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Results 97261-97290 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Be pleased to correct the following typographical error in the 1st. Section of the Act intituled...
My second payment to You for the House in Wall Street has been due since the first day of the...
Th: Jefferson with his respectful compliments to the President returns him Colo. Humphrey’s...
I have duly received your letter of the 7th inst. respecting the issuing Executions against the...
Duplicate Sir St Mary’s [Ga.] 17th March 1793 When I had the honor of addressing you on the 12th...
I have duly received your letter—dated Hanover March 5th—and was happy to hear that yourself and...
Letter not found: to Anthony Whitting, 17 Mar. 1793. In his letter of 27 Mar. , Whitting...
Besides the difficulty you mentioned with respect to Jack’s trip to the Indian treaty, one has...
I am favoured with the receipt of your obliging Letter of the 12th: Instant and shall with...
Th: Jefferson incloses for the examination of the Atty. Genl. the abstract form of a patent...
Form of patent. The US. of America to all to whom these letters patent shall come: The words...
I received yesterday your favor of the 8th. covering one to Mr. Barclay, and, the moment before,...
Th: Jefferson with his respectful compliments to the President returns him Colo. Humphrey’s...
Your seal not being finished till this morning I was not able to send it by any of the gentlemen...
I had the Pleasure of receiving your favour of the 1 st. on Saturday night: by your Brother, who...
On Saturday night, Mr. John Quincy Adams my Son, and no doubt your friend, brought me from Boston...
[ Philadelphia, March 18, 1793. On March 22, 1793, Hamilton sent to George Washington “a...
On the 16th of this month I recd. yours of the 5th. inclosed in a letter from the President of...
The contingent account of the Department of State down to the 9th. instant, having been delivered...
I have before me your letter of the 8th. instant, transmitting sundry accounts for supplies at...
I have the Honor to transmitt for your Inspection sundry Statements No. 1 to 12 which have been...
The following will I make no dout appologise for the fredom here taken of writing to a Stranger...
I do myself the Honor to Transmit, for your information, the enclosed Impeachment against me...
The Secretary of the Treasury respectfully makes the following Report to the President of the...
Dr. 1793. Jan: 1st. To balance in their hands 1.744.750. “ Residue of the last 3/m loan, to be...
Dr. To balance of Cash, per statement No. 1 664,180.89. To amount of Sums expected to be received...
Dollars   Cts Dr. To amount of sums expected to be receiv’d this quarter on accot. of Imports &...
The XXXIV Section of the Collection law provides that certain rates per Cent . shall be allowed...
The Secretary of the Treasury respectfully makes the following Report to the President of the...
Th: Jefferson has the honor to inclose to the President the copies of the Algerine papers which...