James Madison Papers

James Madison to Frederick Beasley, 22 March 1831

Montpellier Mar. 22. 1831.

Dear Sir

I have recd. your letter of the 17th. and have dropped a few lines to Mr. Clay on the subject of it. I have done so however, more in compliance with your current request, than from a calculation that any thing I could say would add to the weight of communications going from Mr. Southard & Mr. Dickerson, both better acquainted with you, than I could be presumed to be.

I thank you, Sir, for your obliging intention with regard to the new offspring of your pen. Should my octogenary age not allow me time for the full attention due to it, it will have the value of a mark of your kind respect for me, and a place, which will mark my respect for it. With this assurance be pleased to accept that of my cordial esteem & best wishes

James Madison

RC (PPAmP); RC (ViU); draft (DLC). Second RC marked copy.

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