Results 961-990 of 184,431 sorted by author
I received by the post on thursday the whole Mail containing your Letters of the 5 th 9 th 11 th...
Mr J Quincy calld upon me Yesterday to let me know that a vessel of mr Higginsons was going to...
963Sunday June 27. (Adams Papers)
I have been so sick that I could not be regular in my journal. We have had two days calm since we...
If you have once more set your foot upon American ground, and are in safety, God be praised I...
we reachd here yesterday being thursday the 7 th day from leaving home. we had very bad Roads,...
I told William Shaw of the event which You have s[. . . .]olely questioned, and from the best...
I write you a few lines this morning merely to inclose a Letter which I will thank you to cover...
At length Heaven be praised I am with our daughter safely landed upon the British Shore after a...
Mrs Adams presents her respectfull compliments to Mr Jefferson and asks the favour of him to...
I take the Liberty of addressing you in behalf of my son, now at st petersburgh, and to ask of...
I embrace this opportunity by mr Thornton Secretary to mr Liston the British Minister to write...
I wrote you so largly by the Newyork December packet, that a few lines must now suffice. I cannot...
yours of Febry 6th did not reach me untill Folger had saild. I take the first opportunity to...
I was this day made very happy by the arrival of a son in whom I can trace the strongest likeness...
I reachd this city in good Health last Evening I have not felt dissagreable at any place upon my...
I designd to have written you a much Longer Letter than I shall now be able to. The State of...
This is the first Day of March, and I have no Letters from you of a later date than the 11 th of...
Your two Letters of june 26 and july 2d came safe to hand together with the resolves which would...
I inclose to you the papers which contain the correspondence between Lord George Gordon and mr...
£ s d to 2 peices of Irish linen at 4s. pr. yd. 8 14 0 to making 12 Shirts at 3s. pr Shirt 1 16 0...
Accept Sir my acknowledgment to you for the very valuable present of the Medallion, and the...
Half the pleasure of a Letter consist in its being written to the moment and it always gave me...
I am indebted to you for a very kind and friendly Letter by my son, to which I ought sooner to...
I begin to think I am not of that concequence at Home which I supposed myself, or that you think...
Mr Jefferson in his Speech; makes observes, that, He may [“]I Shall often go Wrong through defect...
I wrote to you twice from East Chester. I left there the day I proposed; and had a fine passage...
I have been all impatience for several Months looking and longing to hear from abroad. From June...
I know My Much loved Sister that you will mingle in my Sorrow, and weep With me over the Grave of...
Tis more than two months since I left you yet I have neither written a word to you or heard from...
When I wrote you by the Doctor I was in hopes that I should have been out the next day, but my...