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Results 98731-98760 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Memo. for Colo. James Madison Jur. A Madison 1000 Acres of Land On panther Creek adjoining Majr John Lee. A. Madison, 1000 Acres   Do.    Do. adjoining his other tract, both of the Tracts lies, 4 Miles from Green River, about 20 Miles from the Mouth, & about 6 Miles from the Ohio, the Land is of a good quality lies level, & the extream part from the Creek is inclinable to be sandy, it is well...
17 July 1812. Requests that JM “accept a copy of the discourse the delivery of which, on the 4th of July, he was so obliging as to witness.” RC ( PHi ). 1 p. Enclosure not found, but see n. 1. On 8 July 1812 the National Intelligencer reported that JM, along with his family and the heads of departments, had been escorted to the Capitol on 4 July to hear Rush’s address. Afterward, JM’s party...
I had the Honor to receive your Letter of the 2d Inst. I shall, as it appears to be your wish, send Judge Spriggs Letter to Mr Rodney. Mr Gallatin has seen Mr Grymes Letter; but does not consider it necessary to remodel his Instructions to the Collectors: The Secretary of State will I beleive write to Mr Grymes to recover Costs in all Cases where it can yet be done, from the owners of the...
An early acquaintance, a similarity of sentiment, and the deserved estimation you have attained to, in America, encourage me to address you on a subject, that is believed to be highly interesting to the Western Inhabitants, and perhaps not less so, to the eastern parts of the State. After various essays of the People for a separation, and the subject being agitated, both in Congress, and...
Since my last the cabbin of the ship Richmond is taken for me at 800. dolrs. The ship is destined to Hambg. but will land me at Havre, by approaching the town sufficiently near to make the landing easy. The stores will form an additional charge. The charges incident to the engagment of the warren, by detention &ca will amount to abt. 500. Had she not been dismissed they wod. have been more...
Shortly after the departure of Consul General Lear from this Regency, I did myself the honor to address You by a Danish Vessel bound to Leghorn, the Captain of which having lately returned to this place, informs me that being chased by a vessel of war, he threw my letters overboard with the rest. The substance of what I wrote by that opportunity, was merely to inform you that Mr. Lear had...
27 July 1801, Madrid. No. 282. Encloses copy of 2 July letter from Commodore Dale announcing his arrival at Gibraltar and his plan to sail for Algiers the next day, leaving behind a frigate “to watch the motions” of two Tripolitan vessels anchored at Gibraltar. Transmits O’Brien’s dispatch [ O’Brien to JM, 24 June 1801 ]; report of Tripolitan seizures of American vessels has not been...
§ From William Lattimore. 17 January 1814, House of Representatives. “I have been requested to furnish you with the inclosed extract from the proceedings of the H. of R. of the M. T. for reasons which I will do myself the pleasure of explaining verbally, at such time as I may suppose you to be somewhat relieved from more weighty concerns.” RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, TP , Mississippi). RC...
Although the letter of Mr Pleasants and its enclosure will appear under date of the 25th. of July, it never got to my hand till friday last. Tomorrow is the first Post by which I could forward it. It is now sent with thanks for the perusal. I shall write to the Count de Moustier, but in pretty general terms—giving the substance rather than the detail of this business. That the circular letter...
Respectfully enclosed for the eye of the President by R. Rush; who ventures to believe that, in times like these, the contributions of every patriotic and intelligent mind, will, when prudently obtained, be acceptable. RC and enclosure ( PHi : Richard Rush Papers). Docketed by JM . For enclosure, see n. 1. Rush enclosed an extract of a 3 July 1814 letter to him from Alexander J. Dallas (7...
I am very sory that I had not the pleasure of seeing you in Baltimore on your way to Congress. The Inclosed, will I hope excuse the liberty of Addressing a Gentlemen on business of a Public Nature, to whom I am not known. On receiving Mr McHenry’s Note to you I purposed to follow you, and Mr Lee, as far as Mr Scarrets Tavern, but Mrs Ballards indisposition prevented. Sir, to be as brief as...
29 April 1812, Alexandria. Acknowledges receipt of JM’s remittance of $235.95 for a pipe of Lisbon wine. “I beg leave to enclose patterns of some Broad Cloths I have lately recd. from Messrs. Dupont Bauduy & Co. of Wilmington Delaware, which from their excellence cannot help pleasing any one, who takes the least interest in our infant manufactures. These patterns being small, shew the cloths...
At a meeting of a number of Gentlemen friendly to a Bankrupt Act, it was voted that you shd. be respectfully requested to use your influence, with your friends in Washington, to obtain its passage, at the present Session of Congress; & we were appointed a Committee to convey to you the sense of the Meeting, of the great influence which your exertions, either by letter or in any other way, in...
On the 21st. Ultimo I received information from the Collector of this port that John Squire an officer of the Customs had been forcibly resisted in the exicution of his duty by a party of armed men belonging to the Cambrian and Driver two British Ships of War. On the 22d. ultimo I applied to the Judge of the District upon Mr. Squire’s affidavit for a Warrant against the offenders, and on the...
By Letters from General Dearborn Genl. Harrison and others from the western country it appears that events of great importance are almost daily occurring: and I cannot refrain from expressing my own with the hopes of all our friends that your return may be found not inconvenient. With great respect RC ( DLC ). Eustis probably referred to a 3 Sept. 1812 letter from Dearborn ( DNA : RG 107, LRRS...
The exalted station in which you are placed Justifies me in considering you as a patron of literature, and the whole tenor of your life confirms that belief, therefore, I have forwarded you a proposal for the publication of the fourth edition of my “Nature Displayed” much improved. The sale of three editions and the urgent call for a fourth induces a belief that it has become a standard...
11 April 1803, Jacmel. The petitioners, Enoch Robins of New York, Joseph Gardner of Massachusetts, and James J. Barry of Maryland, state that they were permitted by the government of Saint-Domingue to reside on the island as foreign merchants and are therefore entitled to the “privileges and immunities allowed by all civilized nations to strangers residing in their dominions,” one of which is...
4 April 1801, Tappahannock. Has heard rumor that the supervisor and inspectors in Virginia are to be replaced. Muse wishes to be considered for the position now held by W. F. Gaines, presuming he may retain his present post as well. Refers to his service as collector of customs at Tappahannock since 1794. RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1801–9). 3 pp.; docketed by Wagner as received 17 Apr.
I hasten to communicate t he following intelligence, contain’d in a lette r which I received t hree days since, from Consul General Lear dated Algiers 21st October ult., by which he informs me that on the 15th. of the same month, The Dey sent for t he Drogermen (who are the official channel of communication,) of the American, Swedish, Danish, & Dutch Consulates; and or d er’d them to inform...
I mentiond in my last of the 15th or 16th Instant of which please to acknowledge the receipt, that You woud hear from C. Carroll of Cn. when he reachd Pha some particulars on the passage of the Law “Concerning the Territory of Columbia &ca.[”] Since then I have seen Govr Lee, & it gave me great concern to hear from him that Mr Carroll had doubts of joining Congress this session. I immediately...
If the liberty so frequently taken in addressing you privately, on subjects of national concern, had proceeded from vanity or selfishness, I could not indulge a hope that they would meet with a favorable reception. But an earnest desire to promote the public welfare governing all my communications I am again encouraged to address a few observations to you on the subject of our present fiscal...
I duly recieved your favor of the 22d. covering the declaration of war. It is entirely popular here, the only opinion being that it should have been issued the moment the season admitted the militia to enter Canada. The federalists indeed are open mouthed against the declaration. But they are poor devils here, not worthy of notice. A barrel of tar to each state South of the Patomac will keep...
Anti Tariff Resolutions adopted by the Legislature of Virginia. At the Session of 1825.6. "1. Be it therefore resolved, That the imposition of taxes and duties by the Congress of the U. States, for the purpose of protecting and encouraging domestic manufactures, is an unconstitutional exercise of power, and is highly oppressive & partial in its operation." At the session of 1826.7. "2....
After some trouble I apprehend I have collected such evidence as will sufficiently obviate the objections made by the Committee of Claims last Session. They observe—“That it is not in proof before the Committee that any timely exertions have been made by the Petitioner to obtain Lands, or that he has not obtained Lands upon them , unless the appearance of the warrants, and Brackenridges...
I spoke to Mr. Taylor on the subject of drawing your deed to Dr. Rose he feels positive embarrassment in the task knowing no general words that will convey your meaning but he ⟨will?⟩ make a particular recital of the case so as to express the exception you are disposed to make in my favour. Mr. T. is positive that without this recital the Dr. will be completely vested with all the intt. that...
Being informed by Lieut. Col. Malcolm of the late 13th. Regt. of the U. S. army; that he is solicitous to enter into some civil foreign department of our Govt., I take the liberty of recommending him to the particular notice of your Exy. His object at present is, an appoint. as consul in some country in Europe—prefering France, for which he is well fitted, on account of speaking the french...
§ From an Unidentified Correspondent. 13 March 1806. “The hostility naturally existing between Monarchy & Republicanism are so Visible that every citizen of America must be convinced of the necesity of a rectitud essential to their national reputation & of the propriety of cautiously Garding against the overbearing combinations & designs of the Former. Hence I take the liberty to animadvert on...
Since I wrote you last, a considerable change has taken place in the state of our foreign & domestic intelligence. Advices from France as late as the 14th: July, exhibit a crisis in the internal affairs of that Country, which ’ere this must be determined and would probably decide the issue of the revolution; the Marquis Fayette appeared at the bar of the National Assembly & denounced the...
§ From John Bass Dabney. 1 July 1806, Boston. “I duly received the Commission You did me the Honor to transmit me, vesting me with the office of Consul, for the United States at the Azores, for which I beg you to receive my grateful acknowledgements. “In your circular under date of 26th June, where there is a question Of Bonds to be given the U.States, mention is made of two Blanks , being...
31 August 1801, Staten Island, New York. Announces that a few days earlier, in Aaron Burr’s presence, he made necessary alteration in his commission for consul at Glasgow as authorized by Wagner’s 6 Aug. letter. Burr endorsed certificate. Transmits bond and requests permission to delay departure until winter, as he wishes to visit principal trading towns, particularly those farther south, and...