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Results 98761-98770 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
The Letter which you did me the honor of addressing to me Yesterday I have received, and am indebted to you for affording me an opportunity to elucidate the nature of my engagement with the united states. From the information I received of the minister of France, that the preferment of foreigners to military employments had been a cause of discontent in the American Army, I foresaw the...
The adoption of the Constitution of the United States by the state of North Carolina, having raised a question concerning the operation of the 39th. Section of the Collection bill and the 3d. Section of the Act for suspending part of that Act and for other purposes; it is incumbent upon me to give my opinion upon the subject; which is, that they were virtually repealed by that adoption . Among...
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, January 27, 1790. Encloses the New Hampshire statutes relating to taxation and the regulation of commerce. ADf , RG 36, Collector of Customs at Portsmouth, Letters Sent, 1789–1790, Vol. 1, National Archives; copy, RG 56, Letters from the Collector at Portsmouth, National Archives. These laws had been requested by H in “Treasury Department Circular to the Collectors...
98764[Diary entry: 27 January 1790] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 27th. Did business with the Secretaries of the Treasury & War—With the first respecting the appointment of Superintendants of the Light Houses, Buoys &ca. and for building one at Cape Henry—With the latter for nominating persons (named in a list submitted to me) for paying the Military Pensionrs. of the United States and the policy and advantages (which might be derived from the...
I must beg leave to request the favor of you to write to me, soon as convenient, in respect to the business you were good enough to undertake to transact for me in Congress. Should you be at a loss for any information relative to the matter, I shall be obliged to you to apply to the President, who is acquainted with every circumstance: Or if it be necessary for me to attend in New York, you...
I had hoped that during my stay here I could have had the pleasure of seeing you in Bedford, but I find it will be too short for that. Besides views of business in that county I had wished again to visit that greatest of our curiosities the Natural bridge, and did not know but you might have the same desire.—I do not know yet how I am to be disposed of, whether kept at New York or sent back to...
Boston, January 26, 1790. Discusses the problems involved in the re-exportation of imported wines. Suggests placing imported raisins, lemons, pepper, and pimento on the enumerated list, and states that the additional levies would produce a “handsome” sum. ADf , RG 36, Letters from the Treasury and Others, 1789–1818, Vol. 11, National Archives.
Philadelphia, January 26, 1790. Encloses a statement of Pennsylvania’s public debt. States that a supplementary statement of the United States securities in the state treasury will be transmitted in the near future. Hazard, Pennsylvania Archives , XI Samuel Hazard, ed., Pennsylvania Archives (Philadelphia, 1855). , 663. This letter is in reply to “Treasury Department Circular to the Governors...
[ New York, January 26, 1790. “Among the documents which relate to the circumstances of your entrance into the service of the United States, are—a letter from you to Congress, dated at Portsmouth, the 6th Decr. 1777—a report of the Committee which conferred with you at York Town—and a letter from you to the President of Congress, dated in December 1782. Inclosed you will find copies of the two...
98770[Diary entry: 26 January 1790] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 26th. Exercised on Horse back in the forenoon. The Visitors at the Levee to day were numerous and respectable—among whom was the Vice-President and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Read a letter handed to me by the Secretary of War, from a Colo. Danl. Smith of Miro Settlement in the State of No. Carolina in reply to one which was an answer to a letter recd. from the said...