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Results 9651-9700 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
The Adjutant General informed me this morning that your Excellency was desireous to know which of...
I write this Letter with the hopes of its meeting you at Mount-Vernon in good health, after your...
The question on the Report printed, was decided by 60 for & 40 agst. it, the day before...
The Edinburgh review reached me safely. I had read the article on the corn laws, but confess the...
Paris, 21 May 1783. PRINTED: JA , D&A , 3:131–134 . LbC ( Adams Papers ); APM Reel 109. LbC-Tr (...
My estimable friend Mr Carter affords me the sure means of depositing the bundle safely in your...
9657General Orders, 24 December 1782 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Lieutenant Col. Hull, Major Morrell. For duty tomorrow the 2d Newyork...
Previous to the Rect of your Commands of Yesterday, I had sent an additional Reinforcement of a...
Yoor eggzelenzi will be plezed to reggolegt that the bond you give me when you was in the Vederal...
May it please &c. It now remains to close this Cause on the part of the Crown, a cause, which...
Prospect Hill , 14 October 1775 . Requests GW to accept Capt. Michael Doudel’s enclosed...
Colonel Washington has ordered the Commissary at Winchester to deliver you, from the public...
I did myself the honor to address you under the date of March the 13th., which letter however I...
Letter not found. 5 June 1801. Acknowledged in Coxe to JM, 11 June 1801 . Discusses Jacob Mayer’s...
I yesterday informed my beloved of my arrival here. A very good night’s rest has put me in as...
by boy Will I Recieved your present of Tacitus for Cyrus , your friendly attentions to the proper...
I have the Honor to enclose the several Estimates for which Appropriations will be necessary for...
Meeting, accidentally, at this place (as I was returning to Phila. from Mt Vernon) with a Ship...
A few days ago, I recieved a smal bag of Jerusalem, (or as some call it) Egyptian wheat, from Mr....
A difference of opinion having arisen among those of the Trustees of the Sinking Fund, who are...
Mad. de Tott a Reçu avec bien de La Reconnoissance Le Charmant petit Livre que Monsieur Jefferson...
[ Philadelphia, March 2, 1782. In July 1782, Laurens wrote to Hamilton : “I am indebted to you,...
General Schuyler has shewn me a letter from Mr Douw of Albany by which I perceive that you did...
I wrote you lately on the subject of the unfortunate situation of St Domingo & the application...
June 1, 1804. “You may recollect that previous to Mr Caines marriage with my sister Mrs...
As you will not wait in bestowing your kindnesses, till I arrive at Montezillo, you must permit...
Most or all the within Commands might be releived by the Troops near the North River without any...
Two or three weeks ago I wrote to you and requested you to write to the old judge Pendleton upon...
I received a letter last Week from Mr Short, dated Novr 1st—he Says Mr Hites absence from home,...
Having lately had much communication with Baron Jacobi upon the subject of the papers inclosed,...
9681Orders, 15 May 1756 (Washington Papers)
A Court Martial to sit immediately for Trial of Thomas Hicks. James Clarke, who has accused Aaron...
LS : Library of Congress We take the liberty to inform your Excellency that in consequence of the...
I am Commanded by his Excellency the Commander in Cheif to inform you that five of the Enemys’...
It gives me great concern to inform you that Mr. Faden has deceived me, and disappointed you of...
LS and transcript: National Archives; ALS (draft) and copy: Library of Congress The Marquis de la...
In passing thro’ this state, My dear sir, and South Carolina, I have taken some pains to...
Since Lord Grenville had last the honour of seeing M r Jay he has looked more particularly into...
ALS : Yale University Library I received with great Pleasure my dear Friends very kind Letter of...
And the said Thomas, according to the statute in such case made &c and provided and by leave of...
Inclosed I send Your Excellency Mr Beatty’s representation of the case of Brower and Lezier, two...
I have just received your letter of the 21st—The affair of your line has been singularly...
The expression in the opinion of the secretary of the treasury, to which you refer in your favor...
96931783 June 1. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
The Loadstone is in Possession of the most remarkable, wonderfull and misterious Property in...
In a Letter of October 7 th rec d from D r Rush of Philadelphia I find the following Paragraph...
ALS : American Philosophical Society A Vessel from Ireland to New York brought us the most...
9696[Diary entry: 11 April 1788] (Washington Papers)
Friday 11th. Thermometer at 54 in the Morning— at Noon And at Night. Clear & very pleasant all...
Since my last of the 23d Ulo I recd your Excellency’s Letters of the 8th 10th & 18th of Feby;...
9698[Diary entry: 25 May 1775] (Washington Papers)
25. Clear & pleasant but growing warmer.
I have received your two favours of the 24th and 25th—and can only regret, that circumstances...
The Kingdoms of this World are become the Kingdoms of our Lord and his Christ, and He shall reign...