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Results 981-990 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Your obliging Favour of the 5th. came by Yesterdays Post, and I intended to have answered it by this Mornings Post, but was delayed by many Matters, untill he gave me the slip. I am sorry that you and the People of Boston were put to so much Trouble, but glad to hear that such Numbers determined to fly. The Prices for Carting which were demanded, were detestable. I wish your Fatigue and...
By letters received from Boston I was grieved to learn that you had been very ill. It would give me great pleasure to hear, that your health is perfectly restored. We have been roving to & from, since we had the pleasure of meeting you. We reached Philadelphia the 5 th. of August & left it the 9 th. ; Court sitting only three days as the alarm of the prevailing fever had in that time become...
On the 30 Nov. our Peace was Signed. On the 28. March We dont know that you have Yet heard of it. A Packet Should have been Sent off. I have not yet received the Ratification of the my Dutch Treaty. I know not when I Shall be able to embark for home. If I receive the Acceptance of my Resignation, I Shall embark in the first ship, the first good ship I mean, for I love you too well, to venture...
Your Favour of the 1 st. Ins t. I rec d the 11 st. and shall give orders to Pratt relative to the Butter &c Not having received an Answer to Mine respecting the Cart &c and finding no Opportunity to dispose of the Cart to Advantage I got L t. Bates to apprize it which he sat at £7.10.0 and had concluded to take it to my own Use if you approved of it, but as you think it will not be best to...
IT is now almost three Months since I left you, in every Part of which my Anxiety about you and the Children, as well as our Country, has been extreme. The Business I have had upon my Mind has been as great and important as can be intrusted to One Man, and the Difficulty and Intricacy of it is prodigious. When 50 or 60 Men have a Constitution to form for a great Empire, at the same Time that...
I have thought day after day, that another should not pass without writing to my much loved Sister; that tomorrow I should have time , & would devote it, to the effusions of Sisterly affection, but I find each day fraught with its cares, & now more peculiarly so by my dear Betsy Quincy’s being sick with a lung fever, in consequence (I suppose) of a sudden cold. She was voilently seized with a...
In discharge of my promise to write you a letter , which has been given you in two covers enclosing letters from my brother, I commence before the expiration of a second month since the date of my last, by an acknowledgment of your favor of June 10 th: which came to hand on the 6 th: curr t: together with several other’s for JQA. If to the countless instances of your affection and tenderness,...
This is the first Time, I have been able to write you, since my Sickness.—Soon after my Return from Paris, I was seized with a Fever, of which, as the Weather was and had long been uncommonly warm, I took little notice, but it increased very slowly, and regularly, untill it was found to be a nervous Fever, of a dangerous kind, bordering upon putrid. It seized upon my head, in such a manner...
I am happy to find by M r. Adam’s’s Letter of Dec. 14. that You have in a great Measure recovered Your Health. I sympathize with you under the Sickness of Your Son and others in Your Family. I sincerely wish for his and their Restoration to Health, & hope by this Time that they have regain’d it and that you are sit down in some Degree of Ease & Tranquillity— Your Scituation in Life must...
In the begining of this month I made a visit to Haverhill found them all well. Mr Duncan married to a maiden Lady about sixty years old a sister of Judge Greenliefs of Newburry port. We made the Weding Visit. It is the easiest thing in the world for Some people to Bury wives and get new ones. If you hear of any of your acquaintance losing a wife you may expect in the next letter, at least to...