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Results 97201-97250 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
On my arrival here with my family a few days past I had the honor of receiving your letters of...
I understood those Gentlemen of this Town who denominate themselves republicans had in part...
My last was of the 17th. since which yours of the 13th. is recieved. The Alien bill of the Senate...
7 July 1812. “The Petition of Mark Winslow Thomas Winslow and James Stewart respectfully sheweth...
I have prepared for publication a Lithographic Portrait of Mr. Randolph from Mr. Harding’s...
I wrote you the 1st. inst. which I will call No. 1. and number my letters in future that you may...
I have no letter from you by the mail, whence I conclude I may possibly recieve something by...
§ From William C. C. Claiborne. 29 March 1806, New Orleans. “The news from Nachetoches is of an...
I was this day favourd with Your letter of the 29th. of May Covering a Packet to me from...
Much occupation of one kind or another, together with the knowledge that all you desired was to...
It is some time since I had the pleasure to write to you, but as I know the pleasure you will...
The Preservation of wheat against the Ravages of the Fly being of such Consequence to you, & to...
A few days after Mr Gibson left us I recieved the inclosed from Mr: Montgomery who had recieved...
In obedience to the directions of the legislature of Pennsylvania—I have the honor to transmit to...
20 January 1803 , “ Near Natchez .” Encloses “general abstracts” [not found] of a recently...
§ From Henry Dearborn. 14 May 1806, War Department. “On examination I find but four carriages for...
I am now on my way to Kentucky. Will you be so good as to forward to Fredricksburgh the Deeds...
I hasten to forward to you a decree of the Senate of this Republic prohibiting the entry of all...
§ From James H. Audrain and Others. December 1813. “We take the liberty of recommending to your...
Mr. Daniel Carroll, having understood, that I was about framing a narrative of the proceedings in...
My silence has been long & perhaps you will tell me unkind; but I plead your release from strict...
I do not perceive that the General Government could well interfere upon the subject of the...
25 August 1802, Albany. “Some time since I wrote the President of the United States by the...
I dine at home and alone to day and Saturday of the present week.—I inclose some loose thoughts...
21 February 1810, Boston. Solicits an appointment in Spain, Portugal, Italy, or South America on...
I hope you will be so good as to pardon me for taking the liberty calling for your aide and...
Your indisposition at the date of your last, and hearing nothing from you since, make me fear it...
§ From John Armstrong. 10 February 1814, War Department. “I have the honor to submit for your...
Sentiments begin to circulate—the Cloven hoof begins to appear. I want no arguments to convince...
I have this day Your favor of the 21st, accompanied with a copy of a letter of the 14th Nov. The...
In the letter I took the liberty of writing you in such haste by the Hornet when stating the...
I have Enclosed Worth<torn> 1 Believeing that it will be <torn> philosepher & Legeslators...
It is impossible for Mrs. Corbin and myself to be sufficiently grateful to you and Mrs. Madison...
The Senate have this day rejected their own bill for raising a provisional army of 15,000. men. I...
The favour you have granted me, is not more agreeable than the manner in which it has been done...
I several weeks ago sent Mr. Wood a portrait painter of our City, to Washington, & after writing...
§ From William Thornton. 11 February 1806, Washington. “I have five hundred Dollars to pay this...
Before this you will have seen the proceedings of the Legislature of this State. It is with much...
I received yesterday your’s of the 22d. & learn with regret that you have been so unwell. This &...
Having this moment received from Mr. Claxton fifteen Dollars for your share of the three lots of...
I have received a letter from Captain Allen commander of the U.S. Brig Argus dated L’Orient 12...
For the last twelvemonth I have been making the Tour of the U. States through the West, the North...
§ From Michael D. King. 10 May 1814, Fayetteville. “I am Sorry to inform You that my situation in...
I fear you will dread the sight of a letter from me, inasmuch, as it may lay claim, to the...
In a recent conversation with Mr. John Boyle of Kentucky I took Occasion to solicit him to suffer...
I hope I shall be excused in troubling you with A few lines. I should not have troubled you with...
By the last mail from this place I acknowledged the rect. of your favors to the 16th. last month...
Mr. Lear, sailed yesterday in the Constitution Frigate Commodore Campbell; for Algiers. He has...
8 November 1811. Conveys information that two pipes of the wine ordered by JM have been shipped,...
22 November 1802, Comptroller’s Office, Treasury Department. At Gallatin’s direction, encloses a...