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Results 98201-98230 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
98201Executive Order, 25 May 1793 (Washington Papers)
An act making allowances for certain services & contingencies in the collection of the Revenue...
It was only by last Post that I was honor’d by the receipt of your letter of the 28th past & how...
The proper fund for the payment of the enclosed is the 10,000 Dollars for defraying the...
Be pleased to submit the enclosed letters from Major Habersham, and Major Gaither to the...
The Secretary at War, in a letter dated the 23d instant, represents, that you confide to me, the...
I was in Colchester a few Days ago where I was informed you had passed thro’ Town that Morning on...
Marseilles, 25 May 1793 . European political affairs, embroiled by the revolutions in France,...
Charlottesville, 25 May 1793 . He acknowledges TJ’s letter of 10 Mch. and thanks him for the...
The Hague, 25 May 1793 . We receive neither letters nor papers from France and hear from there...
J’eus l’honneur de répondre au mois d’octobre dernier à la lettre que vous avies pris la peine de...
Son Excellence l’Honorable Monsieur Hamilton Sécrétaire de la Trésorerie, nous ayant demandé la...
Nous avons l’honneur de vous addresser aujourd’hui le relevé du Compte de l’Etat de Virginie, la...
An opportunity from hence this morning enables me to forward the Letters inclosed —with two...
I am honoured with your Excellency’s letter of the 20th. and have duly laid the same before the...
I sincerely lament the situation in which you are unhappily placed. Though circumstances have...
We received with due respect your letter of the 21st. inst. and have this new assurance of the...
Your letters of the 17th & 22d instt came duly to hand. Scales, with such weights as you have...
I duly received your Esteemed favor of the 19th Current, and return you my Sincere thanks for...
The 14th. article of our treaty with France has shut out all general reasoning from the law of...
Your and Mr. Randolph’s welcome favors of the 16th. came to hand yesterday, by which I perceive...
I received yesterday your favor of the 13th. and I hasten to answer it, tho’ a long interruption...
I duly received, my Dear Sir, the note you inclosed for the 64. dollars which was paid.—We have...
Newport [ Rhode Island ] May 27, 1793 . “… Last saturday evening I recd. a letter from you dated...
I have recd. your circular Letter of the 14th instant, covering Four blank Sea Letters; together...
I herewith transmit an extract from a Law of the Commonwealth of Virginia passed on the 26th. of...
At this eventful period when caution must be united with firmness to preserve to the United...
I pray permission to inform you, that I expect to embark for England, within a few days—and to...
Th: Jefferson has the honor to inclose to the President, (among other papers,) those relating to...
I have recd. your letter with the unsealed one for Monroe & have forwarded the latter. Your...
I wrote you last on the 19th. The doubts I then entertained that the offers from the Fr. rep....