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Results 98201-98210 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
98201Executive Order, 25 May 1793 (Washington Papers)
An act making allowances for certain services & contingencies in the collection of the Revenue during the year ending on the 30th day of June 1792. Whereas it has been found necessary to provide a compensation for the legal admeasurement of Stills during the year ending on the 30th day of June 1792. it is hereby established & declared, that there may & shall be allowed to the Collectors of the...
It was only by last Post that I was honor’d by the receipt of your letter of the 28th past & how to account for the detention I am entirely at a loss since its coming to hand I have made every enquiry respecting the Price to be procured for flour, & am offer’d only 31/ & 33/ ⅌ Barrell paid in 90 days the flour to be all deliver’d at this place. Flour would be higher if American bottoms could...
The proper fund for the payment of the enclosed is the 10,000 Dollars for defraying the contingent Expences of the Government. Will you add a few words directing it to be paid out of that fund. Yours LB , DLC:GW . This enclosure, which has not been found, was from Richard Harrison, auditor of the U.S. Treasury, and concerned the reimbursement of James Seagrove for the expenses he had incurred...
Be pleased to submit the enclosed letters from Major Habersham, and Major Gaither to the President of the United States. Yours ALS , DLC:GW ; LB , DLC:GW . The letters from John Habersham to Knox of 23 and 29 April, which have not been identified, concerned the readiness of the Georgia militia ( JPP, Dorothy Twohig, ed. The Journal of the Proceedings of the President, 1793–1797 ....
The Secretary at War, in a letter dated the 23d instant, represents, that you confide to me, the charge of interposing in all cases of hostility committed between the belligerent parties, within the protection of this State; and signifies your desire, that I should, with the aid of the Militia, detain the parties first aggressing, until I can communicate the case to you, with the evidences in...
I was in Colchester a few Days ago where I was informed you had passed thro’ Town that Morning on your way to Richmond— as you return I hope you may make it convenient to call on me & stay a Day or two I am only three or four Miles from Colchester if you shou’d travel in the Stage I will send Horses to meet you on your giving me Notice per post to Colchester when you will be there shou’d any...
Marseilles, 25 May 1793 . European political affairs, embroiled by the revolutions in France, will require TJ’s continuance in office because he is perhaps better able than anybody in France to judge the current situation, having left during the first year of the Revolution and subsequently kept in contact through public or private correspondence. By land strong armies surround all of France’s...
Charlottesville, 25 May 1793 . He acknowledges TJ’s letter of 10 Mch. and thanks him for the eggplant seeds which accompanied it. The plant is rare here and difficult to raise, for only two or three of those he sowed have escaped destruction by flies, and only by covering them in gauze can he hope to keep the survivors. He wrote Fenwick asking for information about his bills of exchange, but...
The Hague, 25 May 1793 . We receive neither letters nor papers from France and hear from there and elsewhere only what they wish us to know or delude us about. In Germany, as in Poland, the big despots are overwhelming the little ones and seizing peoples like flocks of sheep. All around him, commerce overthrown, treasury exhausted, imminent vexations to refill it, hypocrisy on the throne and...
J’eus l’honneur de répondre au mois d’octobre dernier à la lettre que vous avies pris la peine de m’écrire. Je vous fis part, Monsieur, des circonstances qui empêchoient Mr. Romilly de pouvoir promettre une montre telle que celle que vous desiriés plutôt que dans l’espace de huit à neuf mois et je vous priai de vouloir bien me donner vos ordres à ce Sujet, ainsi que pour le prix qu’il fixoit à...