. It is written in the hope that you will not consider the subject or the writer unworthy of your admonishment where you believe it to be proper—In the spring of Eighteen Hundred and twenty five by the Providence of God , I by a personal act won an unrestricted freedom from the Roman. Catholic. Church. That...
The high regard which I have at all times born for you, induce me to make an application upon a subject of great moment to my future interests; and if any considerations shall render the freedom improper in your view, I pray you to believe me incapable of an improper intention. Finding that my affairs are becoming more and more imbarrassing with the increasing expences of my family, and at the...
Understanding that the honorable John Conard has applied with highly satisfactory and honorable testimonials, for the Office rendered vacant by the lamented death of Colonel Lear, it may savour too much of presumption for me to add any thing. But my personal knowledge of Mr. Conards highly respectable standing in Society and among the friends of the Administration in particular, induce⟨s⟩ me...
28 July 1801, Washington. Writes without knowledge of her husband [Benjamin Grayson Orr] to speak of his misfortune and the falsehoods other merchants circulate about him since he applied for a “petty office” that has “no salary annexed to it.” RC ( ViU : McGregor Library). 2 pp.; addressed to JM in Orange County, Virginia.
I am sorry that I am under the disagreeable Necessity of calling on you again for the Amount of My rent. Nothing would Induce me to do it but having A note in Bank which Must be protested unless you can Assist Me with One Or two Hundred Dollars. If you have Not the Money I could get your Note discounted At Bank to day for two Hundred Dollars provided it would be agreeable to you to give...
With my mind excited by the keenest Sensibility for America I am Constrained to Address you at this time. Taking into View the Conduct of the British Nation for this fifteen years past towards America And her present Overture for peace. There Appears an Inexplicable Mystery in the present Conduct Unless I am permitted to riddle it thus. Namely That now She is raised by Extraordinary Success...
Permit me to present to yr. acquaintance Mr. Camp of Culpepper a young man who was presented to me by Mr. Wm. Lambert, who formerly wrote in Mr. Beckley’s office, and likewise by Mr. Pollard of this place who is his relative. His object is to obtain some office, or rather employment, under you if to be had, or in the treasury department if yr. office can give him no place. By Mr. Lamberts...
The preceeding are Copys of my last respects in the 25h. Ultimo. I drew on you in favor of Messr. Elliston & John Perot for the Sum of fifteen Hundred Dollars at 30 days sight which I trust will be honored. I this day under a B lank Cover recved your two Documents respecting Gilbert Gilbertson & Martin Quin which will be attended to. I have the Honour to be With respect Your Obed H Servt. The...
23 March 1804, Lisbon. “In obedience to the wishes of Mr Pinckney I remained in Madrid a few weeks after I had the Honor to receive your Letter of the 17th Octr. which did not reach me until the Beginning of last month, and I now avail myself of the departure of the first vessel for the United States since my arrival here, to return you my thanks for the obliging manner in which you were...
The much lamented death of the venerable & worthy Mr. Jefferson, in which event I most sincerely sympathize with you, his family & the nation, has deprived me of his influence, and if denied the honor which I now most humbly solicit, in any shape that you may be pleased to grant it, I may then conclude that I have not a friend of influence in the World; the inclosed is a copy of a letter from...
30 April 1812, Philadelphia. Recommend John Dayton, merchant of Philadelphia, for the position of consul at a “Port in South America.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1809–17, filed under “Dayton”). 1 p. Signed by Jones and twenty others, including Clement Biddle, George Latimer, Henry Pratt, and Robert Patton.
Letter not found. 4 October 1802. Mentioned in Daniel Brent to Farnsworth, 12 Oct. 1802 (DNA: RG 59, DL, vol. 14), as a request for payment for printing the laws of the last session of Congress. Brent conveyed JM’s response that payment of $94.50 would be made “when the account shall have been liquidated at the Treasury Department.” Farnsworth owned the Newport Rhode-Island Republican , 1801–5...