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Results 9681-9730 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I had the honor of receiving your very obliging favour of the 1st. instant, giving me a sketch of your life, which is highly satisfactory, & for which be pleased to accept my sincere thanks. I shall have the pleasure of speaking to young Dr. Rush, with whom I am acquainted respecting the sketch which you have mentioned. I am glad you have settled the plan with Mr: Morse, to whom be pleased to...
During the revolutionary War I kept notes and preserved pamphlets with a view to write memoirs of it. From the immense difference in my facts and opinions from those that were current and popular, I was sure if I had published them they would not have been believed, and would moreover have exposed me & my posterity to persecution. I therefore burnt all my notes (the characters of the gentlemen...
The Managers of the Royal Institution of Great Britain have directed me to transmit to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences the enclosed Prospectus; I have therefore the honour to forward the same to your Excellency, and to request that you would lay it, or cause it to be laid, before that learned and respectable Body. I have likewise the honour, in conformity to the Instructions I have...
I have the honor to transmit herewith, persuant to the order of the Senate, of yesterday, the following documents—viz Books, No 1 and 2 , containing the current Cash Account between the United States and the Bank of the United States from the commencement of the operations of that Institution until this day. Files A, B, C, D A containing a series of accounts beginning the 16th of June 1792 and...
The little book which I send you I saw in the shop of Williams the bookseller, Yesterday. Observing that it was written by Sir Thomas Bernard and dedicated to Shute , Bishop of Durham, I concluded that the author was a son of Govr. Bernard, three of whose sons were at Lovel’s school when I was there, Thomas, Shute and Scro s pe. John, afterwards Sir John, was much older. I suppose that Shute...
I had the Honour of your favour of the 24th. instant this morning. The Master has been here twice this day and given for the first time Lessons in Greek and Latin to the Young Gentlemen. I am happy that they have begun. Their Instructor appears to be well acquainted with his Business, and to proceed with great Judgment. The Greek Grammar is one of his own Composition, and at present in Manu­...
I was greatly rejoiced at the return of your servant to find you had safely arrived, and that you were well. I had never heard a word from you after you left New york, and a most ridiciolous story had been industerously propagated in this and the neighbouring Towns to injure the cause and blast your Reputation, viz. that you and your President had gone on board a Man of War from N–y and saild...
I had the Honor of writing to you the 28th. but omitted answering your Quere about the Southern States determining to embody Ne­ groes as an Army. I never heard of such an Idea but in the letter forged, as from Genl. Clinton, nor do I immagine such a one will ever be entertain’d seriously in those States, for exclusive of many reasons against it that appear unanswerable, those who know the...
At a Legal Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Quincy holden on the 8th: Day of July current, A.D. 1822— Voted —That the town accept with gratitude, affection, and respect, the very liberal, valuable, and useful donation of the Hon. John Adams, with the restrictions, limitations, and conditions, expressed in the deed of conveyance, this day presented for their consideration,— Voted That...
We have seen with the anxiety, which is inseperable from the love of our Country; the situation in which the United States are placed by the aggression of committed by the French Nation, on our commerce, our Rights, and our National Sovereignty.—While the prospect of peace was in practicable view, we looked anxiously toward that event; but expected peace upon equitable & honorable terms, we...
I seize a few Minutes before the Post sets out to send You a little Information. Manley took two Prizes last Saturday, a large Ship of more than 300 Tons with a Cargo of Coals (chiefly) a large Quantity of Porter, some Wine and 40 live Hogs—destin’d for the beseiged Troops at Boston. The Captain found Means to throw overboard every material Letter. The other Capture was a large Brig from...
Known to you only as holding, in common with yourself, the honorable station of servant to the same sovereign people, & disclaiming all pretensions to make to you any application which, in in the general estimation of men, requires the preface of apology, I shall, without the circumlocution of compliment, proceed to state the cause which induces this address. For words of a general nature,...
De retour d’une absence de chez moi j’ai trouvé la Lettre, dont vous m’avez honoré en date de Lundi dernier. Je dois vous demander pardon, que je n’aie pu accélérer jusqu’ici davantage la publication du Pamphlet. Des affaires de Famille imprévuës, qui me sont survenuës depuis ce tems, particulièrement la mort d’une Parente, qui m’a causé de fréquents voyages hors de Ville, m’ont ôté une grande...
Although we are exceedingly pressd with publick Business at this Juncture, I cannot omit the Opportunity that now offers of writing to you. The general Scituation of Affairs, and the particular Transactions between the British Commissioners and the Congress will be transmited to you by this Conveyance, by the Committee for foreign Affairs. Since I last came to this Place from Boston, several...
I hope you are agreably lodgd and that your Company will be to your mind. I rejoice in the ReElection of mr Ames, and mr Smith of Carolina. tis Said mr Freeman is chosen for Barnstable a clasmate of our Son JQA, a Lawyer, a worthy Sensible Man as I have heard. for this district mr Reed I hear is chosen. I do not however approve of Clergymen becomeing politicians. you may mak a Chaplin of him....
I have the honour to inform your goodness that since you left Madras Coast, I wrote about four or five letters but no line was favored from you an answer thereof—I last Dispatched a letter and a tiger skin by the Ship Captaïn John Neckils through the means of Ship Markee which I think would certainly have Delivered up to your goodness. I therefore hope your goodness will be pleased to Send a...
Il y a deja bien de tems, que nous souhaitions de trouver une occasion de feliciter Votre Exellence, avec l’heureuse & Rapide Revolution de l’Amerique, dans la quelle Votre Exellence a eu un si grand part, & qui vient de finir avec tant de gloire pour votre Patrie, & pour vous meme, nous la souhaitons avec d’autant plus d’empressement parce que Votre Exellence, durant sa residence dans cette...
I wrote you on the 24th. ulto. and sent a copy of Hamiltons Letter to Miranda as requested in yours of the 4th. of april last; you will find in the Annual Register, or Review of Politics and Literature for the year 1807 page 45 a note relative to the interest the British Government took in Mirandas Expedition, and in page 206. 7. 8 & 9 the account of his visit to Coro. in page 392 you will...
I was informd yesterday afternoon that you had done me the honor to name me as the successor of Mr. McHenry. While I avow the impression made on me by this additional mark of your confidence—and impression which no time will efface—I must pray you sir to withdraw the nomination. No man is more intimately persuaded than myself, of the wisdom of that political system, which has been adopted by...
I last Evening received your Letters, one of the 24th from Prince Town, and of the 25th from Philadelphia. I rejoiced to find you safe landed there, tho so far very far distant from me. as you wrote immediatly upon your arrival I could not expect any Family documents. I hope Brisler will inform me. I am going to send you an excellent servant as represented to me by my sister Peabody. sober...
J’ay recu Monsieur La Lettre par laquelle vous m’informez que le Congres des etats unis de l’amerique septentrionale vous a revetu du Caractere de Son ministre plenipotentiair auprès des etats generaux des provinces unies. J’ignore Si vous vous proposez de presenter vos Lettres de créance a Leurs hautes puissances dans ce moment mais si telle est votre intention je desirerois bien avoir...
I feel a little uneasy about you and therefore write you again to give you a timely caution as there are whispers concerning the restlessness of your Class which lead me to dread an explosion Your own sense my dear Boy will teach you how foolish and imprudent it is to run any risk of expulsion or even rustication as the loss of a year to you who are so desirous of obtaining your liberty would...
I have the honor of herewith transmitting to you, for your acceptance, an impression of the medal, presented, to the late Commodore Edward Preble, in pursuance of the resolution of Congress, of the 3rd March 1805. I have the honor to be, / with great respect, / sir, yr. mo. ob. st. MHi : Adams Papers.
After your Excellency’s advice, for which I am much obliged, I wrote, by this Sloop to his Excellencÿ the President, State the affair, and requested his interference, so far, as He maÿ think proper, and I flatter mÿself, that it wil be promoted bÿ you in the Same manner. But this occasion Sir! is to favourable, not to make use of it in enlarging—for a moment upon a particular article of your...
Mr St George Tucker is, I believe, a native of one of the West India islands. He was brought to Virginia quite a boy before the revolution, fought with reputation at Camden as a militia major, was next a lawyer, and has held several civil stations in Virginia, where, as I understand, he has always been greatly esteemed for his virtues and learning. He is now, on the late appointment of...
I do myself the honor to transmit to you, herewith, the Book which I promised, the last time I had the pleasure of seeing you, called the Cheerokee Spelling Book, or a digest of the Cheerokee Language, this Book got misplaced among the Cheerokees, & I have been unable to procure it untill the present time, which will account to you, for the delay in forwarding it— I have the honor to be, Sir,...
As promised, I have the honor to inform you that the expected courier arrived last night from St. Petersburg, with news of the signing of the convention between the Russian ministers and those of the republic on the third of this month. Therefore everything is in order. If you have any news regarding American affairs, please let me know, since it is necessary here to supply intelligence for...
I received your favour of the 25th of Novr. as soon as I arrived at this town which was last friday and a very kind and generous return I esteem it to the few lines I sent you from Brookfield. I hope the lines will not be Abandoned. I hope an Army will be inlisted for the Next year before the Spring Advances but am clearly of Opinion that the Charge of Marching in the Militia their equipment...
Secret United States [New York] August 27th 1790 Provided the dispute between Great Britain and Spain should come to the decision of Arms, from a variety of circumstances (individually unimportant and inconclusive, but very much the reverse when compared and combined) there is no doubt in my mind, that New Orleans and the Spanish Posts above it on the Mississippi will be among the first...
Yes, I did See from your note of thanks to your neighbours the disaster, which has fall’n to your lot—tho’ I could not learn its full extent—and yet it was not in my power to inform you of my feelings. That note directly relieved my anxiety—I knew—your mind enabled you, to elevate yourself above Such a loss—great as it may have been—and the gratification of receiving Such a fresh proof of the...
L’incluse pour vous m’est parvenue je ne sai d’où ni comment avec une Gazette de Rotterdam où l’on a inséré la Requête des Negociants de la dite Ville à leurs Magistrats. Je suppose qu’il y en a une pareille sous ce couvert. Vous aurez vu par les gazettes, qu’avanthier pareille démarche s’est faite à Leide par 64 Negociants et Fabriquants. J’ai lieu de croire, que demain il en sera présenté...
When Mr Gallatin and Mr Bayard arrived here, they brought us letters from many of our friends, and among them one from your brother George, which gave me much pleasure—But I was sorry there was none form you; and the more so because George’s letter was in answer to one which I had written him last September; and at the same time I had also written one to you—Now I have the satisfaction of...
L’année passé j’avois l’honneur de communiquer a votre l’Excellence mon desir de passer en Amerique avec ma famille pour m’etablir dans l’etat de New-york: vous aviez la bonté de me donner des informations sur ce projet, joignant a cela la flatteuse promesse, de vouloir bien, dans un tel cas m’honorer de vos recommandations. Dans ce tems mon Epouse ne pouvoit prendre la resolution de chercher...
I am this day honord with your favor of the 25th. The post of this day from Rochfort brings advice of the arrival at Isl deé of a Small Vessel from Baltimore that left the Bay the 28 March. The Commandant at Bell Isl writes the advices brought by the Sloop are that Clinton had receved in Georgia a Compleat defeat and Genl. Washington with 14000 Man had open’d the Seige of New York. I give you...
Stimulated by the same ambitious views which first impelled me to become a Scribbler, I am solicitous to attain the highest emenance of that summit, which, with many an anxious effort, my unwearied footsteps have long sought to ascend—Hence proceeds my application to that Luminary whose refulgent beams hath brightened with transcindent lustre; this younger world, and whose unborrowed rays can...
I can not express my feelings for the affectionate reception, which I met with at Montezillo—you honour me not only with your distinguished and partial regards, to which I am indebted for all the attentions, which I received—but you treated me as a Brother—as a friend—with cordiality—which was followed by each member of your family—It is not in my power to reciprocate it, but I thank my God...
I rejoice in the expectation of seeing you & Mrs Adams; and Miss S A—and as the Day that is most convenient to you wou’d be most agreeble to Mrs B & myself we have settled it with Mr. Vaughan & his family for Friday the 4th. April at 1/2 past two o clock but pray you will come to us an hour or two earlier, and be so kind as to let Judge and Mrs Adams know the day fixd. My Lord tells me you...
You cannot think what a disappointment your not writing occasion’d me! I have been weighing and reflecting upon every thing which might have caused your silence and have only been able to attribute it to that of sickness, which fills my heart with uneasiness Your Aunt Smith, being about to return to America, I take the opportunity of sending you a Watch, which I request you will use in the...
The Senate of the United States request that you would to accept their acknowledgments for the comprehensive and interesting detail, you have given, in your Speech to both houses of Congress, on the existing State of the Union. While we regret the necessity of the present meeting of the Legislature, we wish to express our entire approbation of your conduct in convening it on this momentous...
I scratch a Line in utmost Hast—Your kind Letter I receiv’d by Mr Jackson the Day after sending one to you. Your Tickets sell rapidly. Your Loan Office will fill apace. I wrote to you, or Mr Adams on the American Navy. Manly’s Character rises here. He has sail’d to Cape Ann for some Men there and has press’d thro great Difficulties to get out—something must be done to expedit Matters in that...
I sent you from Philadelphia an odd volume of A Sketch of Old England which I wrote your name in and addressed to Quincy—The second was stolen from me but as their some good matter in the first and as it is a book in which there is no history to break it would be worth reading though it cannot rank as a perfect work in your collection—I shall soon send you the favorite of Nature which is said...
I see with infinite satisfaction the progress our affairs have made in Holland within a short time, and that you will soon be able to pu t the finishing hand to your business. No one can more sincerely rejoice in t he honour you will merit and acquire by it, than I shall. That Nation, after much internal struggling, seems at last to have adopted an almost universal sentiment upon the...
Mr. Adams, whom the Congress of the United States of America has appointed to participate in the peace conferences whenever they may occur, arrived here sometime ago and has had the honor of being presented to the King and the royal family. This notice, which appeared virtually without change in the 8 April issue of Mercure de France , “Journal Politique de Bruxelles” (p. 88), was the second...
I wrote you a long letter of the 30th. Decr. 1780 to which I have not yet receivd any answer. But I cannot help writing a line to you by this opportunity, as well to congratulate you on the success of your negociations in Holland as to mention to you what I think may be of material concern to you; that the present minister for foreign affairs is as devoted a partizan of Count de Vergennes and...
Not having the Honor to hear from you on the Subject of my Letter of the 30th Ultimo, I have presumed that you did not disapprove of the Arrangement therein proposed of our Vessels, and having good Information that about 80 American Vessels with Cargoes to the amount of two Millions of Dollars were blocked up at the Havana by a few French Privateers, and had little chance of escaping without...
I may now give your Excellency a description of this place before I give you the two next volumes of my history of America. I confess that tho’ accustomed to misfortunes, tho’ possessed of a fortitude which never forsook me in the most trying occasions, yet the Sight of Newgate struck me with horror. figure to yourself, Sir, about 145 wretches dressed in the most ragged habits with emaciated...
I am much honored by the open and Confidential Manner, in which you have written to me; in return to which, I must assure you, that I heartily Concur with You in your Sentiments of the Necessity of the french Courts holding a Most liberal and neutral Conduct, and that it will do so, I look upon the New Appointment, to be an Earnest. I am to have the Honour of meeting the Gentleman, who is...
Tho I have not heard from you since I wrote you last, and have nothing new to say, unless it be a resital of my own perplexities, out of which I must get by myself. Yet a few lines will assure you that I am getting forward as fast as possible with my affairs, and prepairing to sit out on my journey. the weather has been as uncommonly cold and stormy for the week past, as it was Hot for two...
Mr. Dumas’ verbal message on behalf of Mr. Adams to the secretary of the town of Schiedam on 8 May 1782. The diversity of sentiments existing in this republic regarding the circumstances in which it stands relative to the United States of America, having appeared to Mr. Adams capable of causing some embarrassment to the merchants of Schiedam if he accepted their polite invitation, he has...
I have long intended to write you, but the fear of giving you more trouble than Information, has hitherto prevented me— the present critical Situation of public Affairs, & the probable issue of them, so different from what is conceived by most of our Polititians, have at length overcome every other Consideration & I have now taken my Pen to communicate a Sentiment which I must entreat of you,...