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Results 9631-9680 of 184,431 sorted by author
I thank you for the Translation, which came to hand yesterday. I do myself the Honour to inclose...
All well.—You will send these Papers to some Printer when you have done with them. We have found...
I referred the inclosed papers to the Attorney Gen. and now inclose you his two opinions. I have...
9634March 18th. (Adams Papers)
In the Evening we had several very sharp flashes of lightning, attended with a Distant grumbling...
The Weather has been so disagreable and the Roads so bad, that I have not been able to advance...
There is more matter than time to write at present. The King of Sweden has done the United-States...
Your Favour by Mr. Palfrey, I received this Evening, and it was the more agreable because it...
The splendid account we receive from you and others of the dinners parties and balls from...
9639Monday May 26th. 1766. (Adams Papers)
I have been very unfortunate, in running the Gauntlet, thro all the Rejoicings, for the Repeal of...
Last night I received your favour of the first of this month., from the hand of Dr Solomon...
I received Yesterday your favour of the 3 d . The Letters you Sent me from America I have...
You may easily imagine our Anxiety to hear from America, when You know that We have no News to...
Your Favour of July 1. ought not to have lain by me, so long unanswered. But the old Apology of...
The President of the U.S. requests the heads of Departments to take the charge of the property of...
That New Orleans, and the Spanish Posts on the Missisippi, will be among the first attempts of...
We arrived on the 10 th. I, much oppressed by one of my great Colds, which is now going Off.— I...
I have rec d. from M r: Jefferson a copy of his letter to you of the 1 st. ins t: & agree fully...
I have received your Address adopted at a legal Town Meeting on the 20. of September. which is...
Another application has been made to me by Mr Elbridge Gerry, the oldest Son of the late Vice...
96501780. January 19. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Went down the River, on a Visit to the Rambler a Letter of Mark, of 18 Guns, belonging to Mr....
ALL the gentlemen in Holland who were the most friendly to the American cause, were excessively...
I shall not entertain you with public affairs, because you will learn the state of them from the...
I rejoice to learn, from your letter of the 9th Instant, that you still live; sand I hope in...
I inclose a letter from Mr. Baldwin the Senator of this days date & a printed report with some...
9655[February 1763] (Adams Papers)
Last Thurdsday afternoon, rode to Germantown, and there stayed at my friend Cs. till the last...
I sincerely and cordially pity you. But why are you not candid & explicit with me? If you expect...
Your first Proposition is to prove by Striking Facts, “that an implacable Hatred and Aversion...
After this Letter was written and erroneously inclosed I recd yours of 23d which is merry and...
The Hague, September 17, 1782—Wrote to secretary Livingston—“You will naturally inquire, whether...
I sincerely sympathise & condole with you in the Death of your Daughter in Law, such losses are...
Discourses on Davila. N. 33. It seems by the Discourse of Boetius, that there was a strong...
I have now read, and have heard read, the whole of your Volume—and I cannot refrain from...
96631779. Feb. 8. (Adams Papers)
In Conversation with Dr. Franklin, in the Morning I gave him my Opinion, of Mr. Deanes Address to...
I left Paris on the Eighth of March, expecting to find the Alliance, at Nantes and embark...
You ask me whether “an armed Vessel of a belligerent Nation has a right to search a vessel of a...
I thank you for your kind Letter of the 21st, and for the three Magazines inclosed, of December...
I agree with you in your obliging letter of the eighth of this month that the new England states...
Harvard College(?) and Worcester, mainly compiled in 1755–1756 , with some possibly earlier...
If you have brought upon yourself the garrulity of old age you must blame yourself for it....
As I have lost Children and Grand Children, in infancy and a Son and daughter grown up and...
I have recd your Favour with the Slip from the Gen Adr I dread the Sight of the Thing it was so...
I have written, many Times to you, Since I left you, but have never received one Line, except...
If my Memory does not deceive me, I have heretofore transmitted to Congress, the Advice of some...
You see I have taken the same liberty with your last which you did with mine & what is worse I...
I recd last night yours of the 6th.—I read the Account of the Small Globe rolling in a little...
The 11 th. of September is reckoned among the happiest days of my Life: The Navy officers who...
I Shall not pause to consider whether my Opinion will be popular or unpopular with the Slave...
96781775. Septr. 21. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
The famous Partisan Major Rogers came to our Lodgings to make Us a Visit. He has been in...
Your kind Favour of July 23, came by the Post, this Morning. It revives me, to hear of your...
Paris, 15 April 1780. RC in John Thaxter’s hand ( PCC , No. 84, I, f. 455–461). printed :...