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Results 9521-9530 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I understand there is some dispatches from the Governour and Council of Virginia lately come to you Gentlemen at Paris. If there shou’d be, a Letter for me by the same conveyance, please to have it put in the post office for Bordeaux—and if you have a Virginia news paper to spare, I shall be much oblige to you for one. Their is a Captain Richard Garde here who’s Vessell is detained, as well as...
The principles of Liberty which I have suckled in my earliest Education, and in the History of the Country of my Ancestors, Swisserland, have made me look on the Struggles of the United Colonies of America to Obtain their Independency, with a Just admiration, and the best wishes for their Success; and it is with a real pleasure I have seen my King and Nation be the first to lend a hand to the...
Passy, 1778 May 3. printed : JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 4:88 . Bersolle, a merchant at Brest, was informed that his bill drawn on the Commissioners’ banker had not been paid immediately because he had drawn it without permission and had failed to submit his accounts, the implication being that...
Passy, 3 May 1778. printed : JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 4:88–89 . The Commissioners acknowledged letters from Moylan, dated 23, 30 March and 15, 17 April ( Cal. Franklin Papers, A.P.S. I. Minis Hays, comp., Calendar of the Papers of Benjamin Franklin in the Library of the American...
Passy, 3 May 1778. printed : JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 4:89–90 . Composed in two drafts, one dated 22, the other perhaps as early as 23 April ( DLC : Franklin Papers), with no indication of why the letter was apparently not sent until 3 May, the date that appears on the Letterbook copy (...
This morning arrived here the Schooner Milford Cap: Blackwell from Rapahanac River in Virginia after a passage of 33 days; she has not brought any letters for you, or public papers of any kind, but the Captain tells me that the new levies were compleated in Virginia and that they were to march a few days after the 28th. of March to General Washington’s Camp about 16 miles from Philadelphia, in...
Versailles, 4 May 1778. printed : JA, Diary and Autobiography Diary and Autobiography of John Adams , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. , 2:308 (French); 4:90 ( JA ’s translation). Vergennes announced that JA would be presented to Louis XVI on 8 May and invited the Commissioners to dine with him on that day. For JA ’s account of his presentation, see Diary and...
Je vous prie de me permmettre De vous temoigner combien je Suis flattè D’avoir L’honneur de porter votre nom, Et je le Serois bien davantage, si j’avois celuy D’Etre issus de votre famille tout çe qu’on lit Et ceque L’on Entend Dire de la Sublimité de vos lumieres, Est certainement bien fait pour former de pareils Desirs. Que je serois heureux, monsieur, si la Similitude de nom pouvoit vous...
Please allow me to tell you how honored I am to bear your name, and how much more so I would be, had I the honor of being descended from your family. All that one reads or hears about the sublimity of your enlightenment leads one to form such wishes. How happy I would be, sir, if the similarity of our names could make you take an interest in me! I dare flatter myself that under your...
On the 14th April 1777 I sailed from Virginia Commander of the Ship Mercer belonging to Messrs. Mercer and Schenck of Boston, with a Cargo of 450 Hogsheads Tobacco for Account of the Honorable Continental Congress, to the Address of Messrs. S. and J. H. Delap of Bordeaux. On the fourth of May following I had the Misfortune of being risen upon by my Crew and carried with my Vessel into...