Results 961-990 of 184,431 sorted by author
I received by the post on thursday the whole Mail containing your Letters of the 5 th 9 th 11 th 14 & 16 th I began to be very impatient at rude Boreas for laying an Embargo upon that intercourse which alone mitigated the pain and anxiety of Seperation. Gen ll Lincoln had call’d upon me the beginning of the week and informd me that you was well. the steady cold weather has been more favourable...
Mr J Quincy calld upon me Yesterday to let me know that a vessel of mr Higginsons was going to Amsterdam. I wrote by Way of Hamburgh both to you and your Brother about ten Days since. I have not much to say at present, because I dare not say much least some characters which are now criminated might be injured, when we would wish to find them Innocent. Time must Develope. the sudden Resignation...
963Sunday June 27. (Adams Papers)
I have been so sick that I could not be regular in my journal. We have had two days calm since we came to Sea. The rest of the time good winds which have brought us on our Way rejoiceing, for we have not had any bad weather except rain, thunder and lightning one evening which was not severe. I have been surprized at myself to find that I can sleep notwithstanding the lasshing of the waves; and...
If you have once more set your foot upon American ground, and are in safety, God be praised I have sufferd great anxiety for you, knowing your intention of comeing this winter. you may well suppose my Heart Leaped for Joy when I found that Captain Jenkins was safely arrived. I for three days, was expecting to see you, but upon writing to mr smith for intelligence I could not get any concerning...
we reachd here yesterday being thursday the 7 th day from leaving home. we had very bad Roads, the Rains having washd all the stones bare, and the ruts were very deep I was much fatigued; Brisler and Family went on to N york mrs Brisler much mended in her Health by her journey. I hope when we get over our fatigue we shall all be able to say so. Betsy does not seem the worse for it, tho I think...
I told William Shaw of the event which You have s[. . . .]olely questioned, and from the best Authority, even the hand writing of the Father in a letter to me; of the 14 of April. “The day before yesterday at half past three oclock afternoon, my dear Louissa gave me a son, she has had a very severe time through the winter, and is now so ill that I dare not write to her Mother to give her...
I write you a few lines this morning merely to inclose a Letter which I will thank you to cover and forward to Atkinson. I have not time to write this morning to Atkinson. inclosed I sent you a specimin of the Manners Religion & politeness of one of the 44 Gentlemen, Who can come and Eat of my Bread, & drink of my Wine one whom the Virginians consider as a Paragon of politeness whom they have...
At length Heaven be praised I am with our daughter safely landed upon the British Shore after a passage of 30 days from Boston to the Downs. We landed at Deal the 20 instant, rejoiced at any rate to set our feet again upon the land. What is past, and what we sufferd by sickness and fatigue, I will think no more of. It is all done away in the joyfull hope of soon holding to my Bosom the dearest...
Mrs Adams presents her respectfull compliments to Mr Jefferson and asks the favour of him to permit petit to purchase for her ten Ells of double Florence of any fashionable coulour, orange excepted which is in high vogue here. Mrs A excepts green also of which she has enough. Mr Rucker if in Paris will be so kind as to take Charge of it, & mrs Adams will send the money by mr Trumble who will...
I take the Liberty of addressing you in behalf of my son, now at st petersburgh, and to ask of you, permission for his return to his native Country. I hope you may have already received, through the Secretary of State, his own request to this effect. From Several Letters which I have received from Mrs Adams, I have been led to think their Situation very unpleasent, as it respected their...
I embrace this opportunity by mr Thornton Secretary to mr Liston the British Minister to write too you, and to Send you two Speeches upon the Foreign intercourse Bill, one by mr Gallatin, and one in reply, by mr Harper. I wrote to you last week by Way of Hamburgh: but we are still without a line from you of a private Nature; and have only learnt of your arrival at Berlin from your Letters to...
I wrote you so largly by the Newyork December packet, that a few lines must now suffice. I cannot let a vessel sail without some token from me, and tho I do not insist upon Letter for Letter, you should recollect how dissapointed you used to be when your Friends omitted writing. Your Aunt Cranch wrote me in the fall, that you had been unwell with a swiming in your Head. I know by experience...
yours of Febry 6th did not reach me untill Folger had saild. I take the first opportunity to write you respecting the vermont land. I thought I had conversd with you upon it before I left America and related all the circumstances relative to it, you know I suppose that no person could hold more than one Right in their own Name. mr Adams’s Name stands upon the Grant as an original proprieter of...
I was this day made very happy by the arrival of a son in whom I can trace the strongest likeness of a parent every way dear to me. I had thought before I saw him, that I could not be mistaken in him, but I might have set with him for some time without knowing him. I am at a loss to know what you would wish me to do, as Mr. Jefferson arrived last week at Portsmouth, immediately from Boston,...
I reachd this city in good Health last Evening I have not felt dissagreable at any place upon my Journey through absence of any Gentleman attendent, except at this North River I found a Boat just going off. with several Horses and chaises on Board, my own Carriage could not go. I saw none but Irishmen by their Tongues going on Board, decent looking people however. the ferryman appeard civil...
I designd to have written you a much Longer Letter than I shall now be able to. The State of politicks in our Country is such as to give pain to every Friend and well wisher of it. I hope the pamphlet mr Adams has lately written and which captain Cushing carries out, will have a benificial influence if it comes not too Late. I inclose to you a ministerial publication which has past through...
This is the first Day of March, and I have no Letters from you of a later date than the 11 th of Feb’ ry. and then only a few lines. Several things which I have written to upon, and which I wish for directions before I proceeded to execute, are I suppose lost and forgotten by upon, in the Multitude of Your Thoughts. I must proceed with the advise of D r Tufts, for whom I have this day sent, in...
Your two Letters of june 26 and july 2d came safe to hand together with the resolves which would gratify me if there was a sufficient stability in the Body which confer’d it to render it truly honorary, but the Letter of Janry. 10th strikes me very dissagreably and is highly tinctured with parissian influence. It bears a striking likeness of a servility to a court that ought not to have so...
I inclose to you the papers which contain the correspondence between Lord George Gordon and mr Tufts. As I suppose it will be matter of some specculation, and may tend to injure your Nephew. I will relate to you some circumstances attending it. Upon the Letter you wrote me some time ago, I had made inquiries after mr Tufts, but could hear nothing of him, till mr Jenks just before he saild,...
£ s d to 2 peices of Irish linen at 4s. pr. yd. 8 14 0 to making 12 Shirts at 3s. pr Shirt 1 16 0 to buttons thread silk 0 3 0 to Washing 0 3 6 a Trunk
Accept Sir my acknowledgment to you for the very valuable present of the Medallion, and the polite Letter which accompanied it. The workmanship is too exquisite, and reflects too much honor upon the Artist, to be lodged in a Private House. Works of this kind are a Novelty in America, and were I to accept it, it would be considerd as an object of vanity. The American are not accustomed to any...
Half the pleasure of a Letter consist in its being written to the moment and it always gave me pleasure to know when and Where Friends received my Letter. Know then sir that this fourth of Janry 1785 of which I give you joy, I was sitting by my fire side at one end of a table and at the other my best Friend studying his favorite Author Plato. I was a reading a French comedy called the,...
I am indebted to you for a very kind and friendly Letter by my son, to which I ought sooner to have replied, but I have been a poor correspondent for the last nine Months, through loss of sleep. My Head for more than half the time has felt in such a state of Langour and weakness that I have not been able either to write or read with comfort or satisfaction you who was witness to my situation...
I begin to think I am not of that concequence at Home which I supposed myself, or that you think me less solicitious about my Family than I really am, since a whole month has elapsed since I left you, in all which time I have neither received a single line or heard a word from one member of it. three times I have written to your Pappa once to your Aunt Cranch, and now I try you to see if I can...
Mr Jefferson in his Speech; makes observes, that, He may [“]I Shall often go Wrong through defect of Judgment, when right, I shall often be thought wrong by those Whose positions will not command a view of the Whole ground, I also ask support against the Errors of others, who May condemn what they Would not if Seen in all its parts;” If the Same measure was to be meeted to the new...
I wrote to you twice from East Chester. I left there the day I proposed; and had a fine passage across the North River—it was quite calm & not cold. we proceeded on our journey to Newark the same day, and there finding that we could go to Brunswick as conveniently by travelling through springfield and scotch plain to Plainfield the place where col smith is encampd with three Regiments. we...
I have been all impatience for several Months looking and longing to hear from abroad. From June to december would be many Eternitys in the warm imagination of a Lover. Such extravagancys are at no time admissible in a Female Breast, but the anxiety of a wife and the affection of a parent, may be productive of sensations known only to those who feel them, and which language would poorly...
I know My Much loved Sister that you will mingle in my Sorrow, and weep With me over the Grave of a poor unhappy child who cannot now add an other pang to those which have peirced my Heart for several years past; cut off in the midst of his days, his years are numberd and finished; I hope my Supplications to heaven for him, that he might find Mercy from his maker, may not have been in vain—...
Tis more than two months since I left you yet I have neither written a word to you or heard from you. Since I left Home, I have been much occupied removeing, and living in the city subjects us to company at all times, so much so that I must either be denying myself through the whole day, or appoint one evening in the week as a publick Evening. this I have found to be the most agreeable to...
When I wrote you by the Doctor I was in hopes that I should have been out the next day, but my disorder did not leave me as I expected and I am still confind extreemly weak, and I believe low spirited. The Doctor encourages me, tells me I shall be better in a few days. I hope to find his words true, but at present I feel, I dont know how, hardly myself. I would not have the Cart come a tuesday...