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Results 961-990 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
The two last years of my Residence at Colledge, produced a Clubb of Students, I never knew the History of the first rise of it, who invited me to become one of them. Their plan was to spend their Evenings together, in reading any new publications, or any Poetry or Dramatic Compositions, that might fall in their Way. I was as often requested to read as any other, especially Tragedies, and it...
962Poor Richard Improved, 1755 (Franklin Papers)
Poor Richard improved: Being an Almanack and Ephemeris … for the Year of our Lord 1755 . … By Richard Saunders, Philom. Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by B. Franklin, and D. Hall. (Yale University Library) It is a common Saying, that One Half of the World does not know how the other Half lives . To add somewhat to your Knowledge in that Particular, I gave you in a former Almanack, an Account...
It is with the greatest Chearfulness that I comply with your Desire in letting the Soldiers enjoy your Gratuity mention’d to Capt. Perouny: Believe me, Sir, we well always Set a high value upon every Mark of your Esteem, and for my own part it gives me the Greatest uneasiness to have Reason to believe that I do not Enjoy the same Share of your Confidence and friendship that I once was happy...
MS not found; reprinted from A Select Collection of Letters of the late Reverend George Whitefield, M.A. (London, 1772), III , 114–15. I hope that this will find you safely arrived at Philadelphia, from your northward expedition, and ready to come further southwards. This leaves me in my last Virginia stage, near the borders of North-Carolina. People as I came along have been very willing to...
Transcript: Harvard College Library (Sparks) Your collection of philosophical papers I have perused with a great deal of pleasure. I take notice that several letters of mine to you make a part of it, which gave me an additional pleasure, as it places me in some respect in a situation I should always be glad personally to be in, near my friend Franklin. There are several things in the...
Draft: Massachusetts Historical Society When you was in Boston I thought you a wise man; that you had some knowledge of humane Nature and Politicks, as well as of natural Philosophy; but if you have no greater pretensions to the latter, than you have to the former, I am afraid lest you be obliged to give up all claim to either; for it has been proved by some of our own wise men and Boys, (for...
AD and draft: Yale University Library In September 1753 Yale College conferred on Franklin the honorary degree of Master of Arts (above, p. 58), in absentia, since he was involved in Assembly business in Philadelphia. On his leisurely trip home from Boston in 1755, however, he stopped over in New Haven to visit friends, and Ezra Stiles, knowing of this plan in advance, prepared a Latin oration...
ALS (fragment): American Philosophical Society [I told him that as] I did not know her, I must refer him for Advice to his good Friends in Boston, who could better adapt it to Situations, Tempers and Circumstances. Only this I hinted in general, that I thought he would do well not to be too forward in Professions of Love, till by his Assiduities and little Services he had made some Progress in...
ALS : Yale University Library I am but just returned from a long Journey, after near 6 Months Absence, and find your Favour of Sept. 29. by which I have the agreable Advice that you expect to be able to remit me something in Smith’s Affairs very soon. As to the Thickness of Wire necessary or sufficient to conduct a large Quantity of Lightning; concerning which you desire my Sentiments; you...
The General having been informd that you exprest some desire to make the Campaigne, but that you declind it upon some disagreeableness that you thought might arise from the Regulation of Command, has orderd me to acquaint you that he will be very glad of your Company in his Family, by which all inconveniences of that kind will be obviated. I shall think myself very happy to form an...
ALS : New York Public Library Your kind Letter of January 20. is but just come to hand, and I take this first Opportunity of acknowledging the Favour. It gives me great Pleasure to hear that you got home safe and well that Day. I thought too much was hazarded, when I saw you put off to Sea in that very little Skiff, toss’d by every Wave. But the Call was strong and just, a sick Parent. I stood...
Draft: New-York Historical Society J’etois a paris en 1752 lorsque Les experiences sur lelectricité que vous aviez communiqué a Mr. Collinson parurent traduite en nôtre langue. Je fus temoin De l’admiration qu’elles causerent dans cette Capitale. Je suivois pour lors un Cours de phisique chez Mr. L’abbé Nollet qui nous en repeta plusieures bien singulieres; comme il n’est point douteux que vos...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , March 11, 1755. Before their lottery for 3000 pieces of eight (see above, p. 435) was drawn, the trustees of the Academy of Philadelphia, encouraged by the approval of a charter making their institution a college (issued on May 14), announced a second lottery, to raise 9375 pieces of eight for maintenance, scientific apparatus, and endowment of salaries....
ALS : Yale University Library Mrs. Franklin is confident that she sent 20 Reams of the Paper I order’d for you, but has no Bill of Lading for it, and has forgot the Captain’s Name. Please to enquire of Mr. Williams, whether it came to him. If not perhaps it was sent per Dole, and Mr. Williams can tell where he usually stores the Goods he leaves in Boston. Lest you should be under any...
Draft: Yale University Library This accompanies your Letters and Manuscript, which I have perused with very great Pleasure and Admiration. Please to accept my grateful Acknowledgments for them. Must ask your Pardon for not Returning them sooner — but as sundry Gentlemen here were desirous to read them, I hoped your Benevolence and Love of Communicating ingenious Discoveries to Mankind, would...
Copy: The Royal Society Electrical Experiments , made in pursuance of those per Mr. Canton, dated Decr. 3[6]. 1753. With Explanations by B.F. I. Electric Atmospheres that flow round non electric Bodies, being brought near each other, do not readily mix and unite into one Atmosphere, but remain separate and repel each other. This is plainly seen in suspended Cork Balls, and other Bodies...
I was not favourd with your agreeable polite Letter (of the Ins⟨t⟩ un 2d) till Yesterday; acquainting me with the notice his Excellency Genl is pleased Braddoc⟨k⟩ to honour me with, by kindly desireing my Company in inviting me to become one of his Family. the ensuing campayn It s is
ALS : Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sang, Chicago, Illinois (1959) I am pleas’d to hear you are looking out for Proofs to prosecute that Carrier. Don’t let it be neglected. Your Ambassadors are not yet arrived. Having nothing else to make a Letter of, let me complain a little of your Smith that shod our Horses. We order’d them to be sharp shod, and the Shoes steel’d. Accordingly he charg’d £8 for 16...
MS not found; reprinted from Benjamin Franklin, Experiments and Observations on Electricity (London, 1769), pp. 319–28. I send you enclosed a paper containing some new experiments I have made, in pursuance of those by Mr. Canton that are printed with my last letters. I hope these, with my explanation of them, will afford you some entertainment. In answer to your several enquiries. The tubes...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1754–1755 (Philadelphia, 1755), pp. 71–2. On December 3, 1754, when the Pennsylvania House had reassembled, Governor Robert Hunter Morris informed them of French advances in the Ohio region and again urged them to take defensive measures. He supported his appeal with several documents, one a letter of July 5, 1754, from Sir...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1754–1755 (Philadelphia, 1755), p. 73. Governor Morris’ immediate response to the foregoing message was to demand that the printers eliminate Robinson’s letters from the printed House journals. He told the Council the next day why he had done it, pointing to the dangerous consequences of publishing in full letters from the...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1754–1755 (Philadelphia, 1755), p. 73. On the morning of March 18 Governor Morris sent the Assembly a message announcing the arrival of General Braddock in Virginia and urging them to display “Vigour, Unanimity and Dispatch” in taking measures to supply men, provisions, and money for the army’s use. He listed the following...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania; also copy: Public Record Office, London When he had received Governor Morris’ letter of March 19, Franklin begged Secretary Peters to have it withdrawn because, he explained, if he had to show it to the Assembly, they would order him nonetheless to publish the Votes including Sir Thomas Robinson’s letters, “and so the Differences would encrease between...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This only serves to cover a Bill of Exchange for Twenty Pounds Sterling, drawn on Alexander Grant Esqr. by Mary Steevens. I send it via Ireland, and shall write you fuller per Reeve and Hargrave, who will sail for London in a few Weeks. Mine, and my Wife’s Compliments to Mrs. Strahan. I am, with great Esteem and Affection, Dear Sir Your most humble Servant...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1754–1755 (Philadelphia, 1755), pp. 80–1. Governor Shirley appointed Thomas Pownall, Andrew Oliver, and Josiah Quincy to solicit aid from New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania for Massachusetts’ projected expedition against the French at Crown Point. Only Quincy came to Philadelphia. There on March 21, at the suggestion of...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1754–1755 (Philadelphia, 1755), pp. 81–2. Resolved , That the Sum of Fifteen Thousand Pounds be now given to the King’s Use; Five Thousand Pounds thereof to repay the Money borrowed for victualling the King’s Troops in Virginia; and that Isaac Norris, Evan Morgan, Joseph Fox, and Benjamin Franklin, Members of this House, and...
The arrival of a good deal of Company (among whom is my Mother, alarmd with at the report of my intententions to attend ing your Fortunes)—prevents me the pleasure of waiting upon you to day as I had intended; I therefore, I beg that you’ll be kind enough to make my compliments & excuse, to the Generl; who I hope to hear is greatly recoverd from his indisposition; and recruited sufficiently to...
ALS : Mrs. Marietta Myers, Elkhart, Indiana (1957) Your Commissioner or Agent Mr. Quincey has done Wonders here. He has executed his Commission extreamly well, and obtained yesterday a Vote for £10,000 in Provisions for your New England Forces, which will be rendered effectual without the Necessity of the Governor’s Assent to a Law for the purpose. Govr. Shirley is not yet come, but daily...
An Answer to the foregoing Dear Sir [ 3 April 1755 ] I communicated your desires to the General who expresses the greatest satisfaction in having you of our Party and Orders me to give his Compliments and to assure you his Wishes are to make it agreeable to yourself and consistant with your Affairs and therefore desires you will so settle your business at home as to join him at Wills Creek if...
AL : American Philosophical Society I am but just return’d from a long Journey, having been absent near [six months]. I find your Favour of Novr. [ I , which I shall?] answer particularly per Reeve [who sails for London?] in about 10 Days. This [will only serve to bring?] Dr. Douglas’ Piece (and another) on the [ one and a half lines missing ] Copy, [ one line missing ]. With [ complimentary...