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Results 981-1030 of 184,431 sorted by author
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
981 Adams, Abigail Ceracchi, Giuseppe Abigail Adams to Giuseppe Ceracchi, 12 February 1795 1795-02-12 Accept Sir my acknowledgment to you for the very valuable present of the Medallion, and the...
982 Adams, Abigail Tyler, Royall Abigail Adams to Royall Tyler, 4 January 1785 1785-01-04 Half the pleasure of a Letter consist in its being written to the moment and it always gave me...
983 Adams, Abigail Otis, Mary Smith Gray Abigail Adams to Mary Smith Gray Otis, 1 April 1799 1799-04-01 I am indebted to you for a very kind and friendly Letter by my son, to which I ought sooner to...
984 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Quincy Abigail Adams to John Quincy Adams, 13 December 1788 1788-12-13 I begin to think I am not of that concequence at Home which I supposed myself, or that you think...
985 Adams, Abigail Abigail Adams’ Essay on American Politics, post 18 … 1801-03-19 Mr Jefferson in his Speech; makes observes, that, He may [“]I Shall often go Wrong through defect...
986 Adams, Abigail Cranch, Mary Smith Abigail Adams to Mary Smith Cranch, 15 November 1799 1799-11-15 I wrote to you twice from East Chester. I left there the day I proposed; and had a fine passage...
987 Adams, Abigail Thaxter, John Abigail Adams to John Thaxter, 8 December 1780 1780-12-08 I have been all impatience for several Months looking and longing to hear from abroad. From June...
988 Adams, Abigail Cranch, Mary Smith Abigail Adams to Mary Smith Cranch, 8 December 1800 1800-12-08 I know My Much loved Sister that you will mingle in my Sorrow, and weep With me over the Grave of...
989 Adams, Abigail Tufts, Cotton Abigail Adams to Cotton Tufts, 18 December 1791 1791-12-18 Tis more than two months since I left you yet I have neither written a word to you or heard from...
990 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Smith to John Adams, 13 October 1764 1764-10-13 When I wrote you by the Doctor I was in hopes that I should have been out the next day, but my...
991 Adams, Abigail Lowell, John Abigail Adams to John Lowell, 29 November 1779 1779-11-29 Before Mr. Adams left me he mentiond 2 or 3 gentlemen to me to whom he would have me apply for...
992 Adams, Abigail Jefferson, Thomas Abigail Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 20 December 1785 1785-12-20 Your favours by Colln. Smith and by the Baron Polintz came safe to hand. As you have justly...
993 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Quincy Abigail Adams to John Quincy Adams, 15 November 1798 1798-11-15 Once more my dear son it is permitted me to address you by Letter. thanks to the Great Giver of...
994 Adams, Abigail Cranch, Mary Smith Abigail Adams to Mary Smith Cranch, 16 July 1787 1787-07-16 If as the poet says, expectation makes the blessing sweet, your last Letter was peculiarly so, as...
995 Adams, Abigail Adams, Thomas Boylston Abigail Adams to Thomas Boylston Adams, 7 February 1802 1802-02-07 Your Letter of the   Jan’ry I received near a fortnight ago, and have thought every day since...
996 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Quincy Abigail Adams to John Quincy Adams, 15 December 1778 1778-12-15 I have a very bad soar finger and it pains me to write, yet a few lines I must write to my dear...
997 Adams, Abigail Shaw, Elizabeth Smith Abigail Adams to Elizabeth Smith Shaw, 19 July 1787 1787-07-19 I will not plead in excuse that I have not by any of the late vessels received a Line from my...
998 Adams, Abigail Cranch, Mary Smith Abigail Adams to Mary Smith Cranch, 1 November 1789 1789-11-01 A strange phenomanan has happend in our Family. I believe I wrote you that Louissa and John were...
999 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 8 September 1775 1775-09-08 Since you left me I have passed thro great distress both of Body and mind; and whether greater is...
1000 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 5 April 1797 1797-04-05 The proclamation of the 25 of March, which is published in the Centinal of April 1 st has excited...
1001 Adams, Abigail Shaw, William Smith Abigail Adams to William Smith Shaw, 6 September 1800 1800-09-06 Your Letter by Mr Rogers did not reach Me untill the last week. The Crisis which I have long...
1002 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Quincy Abigail Adams to John Quincy Adams, 20 July 1798 1798-07-20 I wrote you in a Letter not long since: that as mr Malcom had declined going abroad, I had...
1003 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 4 April 1796 1796-04-04 I see by the papers brought by last nights Mail that the Question on Livingstones Motion was...
1004 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 22 September 1774 1774-09-22 I have just returnd from a visit to my Brother, with my Father who carried me there the day...
1005 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 10 April 1796 1796-04-10 It is with real Sorrow that I have to acquaint You with the Death of so valuable a Man as Hon’...
1006 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 1 May 1780 1780-05-01 Last week arrived at Boston the Marquis de la Fayette to the universal joy of all who know the...
1007 Adams, Abigail Tufts, Cotton Abigail Adams to Cotton Tufts, 30 May 1790 1790-05-30 I received your kind Letter of May last week I was very sorry to hear that you and your Family...
1008 Adams, Abigail Johnson, Catherine Nuth Abigail Adams to Catherine Nuth Johnson, 20 May 1798 1798-05-20 I received a few days past, Your obliging favour of May 7 th , inclosing the Letters of my sons,...
1009 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, ca. 20 February 1794 1794-02-20 The post of the last saturday was the first for a long period, which faild of bringing me a...
1010 Adams, Abigail Tufts, Cotton Abigail Adams to Cotton Tufts, 6 December 1797 1797-12-06 I received your Letter of Nov br 24 by the post of yesterday. with respect to the Notes you wrote...
1011 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 20 April 1777 1777-04-20 The post is very Regular and faithfully brings me all your Letters I believe. If I do not write...
1012 Adams, Abigail Tufts, Cotton Abigail Adams to Cotton Tufts, 25 May 1798 1798-05-25 I received yesterday your kind Letter of May 12 th and was rejoiced to learn that you had...
1013 Adams, Abigail Thaxter, John Abigail Adams to John Thaxter, 20 October 1783 1783-10-20 To you my young Friend upon whom the parential ties are strong and unbroken; who never yet knew...
1014 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 22 February 1796 1796-02-22 Mr Quincy and Mr Copley made me a visit this afternoon. mr Copley arrived from England about 2...
1015 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 29 January 1797 1797-01-29 Yes My Dear Friend I had seen and read the Tenth Muse, and I think she abuses our poor old...
1016 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 21 April 1776 1776-04-21 I have to acknowledg the Recept of a very few lines dated the 12 of April. You make no mention of...
1017 Adams, Abigail Cranch, Mary Smith Abigail Adams to Mary Smith Cranch, 6 July 1797 1797-07-06 I got through the 4 July with much more ease than I expected. it was a fine cool day, and my...
1018 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 5 August 1782 1782-08-05 I know not any pleasure equal to that which arises from feeding the Hungry, cloathing the Naked...
1019 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Quincy Abigail Adams to John Quincy Adams, 8 October 1795 1795-10-08 I hear of a vessel going to Amsterdam, and tho I presume you are not in Holland, I shall write a...
1020 Adams, Abigail Smith, Abigail Adams Abigail Adams to Abigail Adams Smith, 3 November 1792 1792-11-03 Mrs Jeffry sails in Captain Scott and is so good as to say that she will take Letters to you. I...
1021 Adams, Abigail Jefferson, Thomas [To Thomas Jefferson from Abigail Adams, 12 August … 1785-08-12 [ London, 12 Aug. 1785. Record in SJL of its receipt on 23 Sep. 1785 reads: “Mrs. Adams’s....
1022 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 5 October 1799 1799-10-05 I rejoice in the fine weather you have had. accounts from N york & Philadelphia are rather...
1023 Adams, Abigail Tufts, Cotton Abigail Adams to Cotton Tufts, 5 October 1785 1785-10-05 Captain Callihan sails sooner than we expected so that we have not time to write to several of...
1024 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 17 – 18 July 1782 1782-07-17 I have delayed writing till the vessel is near ready to Sail, that my Letters may not lay 3 weeks...
1025 Adams, Abigail Cranch, Mary Smith Abigail Adams to Mary Smith Cranch, 16 May 1797 1797-05-16 most cordially welcome to me was your kind Letter of May the 4 th , yet I have not found time...
1026 Adams, Abigail Cushing, Hannah Phillips Abigail Adams to Hannah Phillips Cushing, 2 September … 1801-09-02 I received your kind and Friendly Letter of the 2d, and beg you to accept my thanks for your kind...
1027 Adams, Abigail Robbins, Chandler Jr. Abigail Adams to Chandler Robbins Jr., 10 January 1783 1783-01-10 The Letter which you find enclosed you will be kind enough to sink should you be so unfortunate...
1028 Adams, Abigail Cranch, Mary Smith Abigail Adams to Mary Smith Cranch, 4 April 1798 1798-04-04 The eastern post will go out this morning and I take my pen to thank you for your Letters of the...
1029 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 30 July 1777 1777-07-30 I dare say before this Time you have interpreted the Northern Storm; if the presages chill’d your...
1030 Adams, Abigail Cranch, Mary Smith Abigail Adams to Mary Smith Cranch, 20 January 1787 1787-01-20 Since the Sailing of captain Folger by whom I wrote you, I have received Letters from you of the...