From Thomas Jefferson to Alexander Hamilton and Henry Knox, with their Replies, 25 June 1793
To Alexander Hamilton and Henry Knox, with their Replies
June. 25. 1793.
Th: Jefferson has the honor to submit to the correction and approbation of the Secretaries of the Treasury and War, the inclosed draughts of letters to the French minister on the subject of the ship William and others in her situation, and to Mr. Hammond and Mr. Pinckney on the subject of the Snow Suckey.
[Replies by Alexander Hamilton and Henry Knox:]
The letters to Mr. Hammond and Mr. Pinckney appear to me proper, according to the facts stated in them.
The object of that to Mr. Genet also appears to me desireable; but I am not wholly without scruple as to the proposition going from the UStates.
A Hamilton
Approved H Knox
RC (DLC); addressed: “The Secretaries of the Treasury & War”; with replies by Hamilton and Knox at foot of text. PrC (DLC); lacks replies. Tr (DLC); 19th-century copy; lacks replies. Recorded in SJPL. Enclosures: (1) Draft of TJ to Edmond Charles Genet, 25 June 1793. (2) Draft of TJ to George Hammond, 26 June 1793. (3) Draft of TJ to Thomas Pinckney, 26 June 1793.