James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Edmund Randolph, [January–April?] 1795

From Edmund Randolph

Thursday Evening [January–April 1795?]

E. R. to J. M.

Consul Bond has just notified me, that he has a draft upon me for 660 dollars, due to-day.1 I have 400, and am anxious to be precise in time with him. Be so good, as to lend me the remainder of that sum, which I can replace at any moment after tomorrow.

RC (DLC). Dated 30 Oct. 1794 in the Index to the James Madison Papers, but conclusive evidence for affixing a proper date is lacking. Presumably the note was written sometime before JM left Philadelphia ca. 6 Apr. 1795. Randolph resigned as secretary of state on 19 Aug.

1In August 1793, when Jefferson was preparing to resign as secretary of state, he discussed with Washington possible successors. According to his “Anas,” Jefferson answered the president’s inquiry about Randolph: “I knew that the embarrassments in his private affairs had obliged him to use expedts which had injured him with the merchts & shop-keepers & affected his character of independance; that these embarrassments were serious, & not likely to cease soon” (Ford, Writings of Jefferson description begins Paul Leicester Ford, ed., The Writings of Thomas Jefferson (10 vols.; New York, 1892–99). description ends , 1:258).

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