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Results 9621-9650 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
By His Excellys. command I am to request you will be pleased to put General Hands brigade under...
I by Mr Fitz[hugh] of Chatham, reced your kind and Affectionate Letter. ten thousand times I am...
Having to remit the sum of 100. D. to Mr. John W. Eppes, and not certain of the safety of the...
La lettre dont Vous m’avés honoré, Monsieur, en date du 11. du mois dernier ne m’a été rendue que...
Mr Skinner th Commissary of Prisoners has informed me, that the communication between our Posts &...
In Consequence of your favour proposing a Descent on Long Island; Altho I was so Unhappy as not...
That I have not availd myself of the liberty of writing to you, which your Excellency’s request...
The idea I lately took the liberty to suggest may have appeared visionary and strange, but on...
Previous to Colo. Monroe’s departure for Europe he transmitted to me papers and documents...
A variety of circumstances have occurred since you left this part of the Country, which have...
I am charged by His Majesty to express to the Government of the United States His Majesty’s...
9632May 11. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Mr. Sorins, at Passi.
Your favour of the 5th Instant came to hand last Night by the post. Inclosing a Letter for Mr...
A Declaration of the Representatives of the United States of America , in General Congress...
ALS : American Philosophical Society It is long very long since I had the happiness of receiving...
Your letter of June 10 was duly delivered. I feel a pleasure in being able to say, that the...
Information has just been received that the Port of New Orleans has been shut against the...
Copy and transcript: National Archives; L (draft): Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères...
I Nominate William R. King, of North Carolina to be Secretary of the Legation to Russia. RC ( DNA...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, February 3, 1778, in French: I have seen in our...
I omitted in my letter of yesterday to return Barrois ’ catalogue with thanks for the use of it....
I hasten to acknolege receipt, and answer the Presidents Esteemed favr. 29th. Ulto. recd...
9643[Diary entry: 31 October 1772] (Washington Papers)
31. Went a fox hunting & killed a Fox in Compa. with sevl. others.
9644[Diary entry: 3 April 1786] (Washington Papers)
April 3d. Thermometer at 36 in the Morng.—50 at Noon and 50 at Night. A hard frost this morning &...
9645[Diary entry: 17 April 1769] (Washington Papers)
17. Very cold and disagreeable Wind being fresh & raw from the No. West.
Since I wrote your Excellency last, I have taken an entire new position with the Army. One part...
William Claiborne, of the State of Tenassee—to be district judge. Recommended by General...
Your favour of the fifteenth is received. In a cornfield, which I had manured with seaweed and...
Under an Expectation of seeing you on the twenty ulterior I differed answering your last favour...
I trust it will not be accepted by thee as flattery, when I mention what may in some respect...