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Results 951-1000 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
J. Madison has duly recd. the copy of "Pocahuntas" politely forwarded to him by Mr. Custis. The...
The mail has just brought us information, in one instance under your own hand & name, that you...
Looking over the Records of the Loyall Company I perceive that you are a member of the Compy as...
I inclose an extract of a letter from Professor Dunglison communicating his purpose of leaving...
I recd. yesterday yours of the 21st. communicating your purpose of resigning your Chair in the...
Your letter of January the 1st was not recd until the 15th of Feby, owing I presume to the...
I have duly recd. your letter of the 18th. instant. Whatever be the regrets at the uncertainty of...
I have duly recd. yours of the . I considered the advertisement of your estate in Loudon as an...
I have been put in nomination, by the unanimous voice of the Medical Faculty of the University of...
Your letter of the 3d. instant postmarked the 5th. was not received till the day before yesterday...
I recd. in due time your favour of the 2d. Ult. referring to a Copy of the proof Impression of...
In my last letter to you it completely escaped me to mention to you, by request of Mr Davis,...
Some months ago, the Trustees of the [ ] University, established at Cincinnati, tendered me the...
Annexed I send for your approval my check on the President & Directors of the Literary Fund of...
[made on a letter from Alexander Garrett, April 16, 1831: post April 16, 1831] [ ] H. of Reps....
I have intended for some time, to write and explain to you, the arrangment I have made for my...
The Reverend Mr Malcom having an object in crossing the Atlantic which will carry him to France,...
I inclose a compliance with the request in your letters just received; and I add to the respects...
Last July, I took the liberty to send you some remarks of mine, which had been previously...
I laid your’s and Mr Richardson’s letter before the Council of our incipient University at their...
I have duly recd. your letter of Mar. 30. In answer to your enquiries "respecting the part acted...
A paralysis of the optic nerves obliges me to leave my charge & take a voyage to Europe. I should...
I have been duly favored with your esteemed letter of the 27. ultimo, and for the information...
I have recd. your letter of the 6th. inst; and feel myself very safe in joining your other...
Much curiosity and some comment have been excited by the marvellous identities between a "Plan of...
Philip. P. Barbour, with his respects, returns to Mr. Madison the books and pamphlets recently...
$1000 I promise to pay to John C Payne on demand, one thousand dollars this day received on loan,...
J. Madison presents his respects to Mr. Smith and requests him to receive and apply the proceeds...
Having recently engaged to write a life of Gouverneur Morris, which is to be published with a...
Yours of the 25th. with the articles it refers to came duly to hand. And that of the 4th....
I have recd. your letter of the 22d. on the subject of your proposed Edition of the "Federalist",...
The Gentleman who told me he expected Ale in half Barrels has di[sa]ppointed me, it has been...
Without attempting to encroach a moment longer upon your valuable time, I cannot refrain from...
I have recd. your letter of the 8th; but it was not until the 23d. inst: The veil which was...
It gave me the greatest pleasure to receive your favor of the 15th instant, as well from the...
I have recd. your letter of the 17th. and have dropped a few lines to Mr. Clay on the subject of...
I am about to publish a new Edition of the "Federalist" in a form, which, from its Cheapness,...
I have just recd. from the Revd. Mr. Beasly, lately at the Head of the University in Philad. a...
I have just recd. your letter of the 15th. with the papers returned from Richmond by Mr. Venable....
I recd. in due time your friendly favour of Decr. 15, and owe for the long delay in acknowledging...
I recd. yesterday your favour of the 17th. That of the 4[th?] copied into it never came to hand....
I inclose an extract of a letter from Mr. John Randolph on the subject of a Mr. Richardson, and a...
Some years ago, I had the pleasure to send you my "search of truth upon the science of the human...
I thank you, my dear Sir, for the Gazette kindly put under cover to me. It derives particular...
I recd. in due time the copy of your Report on a State’s Bank: for which I offer my...
I send by Alleck who left here this morning 1 half ton Plaister 1 doz. Claret [ ] Bees Wax 20. lb...
By the advice of some friends in Washington, the enclosed papers were sent to Mr. Venable of the...
I inclose to you a letter to my worthy friend Mrs. M. It will give you both all the occurrences...
My Waggon will probably be in Fredg. on monday next, and I request the favor of you to send by...
I have recd. your note conveying an invitation from the Committee of Arrangement to a public...