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Results 9621-9650 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
9621[Diary entry: 12 July 1770] (Washington Papers)
12. Rid to my Harvest field at Muddy hole. Upon my return to Dinner found Mrs. Ambler & her...
9622[Diary entry: 12 July 1770] (Washington Papers)
12. Warm with thunder at the forenoon & moderate Rain (a good deal of it) in the Afternoon with...
9623Fryday July 13. 1770. (Adams Papers)
Arose and walked with Patten to see the neighbouring Fields of English Grass and Grain and Indian...
DS : Massachusetts Historical Society The Bostonians had long suspected that they were being...
9625[Diary entry: 13 July 1770] (Washington Papers)
13. Mr. Christian and all his Scholars except Peggy Massey went away. I rid to the Harvest field...
9626[Diary entry: 13 July 1770] (Washington Papers)
13. Still warm with appearances of Rain but none fell.
9627[Diary entry: 13 July 1770] (Washington Papers)
13. Finished cutting and Securing my Wheat at Muddy hole.
9628Saturday July 14. 1770. (Adams Papers)
Arose at 4. Got ready as soon as I could and rode out of Town a few Miles to Breakfast....
ALS : Library of Congress [Whitehall, July 14, 1770. Requests Franklin’s attendance at the Board...
9630[Diary entry: 14 July 1770] (Washington Papers)
14. Rid to my Harvest People at the Mill in the forenoon & in the afternn. likewise with Mrs. W.,...
9631[Diary entry: 14 July 1770] (Washington Papers)
14. Clear and Warm the Wind being Southwardly.
9632[Diary entry: 14 July 1770] (Washington Papers)
14. Began my Harvest at the Mill but did not quite finish the field on the other side by the New...
9633[Diary entry: 15 July 1770] (Washington Papers)
15. At home all day alone except Miss Massey being here.
9634[Diary entry: 15 July 1770] (Washington Papers)
15. Warm, and clear notwithstanding the Wind blew fresh from the Eastward.
9635[Diary entry: 16 July 1770] (Washington Papers)
16. Went to Alexandria to Court and returnd again in the Afternoon. The court met only on this...
9636[Diary entry: 16 July 1770] (Washington Papers)
16. Clear and Warm. Wind Southwardly.
A List of Tithables in Truro Parish Fairfax County—given in July 16th 1770. George Washington,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your kind reply to what I formerly wrote you in favour of...
9639[Diary entry: 17 July 1770] (Washington Papers)
17. At home all day. Major Wagener dined here, & went away in the Afternn.
9640[Diary entry: 17 July 1770] (Washington Papers)
17. Rather lowering all day with appearances of Rain—but none fell—tho it thunderd a little in...
9641[Diary entry: 17 July 1770] (Washington Papers)
17. Finished my Harvest at the Mill about 10 or 11 Oclock and began to cut the Wheat at Doeg Run...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Yours of the 15th. informing me of your agreable Journey and...
9643[Diary entry: 18 July 1770] (Washington Papers)
18. Rid to Harvest People at Doeg Run & returnd to Dinner.
9644[Diary entry: 18 July 1770] (Washington Papers)
18. Hot and Sultry with but little [wind] and that Southwardly.
ALS : American Philosophical Society This will be delivered to you by our ingenious Countryman...
Extract: reprinted from “Memoir of Thomas Gilpin,” Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography...
LS : American Philosophical Society I take the Liberty to repeat my Request to thee that Thou...
9648[Diary entry: 19 July 1770] (Washington Papers)
19. At home all day. Alone—except P[eggy] M[assey].
9649[Diary entry: 19 July 1770] (Washington Papers)
19. Very hot and Sultry with but little wind.
9650[Diary entry: 20 July 1770] (Washington Papers)
20. Was riding out to the Mill &ca. met an Augusta Man with Horses with whom I returnd & purchasd...