George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Jonathan Boucher, 15 August 1770

To Jonathan Boucher

Mount Vernon Augt 15th 1770.

Revd Sir

Your favour of the 13th this Instant came to hand, & we have to thank you for your care of the Medicines sent by Mr Johnson1—We are glad to hear that you and Jack were well—Patcy has been very unwell since we had the pleasure of seeing you, not only with her old complaint, but the Ague and fever also, but from the latter she has recoverd.2

Miss Boucher favourd us with her Company at Fredericksburg3 & committed a Letter (& Book) to my care to be forwarded to you by Joe (who we expected to find here upon our return) but as the Letter is large, & it was not intimated that haste was requisite, I have judgd it bettr to keep the packet till Jacks arrival than to run you to the expence of Postage. Wednesday next is dancing day, it will be necessary therefore for Jack to be here on Tuesday4—by him I shoud be much obligd to you for sending me samples of all the bever Coatg in Annapolis with the lowest ready money prices—at the sametime please to mention whether there be Buttons bindg & Twist to them or not.5 Mrs Washingon joins me in Complimts to you—& desires her love may be added to her Lazy Son as does dear Sir Yr Most Obedt Ser.

Go: Washington

Please to inform me if there is any ship that will Sail soon for London that you get a Letter on board of after Jacks return.6

ALS, PHi: Samuel M. Clement Collection.

1Letter not found. For the references to the medicine sent by Dr. John Johnson, see GW to Boucher, 30 July 1770, n.3.

2Boucher left Mount Vernon on 25 July. Dr. Hugh Mercer attended Martha Parke Custis in Fredericksburg when she was visiting there in early August with GW and her mother. See Cash Accounts, August 1770.

3Jane Boucher called on GW and his wife at Fielding and Betty Lewis’s on 7 August.

4John Parke Custis arrived at Mount Vernon on 20 Aug. for the dancing lessons that Francis Christian was giving.

5For further correspondence about the beaver coating, see Boucher to GW, 18 Aug., and John Parke Custis to GW, 30 Aug. 1770.

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