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Results 95801-95850 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
20 December 1804, Portsmouth. “I must pray you to excuse me for the liberty I take in transmiting...
22 April 1813. “Doctor Saml. Conover of this City having been mentioned to you as a Candidate for...
I embrace an opportunity offering b y a foreign Vessel departing for Baltimore, to forward to You...
Unless the day should be unfavorable, Mrs Trist & myself & children will set out to-morrow, to...
I have just time before closing the mail to send you the Memoir on the Batture. It is long; but...
As in the event of the war with England, which appears to be almost inevitable it is probable...
I beg leave to introduce to Your acquaintance Monsieur Beaumé lately a Member of the Constituent...
Francis C. Gray a Son of our late Lt. Governor, after an Education at Colledge, two years travels...
Agreeably to the advice of Friends, I made application (Jany. 6th. 1803) through the Hone. S. L....
I flatter myself that your humain benevelince will grant my pertision on behalf of my Son a...
I have the pleasure to say, that the business respecting Genl. Ripley is arranged; and I hope it...
I had the Honor to receive your Letter of the 2d. Inst last Night. The Copies which you directed...
The Committee to whom was referd the Nomination of Albert Gallatin to be one of the Envoys...
I recd. your Favour from Richmond, & am greatly obliged for your friendly Information respecting...
The foundations of the National Government being laid in the people—the intimate connexion...
20 October 1801, London. Asks JM to read accompanying letter to Gallatin [not found]; hopes he...
I have the honor to hand you herewith inclosed, a copy of the Treaty of Peace concluded between...
Consul Bond has just notified me, that he has a draft upon me for 660 dollars, due to-day. I have...
5 April 1802, Philadelphia. Acknowledges receipt of JM’s letter “enclosing my commission with...
I should deem myself deficient in gratitude was I not to return you my acknowledgment for your...
Our friend and fellow citizen, John Montgomery Sr having expressed an intention of forming a...
18 September 1804, Alicante. “It is now about three Weeks since the appearance of some slight...
We, have been requested, by a number of the most respectable genuine republicans of this Place,...
The appointment of Captain Callender Irvine to the office of Commissary General gives universal...
I herewith take the Liberty of inclosing to you a Copy of some memorandums respecting this...
25 November 1803, Washington. “My name has been given in as an Applicant for some appointment in...
I inclose you a Copy of a Letter which I think so strongly indicative of the Views of France on...
8 March 1810, Senate Chamber. Sends Obadiah Jones’s resignation as judge of the Illinois...
13 December 1801, Tunis. Notes receipt on 3 Dec. of JM’s 17 July letter by the Peace and Plenty ....
I did myself the pleasure of Writing to you on the 4th. of June last acknowledging the Receipt of...
When I came into office the Hospital establishment at Charleston So C. was on Shore maintained at...
Had I receiv’d your letter respecting Mr. Robt. Taylor, before the appointment of General Pegram...
The Indians must be either enslaved, exterminated, deprived of forign aid and, for a time at...
15 September 1803, Île de France . Encloses “a return of the American Vessels, which have arrived...
I recieved the inclosed letters from the President with a request that after perusal, I would...
The death of Mr. Benjamin Woods late district attorney of the United States for the North...
2 February 1802, Newport. Encloses documents concerning his brig Favorite , “which was captured...
4 May 1801, Washington. Encloses letter of recommendation from governor of Virginia. Has others...
All the votes are now come in except Vermont & Kentuckey, and there is no doubt that the result...
§ From Louis-Marie Turreau. 9 June 1806, Baltimore. Has the honor to enclose a commission...
Having been too Unwell to write for a considerable Time past, I imbrace the Earliest Opertunity...
15 August 1804, Paris. “The enclosed are copies of the only letters which have passed between the...
As the period is fast approaching, when you will become the first magistrate of the United...
Letter not found. 20 December 1804, Fayal. Described in Street to JM, 3 Feb. 1805 (DNA: RG 59,...
This will inform you that I some time ago deposited in the War office a moddle for mounting Horse...
An opportunity offering from this to France, by Mr. Jonathan Colesworth of Nantucket, in...
16 May 1803 , “ In Council .” “I have submitted to the Council the result of the conversation...
§ From Robert Montgomery. 5 April 1806, Alicante. “A disorder has appeared and exists in this...
I recieved your reply of the 23d May, in due time. You may beleive, that I know too well the...
§ From Richard Wall. 22 July 1806, Savannah. “Since the Death of Captn. Thomas Allen late...