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Results 98101-98150 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I have the honor to transmit you a note of all the Sea letters received by me, and of the...
You ask me if the News-papers of Philadelphia give a true picture of the conduct of its citizens...
Your letter of the 16th instant has been duly received. The want of sufficient light with regard...
Your letter of the 28th. of April has been received. The complaint against Mr. Cook has lately...
[ Philadelphia, May 18, 1793. “For a Journey from Newburyport to Wiscasset & back performed this...
Th: Jefferson presents his respects to the President and will take the liberty of waiting on him...
Th: Jefferson has the honor to inform the President that having, from a slight expression of...
Please to submit to the President of the United States the enclosed letters from Governor Blount...
Letter not found: to Edmund Randolph, c.18 May 1793. Randolph wrote GW on 18 May , “I was from...
(Private) [Philadelphia] May 18. 1793. E. Randolph presents his sincere respects to the...
I have just returned home from an attendance on the courts at Fredbg & Richmond & promise myself...
Th: Jefferson has the honor to inform the President that having, from a slight expression of Mr....
Th: Jefferson presents his respects to the President and will take the liberty of waiting on him...
Your letters of the 10th & 15th are both received; & it gives me pleasure to find by them that...
I wrote you last on the 13th. Since that I have received yours of the 8th. I have scribbled on a...
Two or three days before the receipt of your favor of the 11th. inst. (which I received yesterday...
I recieved yesterday your favor of the 9th. Colo. Humphreys has been instructed to proceed a...
I have to acknolege the receipt of your favors of the 10th. and 13th. inst. and shall with great...
Th: Jefferson presents his respectful compliments to Mr. Genet. He will be at his office at half...
I have received on the 9th. instant the letter which you did me the honour to write to me on the...
I have for some days delayed answering your letter of Apr. 27. to see whether any prospect would...
I wrote you last on the 13th. Since that I have received yours of the 8th. I have scribbled on a...
I have been longer without answering your favor of Apr. 26. than I would have been if the answer...
Altho’ I have Not the honor of a Personal Acquaintance with you, Yet from the recommendation of...
Your favor of the 8th. came to hand yesterday. I received one at the same time of May 13. from...
You have annexed Copies of my Letters of the eleventh and twelfth of last month since which I...
New York, May 20, 1793. “I am favoured with your letter of the 8th. instant and am happy my...
[ Philadelphia ] May 20, 1793 . Submits “a communication of the 15 inst: from the Collector &...
un malheureux Homme Ce trouvent dans une mauvais etat, prie a monsr le President Washington, de...
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor respectfully to submit to the President of the United...
T. Lear has the honor, by the President’s command, to return to the Secretary of State the...
T. Lear has the honor, by the President’s command, to return to the Secretary of State the...
We have been honoured with your letter of the 26th. Ulto. covering the Proclamation issued by the...
I have the Honor to transmit herewith the copy of mine (No. 29) of the nineteenth of last Month....
Qu. shall the Privateer fitted out at Charleston , and her prizes be ordered out of the ports of...
J’ai l’honneur de Vous envoyer Ci joint un Exemplaire imprimé du Manifeste que Leurs Hautes...
We have your respected favor of 19 March remitting us Hd. Cy. ƒ99.000. in a Bill drawn by the...
Your kind letter of the 12 has reached me, in complyance with M r Brieslers request I enclose the...
I am obliged for your favor covering the Clerks accounts. The affairs of Europe are changed since...
I have duly received and considered your favor of the 17th. inst. complaining that the French...
Sketch of a letter proposed to be written by the Secretary of war to the governors of the states,...
I have been duly honored with your favor of May 8. covering the letter of Mr. Newton, and that of...
I duly received your favor of the 9th inst. and communicated it’s contents to the President, with...
Copenhagen, 21 May 1793 . Since his last letter of 22 Dec., which was accompanied by his security...
Your several favors of the 7th. and 12th. instant were duly received and laid before the...
The Secretary of The Treasury has the honor to transmit to The President of the U: States a...
Portsmouth [ New Hampshire ] May 22, 1793 . “… Capt. Yeaton informs me he has sustained...
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor to transmit to The President of the U: States a...
Th: Jefferson has the honor to submit to the President a letter to the Govr of Georgia, & two...
Letter not found: from Edward Newenham, c.22 May 1793. Newenham wrote GW on 7 June 1793, “I sent...