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Results 97851-97860 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
The writer of the inclosed letter has thought proper to pass it to you thro’ my hands. My acquaintance with him is of the most accidental & transient kind. It justifies me however in believing him to have personal worth, as well as respectable connections. Of the degree of his eccentricity you can be best informed by the two Engineers who are from his neighbourhood. I recd. lately the inclosed...
Mr. Söderström, the Sweedish Consul, has been here about a fortnight. I went this morning about a mile out of town with him, and was introduced to a Mr. Bayard. He has two Daughters that are among the toasts; one of them I think very pretty. Mr. Bayard I hear was in the late war violent on the wrong side of the Question. It is the case with a great number, of the most reputable families in the...
In answer to your Letter of 17 which I received last evening I have only to beg that you will keep up your spirits and make every exertion to remove the impressions which your father received during his visit to Cambridge and which he is too just to retain if you convince him by your application and industry that those impressions are incorrect—Your frequent and injudicious declarations that...
I inclose you a draught of a Proclamation with an amendment proposed by mr Madison. before I make any alteration I shall be glad of your opinion on the matter. I return the two draughts of letters with an alteration or two proposed to one of them for your consideration. mr Erskine promised to write to Commodore Douglas yesterday on the subject of the Cambrian. he says she is reported as having...
I beg leave to return you my acknowledgements for your very obliging favor of the 28th. Curt., and also for the communication of the Attorney General’s letter on the subject of Mr. Thomas Pagan’s case. Had my interference in behalf of Mr. Pagan been dictated merely by the spontaneous desire of relieving that Gentleman from his present unfortunate situation, I might possibly have been induced...
The ruin of my family and the consequent wretchedness of my declining years, produced by an exercise of arbitrary power in your hands, together with the active malignity of certain advocates of your infallibility, shoud have been born with consistent resignation, were it not that an unoffending hapless offspring are likely to be deprived of their only inheritance,—their fathers unsullied...
[ Wilmington, Delaware, February 5, 1794. On February 17, 1794, Hamilton wrote to Bush : “In your letter of the 5th. instant.” Letter not found. ] Bush was collector of customs at Wilmington, Delaware.
978581759. (Adams Papers)
Began Octr. 12th, in Pursuance of the foregoing Plan to transcribe from Brightlands english Grammar, Answer’s to Mr. Gridleys Questions for that Grammar. I have begun too, to compare Dr. Cowells Institutes of the Laws of England, with Justinians Institutes of the Laws of Rome, Title by Title, that each may reflect Light upon the other, and that I may advance my Knowledge of civil and common...
Give me leave to present to you Mr. Thos. Duché , Son of Mr. Duchof Phila . who is nigh you at Chaillot for his health :—you will find him a very amiable and well instructed young man:—He has ask’d my advice of the route he should take to return to England and I have recommended him to come by Strasbourg, Manheim, Dusseldorp, Flanders and Holland: as this tour will give him a Sight of a very...
Copy: Harvard University Library; three copies, one incomplete: National Archives We have appointed Mr. Williams to take the Direction of such affairs at Nantes as are more particularly within our Department and accordingly advise you to address yourself to him for any assistance You stand in want off in the Disposition of your prizes or your other Concerns. You will give directions to Capts....