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Results 95801-95850 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Lt Colbreath Quarter Master of the 2nd New York Regiment informs me that a suit is carrying on...
§ From Thomas Hill Williams. 9 January 1806, “Registers Office West of Pearl river.” “On the...
95803General Orders, 17 August 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Brigadier General Huntington Lieutenant Colonel Fernald For Picquet Major...
I have received your favor of the 12 th Ins t and am happy to find that I have acted conformably...
For the liberty I am now about to take, I have no apology to offer, save that of Mrs. Kerr having...
LS : National Archives; copy: Library of Congress Saturday Morning last, I received a Letter...
M r . Smith delivered to me this morning your Letter of the 21 st . Inst, and I assure you he...
I hope the temperature of the air of Provence has made you less sensible of the inconstancy and...
ALS : National Archives I took the liberty of addressing Some lines to you about two months ago,...
[ Paris, 12 May 1785 . Entry in SJL reads: “Edwd. Burd prothonotary supreme court Pennsylva....
I had the honor of addressing you on the 15th. of January, inclosing at the Same time a list of...
The Expedition against Arnold has failed—After the favourable moment (occasioned by the...
Sales Ten Hhds: Tobacco by Bernard Peyton for a/c. M r Thomas Jefferson 1823 Rich d 23 June— To...
In consequence of my having no acquaintance with you, Colo. Nicholas done me the favor to write...
I have been favoured with Your Letter of the 13th Inst. by Colo. Du Bois—with the several...
The gentleman who wrote the inclosed I have long known his character is unexceptionable, he is a...
Abstract of articles imported into the United States from British colonies for one year,...
Accept my thanks for your present of a register and much more for your affectionate and...
The Inclos’d Resolves have just pass’d Congress, to which I beg leave to Refer you, and am with...
I just now received your favor of the 26th, and am sorry Genl Wadsworth’s Brigade should have...
Under this cover you will do me the honor to receive a letter directed to the President, or...
Your favor of June 24. came to hand on the 1st. inst. the impression on my mind is that there...
26 July 1813, Washington. “I had recently the honor to commit to the honorable Secretary acting...
I have received from the American Whig Society in the College of New Jersey, a copy of the...
J. M. thanks Mr. Kane for his friendly communication of the 28th. March. Although in his present...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je prens la liberté de vous envoier par mon domestique le...
His Excellency the Commander in Chief directs me to inform you That Mr Stewart, Brother to Colo....
Your letter from New York after a circuit by Albany found me here. I forgot to observe to you in...
In pursuance of Act of Congress directing me "to remand immediately Lieutenant General Earl...
Yours of Feb. 21. has been duly recieved. I think in conversation with you at Lynchburg , I...
95831[Diary entry: 1 August 1774] (Washington Papers)
Augt. 1st. Went from Colo. Bassetts to Williamsburg to the Meeting of the Convention. Dined at...
I am very sorry to have to inform you, that the Comptroller of the Treasury departed this life...
Yesterday I had the Honour of your Excellency’s very friendly Letter of the 4th Instant for which...
Yesterday, and not before, I recd. your very acceptable favor of the 12th. Decr. Ult:. I am...
In Compliance with a resolution of the General Assembly of March 16th, I must beg the favor of...
I beg leave to refer to what I had the honor of writing to Your Excellency under the 18th Instant...
Pursuant to the Order of the House of Representatives of the 18th of January, 1791, directing the...
After my Letter to General Greene from Springfield of the 26th of January I sat out for this...
The Daily Advertizer of this date contains several important articles of information, which need...
Being desirous of establishing and cultivating Peace and Harmony between our Nation and the Dey,...
The concurrence of the Senate appears necessary in the appointment of John Taylor Esqr. as...
I have receivd your Letter of the 5th, and consider’d the Report which you have drawn up for the...
I have duly received your affecting letter, dated the 8th day of this Month. Sympathysing with...
Mr King one of the delegates of Massachusets bay, & a gentleman of great worth has particularly...
By yesterdays post I received directions from Mr. Cruger to inform you, that Capt. Burke was in...
The Subscription paper which I have the honor to enclose to you, will inform you of a work which...
I have certified in the book in the Atheneum that to my certain Knowledge, The Group was written...
I have lately had the pleasure of rec g the information of my appointment to the Consulate of...
I have considered your application for Sea Letters for the Ship Eliza, and examined into the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je vous tourmente toujours mon Illustre Docteur mais c’est...