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Results 98591-98640 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Th: Jefferson has the honor to inclose to the Secretaries of the Treasury and war, draughts of...
In answer to your letter of the 14th. inst. I have the honor to inform you that the French...
I had the honour to address you a letter on the 29th. of May was twelvemonth on the articles...
In acknowledging the receipt of your letter of this date, I cannot avoid expressing to you my...
I duly received your favor of May 25. and the specimens of the oak leaves, which I immediately...
The date of my last was the 17th. It acknowledged yours of the 9th. instant. Our harvest...
Your favor of 19. ult: with Pollies of the same date only reached us last night. My letters I am...
The Secretary of State having received from the Secretary of the territory of the US. South of...
The decision of the case of the British debts which was expected to have taken place at Richmond,...
Th: Jefferson has the honor to return to the President the minutes of the 17th. inst. The letters...
At a meeting this day of the heads of departments at the President’s on summons from him, a...
I have received & paid attention to your report of the 15 instant. The result is, that the Loan...
Treasury Department, June 20, 1793. Transmits “the President’s Ratification of the Contract...
Your letters of the 15 & 18 of June have been received. The ideas you express in the former...
At a meeting this day of the heads of departments at the President’s on summons from him, a...
I have received & paid attention to your report of the 15th instant. The result is, that the Loan...
I leave it to you, and the heads of the other two Departments to say what, or whether any answer...
Please to submit the enclosed letter to the President of the U.S. from Major Gaither—dated 23d...
I had prepared the enclosed a considerable Time ago but have waited for a Communication from a...
In coming from Philadelphia, alone, and meditative, after Congress had risen, the occurrences...
June 20. 1793. At a meeting this day of the heads of departments at the President’s on summons...
I have duly received your letter of yesterday. In a written communication which I had the honor...
Your Letter of the 12th. Instant was delivered to me this Morning upon my Return from a View with...
My last was of the 19th. of May. Since which time no vessel has sailed from this Port for the...
Since my letter of the 14th. of June which goes by the same conveyance with this I have received...
I leave it to you, and the heads of the other two Departments to say what, or whether any answer...
To the Honourable Thomas Jefferson Esquire Secretary of State for the United States of America:...
In answer to your letter of the 6th instant, I refer you to mine of the 30th of may. I should...
I feel myself infinitely obliged to you for your late confidential Communication. The Principles...
Considerations, relative both to the public Interest and to my own delicacy, have brought me,...
I learnt with real pleasure, your return from the West Indies in improved health. Be assured,...
There are some points relative to the finishing of our business which we suppose will occasion...
The two points we had the honor to submit to your consideration this morning are those on which...
Considerations, relative both to the public Interest and to my own delicacy, have brought me,...
Your letter of the 17th came by the Post of yesterday—and as, by the purport of it, there is a...
The Undersigned, his Britannic Majesty’s Minister plenipotentiary to the United States, has the...
To Thomas Jefferson Esquire Secretary of State for the United States of America The Petition and...
There is no foundation, My Dear Sir, that I know of, for the Report of the Offence said to have...
I have the honor to submit to the consideration of the President [a recommendation] of the 4...
Dr.   Accot. of Loans made pursuant to the Acts of the 4. & 12. of August 1790. Total amount of...
I have the Honor to transmit (inclosed) a Letter addressed to me by the Consul of the French...
Having considered the two questions referred to me in your letters of yesterday, I am of opinion...
I have the honor to submit to the consideration of the President [a report] of the 4th inst. from...
I submit the enclosed letter just received from Governor Mifflin together with my Opinion thereon...
The Master Warden of the Port of Philda, having informed me, that the Brigantine Little Sarah,...
In compliance with your request, expressed, this day in a letter from the Secretary at War, I...
The Secretary at War having stated in a letter of yesterday’s date, that he was commanded by you,...
Les discussions sont courtes quand on saisit les affaires par leurs véritables principes....
I have this moment received a letter from Mr. Hammond informing me that the court of Admiralty...
Having considered the two questions referred to me in your letters of yesterday, I am of opinion...