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Results 97231-97260 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Yours of the 18 of last month did not reach me untill the 6th. instant. I beg you will accept my...
Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1[5–29] Mar. 1793. Vall-travers wrote that this letter is being sent by...
97233Observer, [13–15 March 1793] (Hamilton Papers)
Among the publications which have appeared as containing the Debates in Congress respecting the...
You will find inclosed a duplicate of a letter from me to you of the 1st of February, and a copy...
I received, two days since, the letter which You did me the honor to write me of the 14 of...
Th: Jefferson with his respects to the President, sends him the draught of a letter to Madame de...
(Private) Dr Sir, Philada March 15th 1793 I was exceedingly pleased to learn from your letter of...
I hope you will have the goodness to excuse the delay which has taken place in transmitting...
By the Brig Betsey, I have the pleasure to transmit to you triplicates of my letters of the 30th...
As it is possible the Letter, of which the enclosed is a copy, may have met with some mis-chance,...
The inclosed list of Acts passed at the late Session will be a clue to most of the business which...
I duly received your favor of Jan. 26. and learn with great pleasure the reestablishment of your...
Je vous demande bien sincerement pardon pour mes Importunités. Je prends la liberté d’invoquer...
Succinct description of a new Plan of a Capitol by Mr. Hallet. The principal front is in a direct...
The President has seen with satisfaction that the Ministers of the United States in Europe, while...
My communications to you in the case of Pagan against Hooper, combined with the facts, which have...
Th: Jefferson with his respects to the President, sends him the draught of a letter to Madame de...
The President approves of the enclosed draft of a letter to Mr. Morris—and wishes to know if...
I addressed a few lines to you on the 31st. of January, in a state of entire uncertainty in what...
Imaginé vous une ouverture pratiqué dans le rempart de La Citadelle et entouré d’une haute et...
You have most probably heard long before this, that I have printed “ Letters to Paine ,” by your...
Le Ministre soussigné prie le secretaire de la trèsorèrie de faire avancer à Conyngham Nesbit et...
[ Philadelphia, March 16, 1793. On May 1, 1793, Willink, Van Staphorst, and Hubbard wrote to...
The Commissioners of the public buildings have at length dismissed me from the business in which...
I addressed a few lines to you on the 31st of January, in a state of entire uncertainty in what...
From the number of vacancies that have lately happened in the Army I am Induc’d to apply for an...
Letter not found. 16 March 1793. Acknowledged in Taylor to JM, 23 May 1793 . Encloses newspapers...
Having left the City before the receipt of Mr. Chambers’ letter to me, containing the inclosed...
Liverpool, 16 Mch. 1793 . He encloses this month’s price current at Liverpool, which remains...
I wrote you on the 30th. of December, and again a short Letter on the 1st. of January, since...