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Results 98761-98790 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Lisbon, 1 July 1793 . In compliance with the instruction in TJ’s letter of 15 Mch. 1791 he...
Th: Jefferson presents his friendly compliments to Dr. Logan. Having engaged a good farmer to go...
The court having determined to transfer its residence from Aranjuez to this place I preceded it...
Since our last Respects of 4 April, We are honored with your esteemed favors of 20 March and 12...
I am favored with yours of the 15th June, with a Copy of the Account which accompanied your...
I received your application of yesterday, respecting two warrants drawn by the late Board of...
[ Philadelphia, July 2, 1793. On July 5, 1793, Hamilton wrote to Genet : “I find on my Table this...
I have made the following arrangement, to secure to the Marshall of the District of...
Baltimore, July 2, 1793. “The number of Sea-letters received at this Office have been...
I humbly Submit to your Excellency the inclos’d for your consideration, and, conscious as I am of...
Note on the principles of Spain relative to the navigation of the Missisipi. There must be in the...
I am obliged by your reply to my Questions relative to the SeaLetters; but if the blank in the...
98773Pacificus No. II, [3 July 1793] (Hamilton Papers)
The second & principal objection to the Proclamation namely that it is inconsistent with the...
A talk from the heads of the Upper and lower Creeks by order of the Mad Dog of the Tuckebatchees...
The President sends to the Secretary of State the enclosed letter from Mr Chiappe, which has been...
this Spring when I was Saving fish at your landing known by the name of Dasays ferry, I had Some...
The Swedish Sloop Betsey , Willm. Johnston Master, from and belonging to St: Bartholome, Being...
The President Sends to the Secretary of State the enclosed letter from Mr. Chiappe, which has...
Thinking that your Stocks of Madeira might be nearly exausted I have Shiped on Board the Brig...
[ Philadelphia, July 4, 1793. On July 17, 1793, Hamilton wrote to Rawle and referred to “your...
That America should remain in peace and enjoy the blessings of their free government undisturbed...
ONE great advantage resulting from a republican system of government is, the unrestrained...
I send, for the information and consideration of the Heads of the Departments, a letter which I...
Liverpool, 4 July 1793 . There has been no material change since the price current of 3 June...
Madeira, 4 July 1793 . He has received TJ’s 3 Jan. reply to his letter of 5 Oct. and is pleased...
Gibraltar, 4 July 1793 . He encloses a copy of his 29 June dispatch to TJ sent by the brig...
Plymouth, 4 July 1793 . He takes this opportunity by the American ship Amsterdam Packet , Captain...
I send, for the information and consideration of the Heads of the Departments, a letter which I...
Mr Morse presents his most respectful compliments to the Vice President of the United States &...
I find on my Table this morning your letter of the 2d instant. As you ground the proposition, it...