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Results 951-1000 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Majr. L’enfant comes on to make such a survey of the grounds in your vicinity as may aid in...
My letters from Monticello informing me of the President ’s return, I lost no time in bringing...
Permettez, Monsieur, quoique je n’aye pas l’avantage d’être connu de vous, que j’ajoute quelques...
Col. Pickering called on me last Sunday & breakfasted with me on Monday. He was going that Day in...
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; copy: Archivo Historico Nacional On March 14...
Paris, 9 Dec. 1785 . Formal notice of presentation to the king as minister of the “Duc de...
Your favor of the 20 th came to hand last night only, and the same post brought me an answer from...
On the 3d. instant I recd. your circular letters of the 13th. & 25th of May last. I do not...
At a Board of General Officers, assembled at Genl Putnams Quarters July 22nd 1779 agreeable to...
As the Convention Troops will have passed above you by the time this reaches you, the object of...
In consequence of General Wayne’s orders of the 2d instant, a battalion was formed of about 250...
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor to transmit herewith for the President’s signature,...
J’ai recû, Messieurs, La Lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire Le 16 du Mois passé...
The Committee of Arrangement of Officers for this state have been more than three Months...
Your favors of the 8th and 11th instant, with the several news-papers came duly to hand. I have...
The articles which you shipped on my Acct on board of the Charming Polly have arrived safe & in...
I have taken the liberty of writing to you, on a subject which I deem will be of use to the...
This Indenture made this the 11th day of May in the year 1814, between James M. Hite and...
I have heretofore communicated to Congress the decrees of the government of France of November...
I am favoured with yours and have given particular Attention to the Contents, it gives me some...
I thank you for your favour of the 10th. and the Pamphlet inclosed “American Unitarianism.” I...
I feel it a duty as a just tribute to Your foresight and patriotism, to inclose the first printed...
The inclosed having by some accident been mislaid among my papers it is not till now that I am...
I am desired by the President and Directors to acknowledge the receipt of your Letters of the 21...
I am extremely sorry to inform You, that it will not be in my power to return to Headquarters by...
I have recd. your letter of the 22d. Ult: in which you request my opinion of the character &...
Your favor of the 9th . came to hand yesterday and relieved us from the fear that sickness or...
I have received your two favrs of 30th Apr. & 4th instant. It was very well, in the Situation of...
Letter not found : from Brig. Gen. Edward Hand, 17 Feb. 1779. GW wrote Hand on 28 Feb. : “I have...
1. John Read of the state of Delaware, now resident in Philadelphia, to be the agent of the...
The horseman delivered your favour of this date—You will be pleased to order Lieut. Bradford...
I hope you have receiv’d my letter from Cramberry where I aquaint you that I am going to hice...
With due submission I beg leave to offer myself for the Office of Surveyor for the district of...
I am Requested by Mr Joseph Grigsby of Rockbridge Cy. Va. To offer his Services as Secretary in...
I recieved yesterday your favor of the 6th. and the books forwarded by mr Duane. La Grange’s...
Sentiments expressed by the President to the Committee from the Senate appointed to confer with...
Letter not found: to Tench Tilghman, 6 Dec. 1785. Tilghman wrote on 13 Dec : “I have been honored...
988[Diary entry: 28 July 1772] (Washington Papers)
28. Clear, Calm, and exceeding Hot.
Letter not found: George Lewis to GW, 31 Mar. 1797. On 9 April GW wrote Lewis : “Your letter of...
Whereas the Congress of the United States, by a joint Resolution of the two Houses, have...
J’ai l’honneur de vous adresser un éxemplaire des nouveaux congés maritimes décrétés pour nos...
I recd. a few days ago your favor communicatg the resolution of the Agricultural Society of the...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library L’eloignement et une multitude d’affaires, m’ont empêché...
By Order of a very numerous and respectable Meeting of the Inhabitants of Jefferson County, I...
My Health has lasted much longer, than I expected but at last it fails. The Increasing Heat of...
New York, 28 Aug. 1790 . Requests two copies of “An Act making provision for the debt of the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bourges, January 2, 1779, in French: I want to warn you...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, June 13, 1794. “In consequence of an application from Mr....
I request from you in the course of the day an estimate of the number of boards requisite for...
1000[Diary entry: 17 December 1770] (Washington Papers)
17. Very pleasant Morning, but Cloudy & blustering afterwards.